Detailed site plans are required for all special event permit applications, except for Public Assembly. While site plans are not required to be professionally drawn, they must be legible, close to scale and provide sufficient detail to paint a picture of what your event will look like. Screen shots of a map with no details provided are not accepted.
Minimum Site Plan Requirements
Property overview
- Locations of fire lanes, streets, alleys, and fencing
- Fencing must indicate location of exits and gates.
- Building foot print of all structures, location of building exits, exit pathways and sidewalks must be indicated.
Building overview
- Floor plan of the building including the direction of door swings
- Furnishings used for the event
- Location of fire extinguishers
- Location of exits for egress pathway to guide the occupants outside
Provide a key that indicates
- North (directional/compass)
- All areas used for the event
- Any special notes applicable to the event
- Street names
Provide details of the event layout
- Location of tents or temporary structures including dimensions
- Food trucks, vendors, and merchandise areas
- Size and location of all stages
- Other specific details of the event
See example Site Plans here (pdf).
Street/road access Requirements
- The access road must comply with the appropriate minimum street width for dedicated city streets and fire access roadways
- Portions of such roadways (less than 25 feet wide) are not in locations where aerial apparatus deployment could be necessary to achieve control and/or extinguishment of a fire
- Turning radii are adequate for maneuvering fire department and other emergency service vehicles