Residential Rebates Commercial Rebates

Commercial, Multifamily, and School Rebates

Multifamily HOA only - up to $5000 to convert turf grass to native plants.

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Up to $100,000 for equipment and process efficiency upgrades.

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Recycled manufacturing process water, air conditioner condensate recovery, rainwater, storm water, graywater, cooling tower blow down, and foundation drain water.

Cooling Towers & Alternative Cooling Systems

From $40 to $5,000 per item for water-efficient kitchen equipment.

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Irrigation System Improvement

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Up to $5,000 for equipment to capture rainwater.

Up to $5,000 for an audit to identify potential water savings.

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(Multi-family only) up to $750 for pressure regulating valve.

Up to $100,000 for voluntary connection to reclaimed water system.

En español

Onsite Water Reuse System Pilot Incentive Program - In December 2020, the City of Austin adopted the Onsite Water Reuse Systems Ordinance, adding Chapter 15-13 to the City of Austin Code, to regulate the collection, treatment, and use of alternative water sources for non-potable uses in multi-family and commercial buildings. Visit the Onsite Water Reuse System page for a list of resources to help you with your system design and to apply for system funding.

Program Summaries
Free Tools for Commercial (CII) and Multifamily Customers and Schools
Commercial Conservation Case Studies

With almost 16,000 accounts and about 30 percent of Austin Water’s annual water sales, there is great potential for water savings through commercial conservation.   For some examples of the many conservation success stories, check out the following case studies: