A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
Service Online Phone Contact

Attend your administrative hearing

If you have an uncorrected code violation, you could receive a written citation for an administrative hearing. You must appear at the hearing and must do so on the date set in the administrative citation.

512-974-9167 Austin 3-1-1

Austin Center for Events

The Austin Center for Events is a collaborative assembly of agencies designed to streamline special event permitting on public and private property. ACE is anchored by teams from Transportation, Parks, Music, Police, Fire, EMS, Code, ARR, Development Services and partner agencies, and works closely with event organizers to guide them through the permitting process.

Austin 3-1-1

Austin Fire Department permits

Austin Fire Department and the Fire Marshall issue several permits related to public assemblies, hazardous materials, and more.

Bid tabulations

You can search online for current bid tabulations.

512-974-2500 Finance

Board/Commission membership application

If you are interested in serving on a board or commission, you may apply online. All applications are retained for one year.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Boards and Commissions training

Register online for board and commission member training, which will prepare you to carry out the duties of your position as a board member or liaison.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Building Plan Review - residential and commercial

Building Plan Review is responsible for reviewing and approving residential and commercial building plans for compliance with applicable codes and regulations. Once a building plan is approved, a building permit is issued by Building and Trade Contractor Services, along with applicable trade permits (electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and irrigation). Depending on the type of work that is permitted, building inspections may be required during construction. Once the permitted work is completed, a final inspection is required.

Development Services

Business Expansion Incentive Program

To determine eligibility for an economic development incentive, please complete an Inquiry Form.

512-974-6381 Economic Growth

Child care services

In partnership with the Austin/Travis County Success By Six Coalition, the City works to ensure families have access to high-quality early learning options that meet their needs. Additionally, the City works with Texas Rising Star 4-Star providers through Workforce Solutions Capital Area Child Care Services (CCS) to provide subsidized child care for eligible families. 

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Children's Safety and Fire Education (SAFE)

Any parent or guardian who suspects their child may have a problem with fire should call the SAFE program coordinator at 512-854-4357.

512-854-4357 Fire

City Code and Charter

The Austin City Code and City Charter are available online through the Municode website.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

City memos

Official distribution memos provide updates and status reports on City issues and programs to the mayor, council, and City staff. View memos online. For memos from before January 2009, contact the City's Media Relations Team.

512-974-2220 Communications

City of Austin departmental media contacts

If you need assistance with a story, please check the list for departmental media contact names, emails, and phone numbers.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

City of Austin facility and property inventory

Real Estate’s pages have moved to the Financial Services Department. You can now access all relevant information and resources in the Community Services section on AustinTexas.gov/FSD

Information on City-owned facilities and properties, including maps and other resources, are available here on our website. Additional questions regarding any City-owned parcel of land should be directed to RealEstate@austintexas.gov or 512-974-7090.

800-847-8849 Office of Real Estate Services

City of Austin social media archive

3-1-1 Communications

Claims payments and information

Claims information is provided to customers for civil judgments and judgment liens owed to the City of Austin. To request information, you may contact staff by email at Claims.COA@austintexas.gov or by phone at 512-974-2910.

512-974-2828 Telecommunications

Commercial collection services

Austin Resource Recovery provides cart-based trash and recycling collection services for some small businesses in residential areas that do not require dumpsters. Most businesses, however, choose a private hauler for their landfill trash, recycling or composting services. Additionally, Austin Resource Recovery manages a commercial trash and recycling contract for businesses located in the Downtown Austin Service District.

3-1-1 Resource Recovery

Communicable disease reporting

Call 512-972-5555 or fax 512-972-5772 at any time of day to report a disease. Messages are answered within 15 minutes. For more information, see Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance.

512-972-5555 Health

Community Tree Preservation

The Community Tree Preservation Division administers the City's tree regulations by performing tree reviews, permitting, and inspections, and implements the Urban Forest Master Plan. The division serves to cultivate a relationship between Austin residents and their trees by fostering a resilient community forest accomplished through an interconnected mix of regulations, outreach, planning, and community partnerships.

Development Services

Conflict of interest information

The City Clerk's Office has information about filing a conflict of interest with the City.

512-974-2210 City Clerk