OSSF Plan Review and Inspections
Whether you are installing a new on-site sewage facility (OSSF), remodeling a property with an existing OSSF, subdividing a parcel to be served by an OSSF, or abandoning an OSSF within Austin Water’s jurisdiction, you will need a permit or inspection from our office.
We handle the following development applications and inspections:
Installation of a New OSSF (New Permit):
- Submittal Checklist for a New On-Site Sewage Facility
- Checklist for Site Drawing Components
- Site Evaluation Form
Redeveloping or Remodeling of Properties with Existing OSSFs (Minor Development)
Subdividing Parcels to be Served by OSSFs
Amending a License to Operate an Existing OSSF
- Application checklist for amending an OSSF license to Operate.
- License Amendment Inspection Checklist
Abandoning OSSFs
Application Process
You can apply for one or more of these services by submitting a plan review or inspection request through the City of Austin portal, Austin Build + Connect (AB+C).
For instructions on how to create an AB+C Account and submit applications, please refer to the AW OSSF AB+C User Guide.
OSSF Construction Inspections
We conduct regular construction inspections during the installation of OSSFs. The number of inspections required varies with the type of system to be installed. To schedule an inspection for an active OSSF Permit, please request the inspection through the AB+C Portal or email OSSF@AustinTexas.gov.
- Conventional Systems
- Drip Irrigation Systems
- Leaching Chamber Systems
- Low Pressure Dosed Systems
- Mound Type Systems
- Surface Application Systems
Joining Two Adjacent Lot Forms
When the size of a lot prohibits the installation of an OSSF, two adjacent lots may be joined together. The lots must be joined through a recorded restrictive covenant (please use the following form to file a restrictive covenant). The form must be completed by the customer and submitted to this office via email for the Assistant City Attorney's approval. The approved form will be returned to the property owner listed in the form. The approved form must be filed with the corresponding County Clerk's Office, please submit a copy of the recorded covenant to this office.