For over 100 years, Austin Water has been committed to providing safe, reliable, high-quality and affordable water services to our customers. Today, we serve over 1,000,000 people in the Austin metropolitan area, across more than 548 square miles.
The utility draws water from the Colorado River into three regional water treatment plants, Handcox, Davis, and Ullrich, which have a combined capacity of 335 million gallons per day.
At Austin Water, your safety is our utmost priority. Stay informed and take proactive measures to prepare for potential emergencies, including freezing temperatures, drought conditions, and boil water notices. Explore the resources below to guide you through the necessary steps in each situation. By being prepared, you play a crucial role in safeguarding both yourself and our community.
The Barton SoCo Reclaimed Water Main Project is part of a series of projects that will provide more reliable service to reclaimed water customers. The project will include installation of approximately 5,100 ft of 24-inch main along West Monroe St and South 1st St.
For our commercial customers, we offer the following resources for establishing service, paying your bill, understanding your bill, and provide direct links to information that can help you and your employees lower your water bill and ensure clean water in the future:
Austin Water is here for you. We're ready to answer questions about your bill, respond to your emergency, and help you save money.
For help with billing or managing your account, contact City of Austin Utilities Customer Care at 512-494-9400.
In order to maintain reliable delivery of drinking water to Austin Water customers, two major improvement projects are underway within the Albert R. Davis Water Treatment Plant. These projects are upgrading and replacing several electrical and mechanical components of the plant, including constructing a new medium service pump station building and electrical substation building.
Each year, Austin Water assesses the condition of critical water system infrastructure to ensure dependable water service of the highest quality.
For over 100 years, Austin Water has been committed to providing safe, reliable, high-quality and affordable water services to our customers.
COVID-19 Response
Learn about how Austin Water is working to ensure the resiliency of our systems, delivering the highest quality water and helping Austinites who may be experiencing financial hardship during these uncertain times.
The Travis Heights Reclaimed Water Main Project is part of a series of projects that will provide more reliable service to reclaimed water customers. The project will include installation of 4,560 ft of 24" reclaimed main begins at the intersection of Travis Heights Rd & Fairmount Ave and runs west along Fairmount, turns north along Alemeda Dr, turns west onto Woodland Ave across the Blunn Creek Greenbelt, turns north onto Eastside Dr, turns west onto W Monroe St, crosses S Congress Ave before ending at the intersection of W Monroe St & Newton St.