Special events can significantly impact Austin’s residents and businesses. Neighbors may have to use alternative access routes, have their normal parking spaces removed, or shift their schedules around the activity. To ensure a successful event, timely notification from the organizers is required to mitigate issues, minimize impacts, and ensure affected neighbors and businesses are aware of the event activity.

Notification Requirements

At a minimum, a special event must provide notice to interested persons and neighborhood associations if:

  • The event is a Tier 3 or 4 and requires a closure permit under Chapter 14-8 (Temporary Closure for Special Events and Block Parties).
  • The event is a Tier 3 or 4 and includes the use of sound equipment, and lasts at least 24 hours.
  • The event is a Tier 2 and the venue is located near residential uses and is the type or scale that could have a potential sound impact.

Completion of the notification process does not guarantee approval of the special event.

Notification Mailer

ACE will provide the applicant with an approved notification template and the list of addresses entitled to notice.

Notifications must include date(s) and time(s) of the event, a map showing the closure(s) and applicant contact information. Notifications must be approved prior to mailing and applicant must provide proof of date mailed.

Events held 4 years or less

If an event has been held for 4 years or less, has received a violation or changed its character, nature, location, or route, notifications must be mailed no later than 120 calendar days prior to the first day of the event.

Events held 5 years or more

If an event has been held for 5 years or more and has not received a violation or changed its character, nature, location, or route, notifications must be mailed no later than 30 calendar days prior to the first day of the event.

Transportation and Public Works Office of Special Events may require additional notifications regardless of years held.

Approval and Objection Process

Interested residents and businesses within 200 ft. and neighborhood associations within 0.5 miles must submit their approval or objection to the City within 14 calendar days. If 20% of the interested residents or businesses who were provided notification or an interested neighborhood association object to a proposed closure, City Council action is required for the event to move forward.