Construction for the Lookout Lane Pump Station Improvements Project will begin soon! 

Please join us for an online public meeting to learn more about this project and what to expect during construction.

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6 p.m.
Via Zoom: Meeting Link
Or join by phone: +13462487799, Webinar ID: 995 7746 6820


Austin Water has designed improvements to the Lookout Lane Pump Station (3205 Lookout Lane), and construction is scheduled to begin soon. Through this project we will replace two pumps, install a third, add a new meter to measure flow rates, and make additional structural, electrical, instrumentation, and site improvements as we upgrade the facility overall.

For projects like this, Austin Water partners with the City’s Capital Delivery Services (CDS) division, and their project management staff will oversee construction. One contractor is handling this project along with the Glenlake Pump Station Bypass Improvements Project and the Lookout Lane Pump Station Improvements Project.


The contractor will be working over a two-year period, but not on all three projects consistently during that time.


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Josh Oeffinger, Project Manager

Capital Delivery Services, City of Austin

(512) 974-7115


Aldo Lopez, Construction Inspector

Capital Delivery Services, City of Austin


Cynthia Miller, JD

Public Information Office, City of Austin

(512) 972-0268