The City of Austin Development Services Department and other city departments issue development-related permits, such as building permits, land use permits, special event permits, temporary use permits, and business-related permits. View the list of development-related permits to learn more information about each, including how to apply. For a list of work that does not require a permit, visit Work Exempt from Building Permits.
Additional Resources:
- The City of Austin Permitting and Development Center (PDC) offers appointments to help answer some of your development and permitting questions. Please visit our Appointments webpage to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment. Appointments are not available for all permitting and development services.
- For a list of select permits that can be applied for through the AB+C Portal, visit the Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) webpage.
- If you are a homeowner or small business owner and need help navigating the development process, visit our Development Process Team.
- The "Do I Need A Permit?" interactive tool can help you determine if your project requires a permit and your next steps based on your jurisdiction, property type, and permitting needs.
Please note: The permits listed on this page or in each section may not encompass all permits required for your project. Additional permits may be required depending on the nature of your project and its location. If you have suggestions for this page or see information that needs to be updated, please notify DSD Communications.
Types of Permits
- Alarm Permit
Name Description How to Apply Alarm Permit Required for each alarm system activated within a residence or commercial space within the Austin Police Department's jurisdiction. Alarm Administration Portal - Alcoholic Beverage Permits
Name Description How to Apply Alcoholic Beverage Certification from the City is required on a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission application in order to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages at a place of business located in the City of Austin. Email completed application to Bryan Walker BYOB Permit Required when an establishment not licensed or permitted by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission allows its patrons to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the premises for consumption. Email completed application to Bryan Walker - Austin Center for Events (Special Events) Permits
Name Description How to Apply Special Event Required to conduct, manage, or operate a special event that:
- Has 50 or more attendees per day at a city facility (other than the Austin Convention Center, Long Center, City Hall, or Palmer Event Center)
- Impacts a city sidewalk, alley, walkway, or other City public right-of-way
- Is temporary, has 50 or more attendees per day, inconsistent with the permanent land use or occupancy level to which the property has been legally permitted, and includes one of the following:
- set up of temporary structures, including, but not limited to tents, stages, or fences
- use of sound equipment in an area not fully enclosed by permanent, solid walls, and roof
- providing food or beverages, including alcohol
AB+C Portal Right-of-Way Street Event See Right-of-Way Management Permits Temporary Use See Temporary Use Permit - Austin Fire Permit
Name Description How to Apply Hazardous Materials Storage (Above Ground) Required for all businesses that are storing or using hazardous materials above-ground. HazMat Permit - Austin Public Health Permit
Name Description How to Apply Pool, Spa, Public Interactive Water Feature, and Fountain Required to operate a public pool, semi-public pool, competitive event pool, therapy pool, spa, public interactive feature, or fountain (splash pad) in the City of Austin, Travis County, and Contracted Municipalities. AB+C Portal - Austin Water Permits
Name Description How to Apply On-Site Sewage Facilities (Septic Tanks) Required for On-Site Sewage Facilities (septic tanks) located within the City of Austin full purpose jurisdiction and annexed areas. Email completed documents to OSSF Wastewater Discharge Permits Required to discharge any industrial wastewater into the City's wastewater collection system. Different permits are issued based on the nature of the business and the volume and characteristics of the wastewater to be discharged. Contact the Pretreatment Program office as soon as possible at 512-972-1060 (option #5) and mail completed application to:
City of Austin / Austin Water Utility
Special Services Division / Office of Industrial Waste
3907 S. Industrial Drive, Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744-1070Water/Wastewater Tap Required for:
- Permanent water and/or wastewater service and the installation of a permanent water meter
- Permanent installation of a reclaimed water service line and meter
- Temporary hydrant-mounted water meter
- Temporary truck-mounted water meter
AB+C Portal - Commercial Building and Trade Permits
Name Description How to Apply Annual Permit This stand-alone permit is for an annual permit that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Boat Dock Required for new boat docks or to modify, repair or demolish existing boat docks under or next to the water in Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, or Lake Walter E Long. Requires an approved site plan or site plan exemption. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Building Permit Required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, or convert any building or structure within the City's zoning jurisdiction or in a Municipal Utility District (MUD) if the consent agreement between the MUD and the City requires insurance of a permit prior to construction. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Demolition Required for all total demolitions and qualifying partial demolitions that remove more than half of exterior walls. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Driveway/Sidewalk See Right-of-Way Management Permits Electrical Auxiliary Power (inside City) Required for any generation facility that interfaces to Austin Energy's distribution system and in their service area. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Electrical Auxiliary Power in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for electrical auxiliary power work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical New Construction in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for electrical new construction work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Trade Permit Web Form Electrical Repairs This stand-alone permit is for electrical repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Special Inspections This stand-alone permit is for electrical special inspections that do not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Temporary Loop This stand-alone permit is for an electrical temporary loop that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Upgrade This stand-alone permit is for electrical upgrade work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Fire Line This stand-alone permit is for a fire line that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Interior Non-Structural Demolition This stand-alone permit is for interior non-structural demolition work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Mechanical Change Out This stand-alone permit is for mechanical change-out work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Mechanical Repair This stand-alone permit is for mechanical repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Abandon Septic Tank & Connect to City Sewer Tap This stand-alone permit is for plumbing, an abandoned septic tank, and connecting to city sewer tap work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Auxiliary Water This stand-alone permit is for plumbing auxiliary water work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Change Out This stand-alone permit is for plumbing change-out work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Irrigation This stand-alone permit is for plumbing irrigation work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing New Construction in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for plumbing new construction work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Trade Permit Web Form Plumbing Repairs This stand-alone permit is for plumbing repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Pool, Spa, Public Interactive Water Feature, or Fountain See Austin Public Health Permit Relocation Required for relocation of a structure from outside the city limits to inside the city limits, from inside the city limits to a different location within the city limits, or from inside the city limits to outside the city limits. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Retaining Wall Required for constructing or reconstructing a retaining wall less than 100 ft in length and 8 ft in height within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction ETJ). Commercial Building Permit Web Form Temporary Building Permit Required to start early construction of a portion of the building/structure before the plans and specifications for the entire project have been approved for the permit. Only issued for new ground-up construction. The portion of work associated with this permit is limited to early start construction for foundations and under-slab electrical/plumbing/mechanical. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Temporary Use Right-of-Way (TURP) See Right-of-Way Management Permits Tree See Tree Permits Water/Wastewater Tap See Austin Water Permits - Environmental Permits
Name Description How to Apply Hazardous Materials Storage Required if Underground Storage Tank Facility (UST) is located within the City of Austin UST Program jurisdiction and using a UST to store regulated materials. Email completed application to Underground Storage Tank Construction Required for:
- New facility construction (includes Hazardous Materials Interceptor (HMI))
- Remodel of a UST Facility (addition or replacement of whole system components, e.g., tanks and/or lines)
- Manway Construction (installation, repair, or replacement of spill buckets, Submersible Turbine Pump (STP), or Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) sumps)
- Repair/maintenance of existing UST facility
- Permitted tank removal/closure
- Ghost Tank or Waste Oil Tank Removal / Closure
Email completed application to - General Permits
The General Permit Program is a specific type of site development review, permitting, and inspection process for City of Austin Departments and eligible Franchised Utilities.
Name Description How to Apply Annual General Permit A pre-existing agreement between an organization and the City of Austin. Allows for the application of a General Permit exemption or a General Permit formal review. Email General Permits to learn more about the program. General Permit Exemption Required for infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and new installations on City of Austin-owned property or within easements dedicated to the City of Austin with a maximum limit of work of 3,000 s.f. of a maximum of 300 l.f. General Permit Exemption Submittal Formal General Permit Applications Required for larger scoped infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and new installations on City of Austin-owned property or within easements dedicated to the City of Austin. Formal General Permits & Applications Formal General Permit Updates Required for updates addressing the comment report. General Permit Update Web Form Formal General Permit Corrections Required for when changes have occurred in the field that deviate from the approved plan and those changes need to be reviewed. General Permit Correction Request Form - Mobile Retail (Non-Food) Permit
Name Description How to Apply Mobile Retail (Non-Food) Required for mobile retail establishments which sell non-food items and services to customers from a moveable vehicle or trailer that routinely changes locations. AB+C Portal - Residential Building and Trade Permits
Name Description How to Apply Boat Dock Required for new boat docks or to modify, repair or demolish existing boat docks under, or next to the water in Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, or Lake Walter E Long. Requires an approved site plan or site plan exemption. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Building Permit Required for new construction, additions, or interior remodels of single-family, duplex, two-family houses, and accessory dwelling buildings on one lot. Amnesty Certificate of Occupancy, garage conversion or carport/porch enclosure, uncovered deck, and/or pool. Residential Building Permit Webpage Building Permit for a Mobile Home This stand-alone permit is only for a new mobile home inside a mobile home park that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Demolition Required for all total demolitions and qualifying partial demolitions that remove more than half of exterior walls. Res Total Demolition Permit Web Form Driveway/Sidewalk See Right-of-Way Management Permits Electrical Auxiliary Power This stand-alone permit is for electrical auxiliary power work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Home Builder Loop This stand-alone permit is for an electrical home builder loop that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical New Construction in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for electrical new construction work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Trade Permit Web Form Electrical Repairs This stand-alone permit is for electrical repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Special Inspection Program This stand-alone permit is for electrical special inspection that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Electrical Upgrade This stand-alone permit is for electrical upgrade work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Emergency Repair Building Permits Permits for emergency repairs are for immediate repair work including damage to water lines, main electrical service, or a building structure. Emergency Repair Building Permits Webpage Fence (Small Projects) Building Permit Required if your fence is located in a flood hazard area or over 8 feet high. Residential Fence Application Web Form Interior Remodel Building Permit Required if changes to structural components and/or new/relocating plumbing fixtures. Res Interior Remodel Permit Web Form Mechanical Change Out This stand-alone permit is for mechanical change out work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Mechanical Repairs This stand-alone permit is for mechanical repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Abandon Septic Tank & Connect to City Sewer Tap This stand-alone permit is for plumbing abandon septic tank and connect to city sewer tap work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Auxiliary Water This stand-alone permit is for plumbing auxiliary water work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Change Out This stand-alone permit is for plumbing change out work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Irrigation This stand-alone permit is for plumbing irrigation work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing New Construction in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for plumbing new construction work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Trade Permit Web Form Plumbing Repairs This stand-alone permit is for plumbing repair work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Plumbing Repairs in ETJ This stand-alone permit is for plumbing repair work in the ETJ that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. AB+C Portal Pool and/or Uncovered Deck Building Permit Required for a prefabricated swimming pool accessory to a Group R-3 that is less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep. Res Pool/Uncovered Deck Permit Web Form Relocation Required for relocation of a structure from outside the city limits to inside the city limits; from inside the city limits to a different location within the city limits; or from inside the city limits to outside the city limits. Residential Relocation Permit Web Form Retaining Wall This stand-alone permit is for retaining wall work that does not require a formal review by plan review staff. You must be registered as a contractor before you apply. Go to the Contractor Registration webpage to register. Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form Solar Shingles or Solar Panels (Inside City) Required for solar systems that are interconnected to Austin Energy's distribution system and in their service area. Residential Building Permit Webpage Solar Shingles or Solar Panels in ETJ Required for solar systems that are interconnected to Austin Energy's distribution system and in their service area. AB+C Portal Tree See Tree Permits Volume Builder An optional expedited review process that enables volume builders to receive faster turnaround on residential permit applications for new construction. AB+C Portal Water/Wastewater Tap See Austin Water Permits - Sign Permit
Name Description How to Apply Sign (Awning, Freestanding, Projecting, Roof, Wall) Required for outdoor signage. AB+C Portal - Site Plan Permits
Site Plans, Site Plan Corrections, and Site Plan Exemptions are available to apply for:
Name Description How to Apply Site Plan Required to establish the land use and any site development work on a non-single family residential property.
Small Projects:
- Fill Application
- Retaining Wall (less than 100 ft in length and 8 ft high within the City of Austin jurisdiction)
- Telecommunication Tower
- Transportation
Consolidated Site Plan:
- Consolidated Site Plan
Non-Consolidated Site Plans:
- Land Use Commission Site Plan (Land Use Element)
- Non-Consolidated Site Plan Application (Construction Element)
- Site Plan Revision Application (Consolidated / Non-Consolidated)
- Major Drainage / Regional Detention (Construction Element) Application
- Off-Site / Shared Parking Application
- Boat Dock Shoreline Modifications for Single-Family Lots Application
- Street & Drainage Site Plan Application
- Utility Line Projects Application
To submit your Site Plan Completeness Check (CC) Application and updates:
Site Plan CC Application Web Form
To submit your Site Plan Formal Application and updates:
Site Plan Corrections Required for minor changes to an approved site plan while the site is actively under construction. Site Plan Corrections Request Form Site Plan Exemptions Required for small-scale development or zoning compliance review conducted before filing for or obtaining a building permit. Site Plan Exemptions Request Form - Small Cell Permit
Name Description How to Apply Small Cell (Network Node, Node Support Pole, Transport Facility) Required for installation of small cell facilities within the public right-of-way. AB+C Portal - Sound Related Permits
Name Description How to Apply Non-Peak Concrete Installation Pours Required for installing concrete within 600 feet of a resident, church, hospital, hotel, or motel between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. for properties located in the downtown density bonus area and zoned Central Business District (CBD) or Public (P). Email completed application to Bryan Walker Outdoor Music Venue Required for commercial establishments that use sound equipment outdoors (in any space that is not fully enclosed by four solid walls and a roof). Email completed application to Parking Lot Patio Required for businesses interested in re-purposing parking spots to create a seating or retail area in owned or leased parking lots. Email completed application to Temporary Use of Outdoor Sound Equipment Required for outdoor amplified sound at a commercial or non-residential establishment on a one-time basis for an activity that is consistent with the permanent legal use and occupancy level for the space or at an event or activity for a gathering of less than 50 people in a space that is non-consistent with the permanent legal use and/or occupancy level for the property. Email completed application to - Temporary Use Permit
Name Description How to Apply Temporary Use Required for occasionally, temporary uses and activities consistent with the purpose of the zoning regulations and is compatible with other nearby uses. AB+C Portal - Transportation & Public Works (Right-of-Way, Event and Banner) Permits
Name Description How to Apply Driveways Required for new, modify, repair or demolition of curb, gutter, or driveway approach (apron) in the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Excavation Required for any kind of excavation (removing or otherwise disturbing soil). AB+C Portal Lamppost Banner Required for vertical banners installed on streetlight lampposts in defined districts Downtown and around Austin. Lamppost Banner Application Portal Over-the-Street Banner Required for banners installed on high-visibility roadways. Street Banner Application Portal Right-of-Way Film Required for performing student or commercial filming activities in the right-of-way, including b-roll footage, still photography, blocking, directing, impeding, or rerouting of any/all traffic modes. AB+C Portal Right-of-Way Parking Space Required for temporarily loading or unloading non-construction materials or placing a temporary storage device in the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Right-of-Way Street Event Required for events requiring the use of City of Austin Right-of-Way (streets, sidewalks, parking spaces, bridges, alleys, and any public easements). AB+C Portal Right-of-Way Vendor Required for performing stationary vending (sell, offer for sale, exchange, or take orders for merchandise) at a specific location in the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Sidewalks Required for new, modify, repair, or demolition of sidewalk in the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Sidewalk Cafes and Street Patios Required for businesses that would like to place a temporary seating area or other activities on the sidewalk or parking spaces in front of your building. AB+C Portal Temporary Use of Right-of-Way (TURP) Required for performing any kind of above-ground construction (such as building repairs) and need to close or barricade a portion of the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Valet Parking Required for performing valet operations (temporary zone, permanent zone, or serving as an Operator) in the Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal Walkway Required for new, modify, repair, or demolition of walkway intersecting with Right-of-Way. AB+C Portal - Tree Permits
Name Description How to Apply Tree - Commercial and Multi-Family Required to cut down or impact a regulated tree on a commercial or multi-family property. AB+C Portal Tree - Dead, Diseased, and Imminent Hazard Required to cut down or remove a dead or diseased regulated tree or for a regulated tree that presents an imminent danger to people or property. AB+C Portal Tree - Residential Required to cut down or impact a regulated tree on one and two-dwelling unit residential property. AB+C Portal - Watershed Protection Permits
Name Description How to Apply Barton Springs Zone Initial Operating Permit In the Barton Springs Zone, water quality controls (i.e., sedimentation/filtration pond, retention/re-irrigation systems, etc.) for commercial and/or multi-family sites must be maintained according to Watershed Protection Department's criteria found in the Environmental Criteria Manual. AB+C Portal Barton Springs Zone Annual Operating Permit Required for commercial and/or multi-family site water quality controls (i.e., sedimentation/filtration pond, retention/re-irrigation systems, etc.) located in the Barton Springs Zone. AB+C Portal
Do I Need a Permit?
The "Do I Need A Permit?" interactive tool can help you determine your next steps based on your jurisdiction, property type, and permitting needs. Please note: Other permits and applications may be required for the project. Connect with staff indicated in the guide to determine all required permits and applications.