Project Overview
The Colony Park Waterline Renewal Project will replace approximately 9,263 linear feet of main water lines. This work is part of Renewing Austin, an Austin Water program dedicated to replacing aging and deteriorating pipes throughout the city.
Frequent water line breaks are well documented in Colony Park, showing that these pipes need replacing, and Austin Water is pleased to bring this stronger infrastructure to our customers in the neighborhood.
Contractors will use an excavation process called “open cut trenching,” digging into the ground to excavate the old lines and install the new. All streets impacted by construction will be repaved at the end of the project.
We anticipate that construction will begin in late fall of 2024 and take 2 years to complete.
Project Documents
Lisa Whitworth, Project Manager
Capital Delivery Services, City of Austin
Cynthia Miller, J.D.
Public Information Office, Austin Water