City of Austin
Austin, TX - Austin Water crews are responding to a domestic wastewater overflow from the lift station located at 11303 Rock Harbour Drive 1/2. Due to an equipment malfunction, the lift station overflowed over 125,000 gallons of wastewater into the watershed of Bull Creek. Recovery efforts are ongoing.
The overflow was discovered at 9:26 a.m. on May 13, 2024, and was stopped by crews at 9:40 a.m. the same morning. Recovery, hauling and cleanup is ongoing.
This overflow has not affected Austin’s drinking water supply. Officials with the Texas Commission Environmental Quality have been notified of the situation.
Austin Water officials urge:
- Persons using private drinking water supply wells located within 1/2-mile of the overflow site or within the potentially affected area should use only water that has been distilled or boiled at a rolling boil for at least one minute for all personal uses including drinking, cooking, bathing, and tooth brushing. Individuals with private water wells should have their well water tested and disinfected, if necessary, prior to discontinuing distillation or boiling.
- Persons who purchase water from another public water supply may contact their water supply distributor to determine if the water is safe for personal use.
- The public should avoid contact with waste material, soil, or water in the area potentially affected by the overflow.
- If the public comes into contact with waste material, soil, or water potentially affected by the spill, they should bathe and wash clothes thoroughly as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact the Austin Water Public Information Office media line at (512) 972-0499.
About Austin Water
Austin Water provides safe, reliable, high quality, sustainable and affordable water services that have met the community’s needs for over 100 years. Austin Water services over 1 million people in the Austin metropolitan area across more than 548 square miles.