
Financial Services Department

The Financial Services Department (FSD) plays a pivotal role in maintaining the financial and economic integrity of the City. FSD is dedicated to transparency, offering reliable and complete financial information to the City Council, City management, and the community.

Our staff supports financial processes from preparing the annual budget and annual fiscal report, procurement processes, franchise agreements, real estate transactions, and overseeing the City’s investment portfolio and debt management. As an internal support function within the larger City organization, FSD is proud to serve and act as a leader in financial management to its partner departments.

Featured services and information

Log in to Austin Finance Online

Log in to do business with the City of Austin, pay your hotel or short-term rental tax and license, or follow solicitation opportunities.

Log in

FSD spotlight

Notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation

The City will issue interest bearing certificates of obligation for the purpose of paying contractual obligations that are associated with acquiring, constructing, renovating, equipping, etc. City property, facilities, and more. 

Notice of Intent 8.29.24

Notice of Intent 10.25.24


Budget engagement

The City is committed to an inclusive and transparent budget development process. Learn about what’s happening in our community and how to provide input on the annual budget process.

Budget engagement

Hotel and rental tax filing

Submit your quarterly report in person or postmarked by the due date.  Due dates: January 31st, April 30th, July 31st, October 31st. Remember to file, even if no tax is due.

Hotel and rental tax filing

Vendor academy

Learn how to navigate the requirements of doing business with the City and stay informed of new opportunities. Topics are relevant to vendors who provide goods, services, professional services, and construction-related services. 

2025 Vendor Academy

Contact Us

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If you received a claim from the City of Austin and believe you were billed in error or are not responsible for the damages, you can dispute the claim.
Learn how to register as a vendor, learn about the solicitation process, how to use National Institute for Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) commodity codes, and sign up for the Vendor Academy.
If you believe the City of Austin caused damage to your property or person, you can file a claim.
Resolve a claim or outstanding balance owed to the City of Austin.
Every year, City departments report unclaimed cash and valuables - uncashed checks, deposits, refunds, overpayments, or any other transactions creating a credit balance. If the City of Austin is holding property belonging to you, we want to help you get your property back.