Smoke may also be visible on December 12 along the I-35 corridor near South Austin and Kyle and to the West between Dripping Springs and Wimberly.
AUSTIN - Austin Water’s Wildland Conservation Division plans to conduct a prescribed burn on approximately 184 acres of the Water Quality Protection Lands on Thursday, December 12.
- Smoke may be visible northeast of RR 3237, north of FM 150, south of FM 967 and west of FM 1626 and FM 2770 from 10 a.m. to sunset.
- Smoke may also be visible at locations along the I-35 corridor between South Austin and Kyle to the east, and to areas between Dripping Springs and Wimberley to the west.
- Sign up for notifications before each prescribed burn: https://bit.ly/rxburnnotification.
The Water Quality Protection Lands (WQPL) program actively manages more than 34,000 acres to benefit the quality and quantity of water recharging the Edwards Aquifer, which provides water to both Barton Springs and to groundwater wells in Hays and Travis Counties. Austin Water Wildland Conservation Division manages the lands.
“Conducting prescribed burns is one of the strategies used to manage these lands and protect groundwater in Central Texas,” said Matt Lore, Austin Water Wildland Conservation Division. “Prescribed burns improve the resiliency of our land when they are used as a planned seasonal management tool.”
Prescribed burns mimic the natural fire cycle in a way that can be planned and organized to limit fire intensity and can serve both natural landscapes and human communities by reducing the potential for destructive wildfires. Prescribed fire reduces brush and promotes grasslands which provide the optimal quality and quantity of water to recharge the aquifer. Wildland Conservation staff have seen wildflowers and native grass communities experience greater biodiversity after prescribed fires. Grassland birds like quail and northern harrier hawks benefit from open habitat, found after a fire, for nesting and feeding. A team of highly trained professionals comprised of Austin Water staff, city and county fire departments, and federal, state, and local land management agencies ensures that safety is their primary objective, all contributing to Austin Water’s successful prescribed burn program.
All personnel meet specific training, experience, fitness, and personal protective equipment requirements for the position they perform on the fireline. The prescription for each fire takes into account weather conditions– including wind and past precipitation – and requires specific parameters for the burn to ensure the fire behavior will meet objectives and can be safely controlled.
Austin Water will notify the public and neighbors before each prescribed burn event. Notifications will include maps with the specific location. Neighbors or anyone interested, can sign up to receive notifications by email at this link.
Follow regular updates about prescribed burns at: facebook.com/AustinWater and x.com/AustinWater.