Technical Center Home
We have all the information you need to expand, upgrade or maintain your residential or commercial water system. The Austin Water Development Services Team is ready to assist with water service connections and technical support.
Doing Business With Us
We invite you to view the new resources and information available below to help you do business with Austin Water while maintaining social distancing.
- Service Extension Request
We encourage Service Extension Request (SER) applications and associated backup materials to initially be submitted electronically to SER@austintexas.gov for screening and invoice generation.
An invoice will be generated and then a payment can be made over the phone (512-972-0009) or in person at the cashier's office on the 5th floor of Waller Creek Center. Hard copies of the Service Extension Request application should still be mailed or hand delivered to the security desk on the 1st floor of Waller Creek Center (Attention: Albert Ramirez).
- Tap Plan and Water Meter Upgrade Engineered Plan Review
Tap plans will continue to be reviewed and processed electronically using the ABC Portal. Tap Plans and Water Meter Upgrade (WMU) applications are reviewed and processed via the AB +C Portal. The portal may also be used to check the status of all your Tap Plan and WMU applications. Please contact us at Tap_PlanReview@austintexas.gov or visit our page at for assistance.
- Commercial (Sites and Subdivisions) Plan Review
Site plans and subdivision plans, project reviews and approvals will be performed electronically, effective March 23, 2020. Attached you will find a one page step by step process guide for this process. The majority of meetings will transition to virtual, online meetings, instead of face to face meetings. For additional questions, please email the project coordinator directly or visit http://austintexas.gov/page/pipeline-engineering
- Commercial Site Plan Plumbing Reviews
Virtual site plan plumbing review consultations are encouraged using existing email and video conferencing alternatives. For more information, contact Cory Harmon (Cory.Harmon@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2882).
- Austin Utility Location and Coordination Committee Review
Consultations with Austin Water's Austin Utility Location Coordination Committee review team are encouraged to be conducted virtually utilizing existing email and video conferencing alternatives. For additional information, please contact Utility Coordination and Real Estate Supervisor Eric Sermeno (Eric.Sermeno@austintexas.gov or 512-972-0497).
- As-Built Records
Records requests should be submitted electronically to AW’s Infrastructure Records group using AWRecords@austintexas.gov. Any questions should be directed to the AW IR Customer Service Line 512-972-0270.
- Taps Permitting
Consultations with the Taps Permitting Office will be conducted electronically utilizing existing email, phone, and video conferencing alternatives.
Taps staff are available via phone at 512-972-0000. If calling, please select Option 5 for service plan verification forms, tap permit applications, and tap locations or Option 4 for truck/hydrant meter applications
- Residential Tap Permit applications and payments may be submitted through the Austin Build + Connect website
- Commercial Tap Permit applications may be submitted via email to AWTaps@austintexas.gov Water/Wastewater Service Plan Verification (WWWSPV) forms may be submitted via email to AWTaps@austintexas.gov
- Requests for tap locations may be sent to AWTaps@austintexas.gov
- Payments can be called in to the Austin Water cashier at 512-972-0009
- Other requests for information or needs may be sent to AWTaps@austintexas.gov
- Water Benchmarking
Water Benchmarking Applications must be submitted online, see details on the Water Benchmarking webpage.
Projects with a 250,000 square feet of gross floor area or more that are required to meet with AW staff prior to site plan approval can schedule a meeting by contacting AW_Benchmarking@austintexas.gov
I want to extend service
- Service Extension Request - Requests by a landowner to extend City water or wastewater utility service to a tract of land
I need change or create a new service account
I need to replace or modify my water meter
I need to install water and wastewater services for my residential development, redevelopment, or remodel.
I need technical help and maintenance assistance
I need to apply for Water Benchmarking review for Site Plan approval
Commercial customers, contractors, developers, and other valued partners
- Construction Standards are available to help engineers and contractors design and build water, reclaimed water and wastewater infrastructure projects in the City of Austin.
- Utility Development Services to assist developers and landowners in obtaining water and wastewater service for existing and future development.
- Cross Connection Controls for backflow prevention, auxiliary water sources, temporary water sources, private fire hydrants and more to help protect the public water system from contamination hazards.
- Pretreatmet and Industrial Waste Control services are available to help commercial customers comply with local, state and federal regulations that require the installation, operation and maintenance of pretreatment devices and/or systems for the removal of pollutants that could damage or interfere with the wastewater treatment process.
- Infrastructure records and drawings to assist with engineering design specification - As-Built Records requests should be submitted electronically using AWRecords@austintexas.gov.