image of a waterfall in a creek with the Austin Water Wildlands Logo overlayed on top it.


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Wildland Conservation Division

Austin Water's Wildlands protect land for the benefit of water, wildlife, and people. They are not parks, but rather public lands held in trust for a specific purpose based on the mission of the program under which they are managed. Those managed under the Division's Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP) program conserve habitat for seven endangered species and 28 species of concern. Those managed under the Division's Water Quality Protection Lands (WQPL) program optimize the quantity and quality of water recharging the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer.

Created in 2002 by the action of City Council, the Wildland Conservation Division is within Austin Water. Though not directly connected to the delivery of drinking water and treatment of wastewater, the Wildlands absorb rainfall, helping to alleviate flooding and prolong the inflow of water to area creeks and lakes, ultimately contributing to the Colorado River, Austin's source of drinking water. Management of the Wildlands towards a thriving ecosystem also contributes to good water quality in our creeks, streams and underlying aquifers.

Explore The Wildlands

Register for upcoming guided hikes and volunteer opportunities at, and find out where you can explore on your own at Explore the Wildlands.

To learn more about Austin Water Wildland Conservation, visit

Follow us on Facebook at Austin Water Wildland Conservation and Instagram at @wildlandsforwater.

Contact: 512-972-1660, 3621 South Ranch Road 620, Austin, TX 78738