From cultural events, to City Council meetings, to outdoor concerts, the City of Austin provides Austin area professional musicians and bands, dancers, and artists with ongoing paid opportunities to perform in live and virtual City events. 

Austin-area professional creatives are encouraged to submit their qualifications for consideration in the various City programs.

Musician Pay Rate

As directed in Resolution No. 20230720-123, the pay rate for musicians for live City music performances is no less than $200 per musician for groups of up to six people; $150 per musician for groups between seven and ten people; and, $1500 total for groups of musicians of ten or more. 


Create Your City Account

An account isn't required to apply for all performance opportunities but we encourage you to sign up. Create your City account today!


Paid Performance Opportunities

Learn about each City program and how to apply:

Music & Entertainment Division

The Economic Development Department's Music & Entertainment Division pays the City of Austin's Musician Standard Rate of Pay of $200 per musician per performance hour. Most performances are broadcast live and online in coordination with ATXN.tvCreate Your City Account to register and apply for the following division-paid performances. Contact Greg Gonzalez for details.

Public Performance Program

The Public Performance Program provides ongoing paid opportunities for Austin musicians and bands in coordination with the Music Commission, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Austin Public Library.

Music on Hold

Music on Hold is one of the City's fun and unique ways of showcasing Austin’s great music—usually in sixty seconds or less. Anytime someone calls into the City telephone system and placed on hold, they will be listening to a well-curated and licensed playlist of Austin music. 


Spotify Playlists

To offer additional exposure and development of music and creative activities within the greater Austin area, the Music & Entertainment Division curates Spotify playlists for the public.   These playlists are limited to musical activities that include Austin's commercial and nonprofit music and entertainment industries. To learn more, read our FAQ below.

Spotify FAQ

  • How are artist(s) added to each playlist?
    • Artists are added to playlists based on categories in which the artist(s), group, or venue has worked or been archived with the City of Austin. These categories may include: an current or former awardee for a cultural funding program, a past or current vendor, or various performance opportunity candidates. Learn more about performance opportunities with the City. Other playlists are curated by Music & Entertainment Division staff from the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department.


  • I haven't worked with the City of Austin before. Can I be on a playlist?



  • How do I get myself, my venue, or my group to be removed from a playlist?
    • If you see your name somewhere where you think it doesn’t belong, please send us a message and we’ll get it sorted out. Please allow up to 72 hours to process your request.


  • Can I submit suggestions to a playlist?
    • Absolutely. Submit your suggestion here.


  • Does the City align with the artist(s) they are promoting in these playlists?
    • The curation, selection, and publication of these playlists, as well as the messages and perspectives expressed in each collection and song, reflect the diversity of thought and experience in our community; and, as such, do not reflect the views or opinions of the City of Austin. Selections may include content that is controversial and offensive to some individuals.
Austin Public Library – Electric Lady Bird

The Austin Public Library is streaming fresh sounds from the Austin music scene through Electric Lady Bird, which delivers commercial-free, curated music from Central Texas artists 24/7, through a user-friendly digital music platform. Start streaming now and learn more about Electric Lady Bird, including Frequently Asked Questions.

Jurors from the Austin music community will select the best albums and selected musicians will be awarded $200 for their album/EP. In exchange, the Library will receive non-exclusive rights to stream the album/EP for a 3-year term. If selected, you will be contacted with instructions on how to join Electric Lady Bird.

Live Music in the Air at the Airport

For Live Music in the Air at the Airport, featuring live local music is our passion! Austin is a city filled with venues and musicians that truly make it The Live Music Capital of the World®.

The minute you step into the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, you can catch local musicians at one of many venues Monday through Friday, and overhead music is provided by partner KUTX 98.9.

The Austin-Bergstrom International Airport pays $200 per solo performance and $200 per musician for groups of up to six people. Backline equipment and an Audio Engineer are provided.

For more information on live music opportunities at the airport, contact Music Program Coordinator Michael Pennock.

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation hires musicians, dancers, and visual artists for venues ranging from theaters, to recreation centers, to outdoor settings. The department reaches a wide variety of appreciative audiences at events across Austin, including Juneteenth, tones: Sounds of Asian America, Fiestas Patrias, senior center dances, and the Street Performance Program in coordination with the Music & Entertainment Division. 

Musicians are paid at least $200 per performance hour per musician. Create a City Account to register and apply. Contact Greg Gonzalez with questions.

How to Create a City Account


Watch an Informational Video About City Portal Accounts

Watch a video on How to Create a City Account.  | Cómo crear una cuenta con la Ciudad.

Create An Account - For First-Time Users

  • Step 1: Visit the Economic Development Department Application home page to apply. 
  • Step 2: Click the “Create Account” icon. 
  • Step 3: Enter the required information and click the “Submit” button. 
  • Step 4: After completing account creation, you will be prompted to fill out your profile information. 
  • Step 5: After updating your profile information, you will be redirected to the home screen to begin the application process.


How to Redeem Your Access Code

If you have previously applied for a City of Austin Economic Development Department grant or program, you may need to redeem an access code to confirm and access your account. If you received a ‘Your email is connected to our system’ message, follow the steps below to confirm and access your account.

  • Step 1: Visit the Economic Development Department Application home page to apply.
  • Step 2: Click the “Create Account” icon. 
  • Step 3: Enter the required information and click the “Submit” button.   
  • Step 4: If your information is in our database, your access code will be displayed.
  • Step 5: Copy the one-time access code and enter into the Access Code tab. 
  • Step 6: After you confirm your account, you will be directed to complete your account creation using the “Create Account” tab.


Submit Your Qualifications

  • Once you're logged into your City Portal Account, answer all questions to advance to the available programs selection window. This window includes all Economic Development Department programs that you may be eligible for, including the City of Austin Performance Opportunities Submission Form.
  • Select the program and then answer all remaining questions and submit. 
  • Your submission will be added to the selection pool of eligible Austin-area professional creatives for City performance opportunities as they become available.