We Are Ready To Serve You.
Austin Water Utility Permitting Office has availability for virtual and in-person appointments at the Permitting & Development Center. You can complete and submit applications using the Austin Build + Connect portal.
Our office provides important services to the building community including:
- Providing information on existing water/wastewater connections
- Invoicing for water and wastewater tap connections including septic cutovers
- Processing applications for temporary hydrant and truck-mounted water meters
- Inspecting and installing residential water meters
- Processing requests for commercial property water meter installations
- Passing 611 and 610 inspections for building and plumbing permits
Appointments are not required for general questions about any of our services. You may email us at AWTaps@austintexas.gov, or call 512-972-1000 and select Option 3.
You may schedule virtual or in-office appointments if you have additional questions or need assistance.
General Information
- Spring 2025 Newsletter - Digital Commercial Meter Applications, Tap Plans, & More
- Spring 2024 Newsletter - NEW Utility Permitting Office, HOME Initiative, Commercial Taps Application & More
- Fall 2023 Newsletter - Increase in meter costs, Hydrant Meters Renewal & More
- Summer 2023 Newsletter - Self Assign Water Inspections
- How to Schedule a Residential Water Tap Inspection (Meter Install)
- New Service Connections
- New Water Meters
- Impact Fee Schedule - FY2025
- 520-AW-01B Detail Standards PD
- Current Standard Product List
Forms and Applications
- Applications for residential meters, commercial taps, and reclaimed water service must be submitted through the Austin Build + Connect Portal. For a step-by-step guide to commercial tap applications, click here.
- Water & Wastewater Service Plan Verification (WWWSPV) - Instructions
- Verificación del Plan de Servicio de Agua y Aguas Residuales (WWWSPV) -Instruciones en español
- Does the WWWSPV indicate you need a Utility Plan? Click here for more information.
- Verificación del Plan de Servicio de Agua y Aguas Residuales (WWWSPV) -Instruciones en español
Residential Water Meter Inspections/Installs
Check on the status of your residential water meter inspections and installations. The list at the bottom of this page shows which service requests have been assigned to a Meter Services Inspector. Meter inspections are generally completed within ten business days of the initiation of the Service Request. An address with an “Assigned” service request may have an inspection completed within three business days, barring unforeseen circumstances.
Tips for Successful Meter Installation
Please make sure the meter box is clean, the wooden dowel spacer is sized properly and marked with the service address, and the angle stop and ball valves are in alignment for a successful meter installation.
How to conduct a leak detection test
611 Water Tap & 610 AW Temp Utilities One Time Inspections
These One Time Inspections are usually found in Building Permits but can also be found in Plumbing Permits. These inspections need to be passed by the Utility Permitting Office. To get the Inspections passed you must meet specific criteria. See below for the List of Criteria to be completed before we can pass the Inspections according to the Permit type (Demo Permit, Residential, Commercial).
You can request your Inspections be passed by either calling 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email your request to AWTaps@austintexas.gov. We will need the address that contains the Inspections and/or the Permit number.
What criteria must be met to get your 611 and 610 inspections passed?
- Demolition/Relocation Building Permits (BP)
- If the structure to be demolished/relocated had water and/or wastewater services, you must have a Plumbing Permit associated with the Building Permit for the purpose of “Cap off water and wastewater.”
- The Plumbing Permit to cap off water and wastewater must have a status of FINAL before we can pass the 611 and 610 Inspections.
- If the structure to be demolished/relocated did NOT have water and/or wastewater services and the 611 and 610 Inspections were added to the permit, simply let us know there was no water or wastewater and we can pass those Inspections.
- New Subdivision Single Family Residential Building Permits (BP)
- You must have applied for your water meter, paid the permit, and the water meter must be connected/installed.
- As part of our process for installing new water meters, it takes us 24 hours from the day of installation to complete the installation. Passing the 611 and 610 Inspections is part of our process. Please allow us the end of day AFTER the meter is installed to pass the 611 and 610 Inspections. If your Inspections are not passed within 2 days after the meter is installed, call 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email us at AWTaps@austintexa.gov and we will pass those inspections.
- Remodeled/Rebuilt Single Family Residential Building Permits (BP)
- Not all rebuilds or remodels require a water meter change/purchase. To determine if the residence requires a meter to be purchased, a Water and Wastewater Service Plan Verification (WWWSPV) form must be completed. The form and instructions are above. The WWWSPV form will tell you if a meter purchase is required.
- If the remodel is 3 bathrooms or less, you do not need to complete a WWWSPV form. In this case you should not have a 611 and 610 Inspection included in your Building Permit. But if these inspections are added to your BP, call 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email us at AWTaps@austintexa.gov and we will pass those inspections.
- You must have applied for your water meter, paid the permit, and the water meter must be connected/installed prior to the 611 and 610 Inspections being passed.
- As part of our process for installing new water meters, it takes us 24 hours from the day of installation to complete the installation. Passing the 611 and 610 Inspections is part of our process. Please allow us the end of day AFTER the meter is installed to pass the 611 and 610 Inspections. If your Inspections are not passed within 2 days after the meter is installed, call 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email us at AWTaps@austintexa.gov and we will pass those inspections.
- Single Family Residential Plumbing Permits (PP) in the ETJ
- You must have applied for your water meter, paid the permit, and the water meter must be connected/installed.
- As part of our process for installing new water meters, it takes us 24 hours from the day of installation to complete the installation. Passing the 611 and 610 Inspections is part of our process. Please allow us the end of day AFTER the meter is installed to pass the 611 and 610 Inspections. If your Inspections are not passed within 2 days after the meter is installed, call 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email us at AWTaps@austintexa.gov and we will pass those inspections.
- Commercial Building Permits
To pass the 611 and 610 Inspections for a Commercial site, the Right of Way Inspector must submit the water meter installation information to our office. We cannot pass these inspections until the Inspector submits his information stating the meter is connected/installed. We do not pass 611 and 610 Inspections until ALL purchased meters are installed. For example, if a domestic meter is installed but the irrigation has not yet been installed, we cannot pass the inspections. We complete the installation process within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork from the Inspector. Please allow us the end of day AFTER the meter is installed to pass the 611 and 610 Inspections. If your 611 and 610 Inspections are not passed 2 days after the meter is installed, call 512-972-1000 Option 3 or email us at AWTaps@austintexa.gov and we will pass those inspections.
Temporary Meters
- Temporary Fire Hydrant Meter - Application and Ordinance
- Temporary Fire Hydrant Meter - Permit Renewal
- Temporary Truck Mounted Meter - Application or try the NEW Online Read Log Option
- Temporary Truck Mounted Meter - Instructions
Water and Wastewater Tap Cards
Find Water and Wastewater scanned Tap Cards using the new address search and download database.
Taps Office staff is available to assist with any problems you may need assistance with. Please send an email to AWTaps@austintexas.gov to receive login information and instructions
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