Conserving water extends beyond cost savings. It reduces electricity usage for treatment, minimizes costly system expansions, and secures clean water for future generations. As Austin's population grows, we're dedicated to providing tools, programs, and rebates to promote water conservation.

Residential Rebates Commercial Rebates

Online Residential Rebate Application

NEW - Applying for an Austin Water residential rebate is easier than ever before thanks to our new online application form!

Online Residential Rebate Application

Paper and PDF copies of individual rebate applications, including versions in Spanish, are available by request by contacting or 512-974-2199 option 4.

Water Conservation Help Desk

Walk-in hours are by appointment only. Appointments are available during normal business hours and subject to staff availability.

To schedule an appointment with the Help Desk, please contact us at or 512-974-2199 option 4.

  • Free water conservation tools (available for residential customers only) are mailed to the customer, free of charge. Click here to submit a request for your free water conservation tools.
  • If you prefer to pick up your order at our Waller Creek Office (located downtown), please select the pick-up option on the request form. In-person pick up is available during regular business hours by appointment only and subject to staff availability.

Customers of Austin Water or a qualifying water provider (see list of providers below) can receive rebates and incentives by taking steps to conserve water.

Residential Rebates

To request a paper or PDF copy of an individual rebate application, please contact or 512-974-2199 option 4. / Para pedir una copia física o un PDF de una aplicación de reembolso, por favor contacte o 512-974-2199 opción 4.

Landscape Rebates

Up to $3000 to convert turf grass to native bed.


Combine mulch, compost, and core aeration for a $120 saving.


Use landscape features to retain rainwater. Receive a rebate of $0.50 per square foot converted (100 sq. ft. minimum), up to $1500 per property.


Up to $5000 per site, based on rainwater storage capacity.


Irrigation Rebates

Up to $1000 in rebates for improving your irrigation system's water efficiency.


Up to $40 for hose timers.


Up to $150 to reuse laundry graywater to water landscape.


Pool Rebates

Up to $250 to replace sand or DE pool filter with cartridge pool filter.


Up to $200 for new pool cover.

Free Water Conservation Tools

How to get your free tools:

Click here to submit a request for your free water conservation tools (available for residential customers only). Orders are mailed to the customer via USPS, free of charge. If you prefer to pick up your order at our Waller Creek Office (located downtown), please select the pick-up option on the request form. In-person pick up is available during regular business hours by appointment only and subject to staff availability.

Indoor Tools:

  • Showerhead - save 2 gallons per minute or more with a water-efficient showerhead, available in either regular or soap-up valve models that only use 1.5 gallons of water per minute.
  • Kitchen & Bathroom Faucet Aerator - mix air with water to reduce the amount of water used without reducing water pressure. Bathroom aerators use 0.5 gallons of water per minute and kitchen aerators use 1.5 gallons per minute.

Outdoor Tools:

  • Soil Moisture Meter - measures the moisture of your soil to help you know when it’s time to add water; available in ladybug or frog design.
  • Water Saver Hose Meter* - monitor and control water use with a digital meter attachment for garden hoses and hose-end sprinklers.
  • Sunlight Calculator* - measure the amount of light each area of your yard receives, then use the included plant guide to select plants that best fit the light conditions.

* these items are only available through check-out at the Austin Public Library.

More Informational Material:

"Practical Plumbing Handbook - With Important Water Saving Tips" - booklet published by the Alliance for Water Efficiency with useful information on conserving water and fixing many common problems, such as leaky faucets, running toilets, and inefficient irrigation systems. 

More Tools for Residential Customers
  • Irrigation System Evaluation - Performing an irrigation system evaluation can help residents set an efficient watering schedule and identify the need for system repairs and upgrades.
  • Residential Graywater FAQ - Graywater is the wastewater from bathroom sinks, showers/bathtubs, and clothes washers/laundry tubs. This water usually goes to the public sewer with other household wastewater. Installing a graywater system lets you reuse that water on your landscape or your home's foundation, and can help lower your water bills since you will be paying for water once but using it twice.
Program Summaries 
Qualifying Water Providers

Water Conservation program participants must meet all eligibility requirements and receive water from Austin Water or one of the following water providers:

  • Aqua Texas- Morningside
  • Aqua Texas- Night Hawk WSC
  • Aqua Texas- Rivercrest Water Systems
  • City of Rollingwood
  • City of Sunset Valley
  • City of Westlake Hills
  • Creedmoor-Maha WSC
  • High Valley WSC
  • Marsha WSC
  • Mid-Tex Utilities
  • North Austin MUD #1
  • Northtown MUD
  • Shady Hollow MUD
  • Travis County WCID #10
  • Village of San Leanna
  • Wells Branch MUD
  • Windermere Utility

Customers of these water providers, which purchase wholesale water from Austin Water, are eligible for most Water Conservation programs and services. Program guidelines will indicate if participation is limited to Austin Water direct customers.

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