The Barton South Congress Reclaimed Water Main Project is currently in the design phase. The project will build a new water main to deliver reclaimed water to customers for non-potable uses such as irrigation, toilet flushing and industrial uses.
- Main Design: Spring 2021 – Summer 2023
- Advertise/Bid/Award: Summer 2023– Winter 2023
- Active Construction: Winter 2023 – Summer 2026
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Connecting to Reclaimed Water
Reclaimed water is highly purified wastewater that is ordinarily discharged to the Colorado River. Austin Water takes some of the water, stores it in tanks and pumps it to customers for non-drinking uses such as irrigation, cooling, toilet flushing and manufacturing. Using reclaimed water conserves our drinking water supply.
If you are interested in having a reclaimed water connection, let us know and we can provide information on what is involved. After paying for a meter, we’ll arrange with our contractor to install a service line and meter box. The cost of a connection can be substantially reduced if it is done with the construction of the main.