If you are performing any kind of excavation (removing or otherwise disturbing soil), this is the permit you will need. Read "EX Considerations" for a list of specific types of work.
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What do I need to know before applying for my EX?
- Every excavation permit requires final restoration. Daily ROW usage fees are assessed from first cut to final restoration. Once a Development Services Department and/or Capital Delivery Services inspector approves all final restoration work, fees are no longer assessed. Read more about excavation fees here.
- A separate excavation permit is required for each street that will be cut.
- Example: If excavation will take place in the 80 block of Lynn St, the 2000 block of Canterbury St, and the nearby alley, then three separate excavation permits would be necessary. However, if the excavation will take place in 1900, 2000, and 2100 blocks of Canterbury St, then only one excavation permit would be necessary.
- For excavation work on or near an intersection, see our Excavation Intersection Work document.
- Protected streets require a Restoration/Paving Plan. View the Protected Street List.
- Utility crossing may require a Horizontal View and Bore Profile sealed and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Texas.
- If the impacted area will be 25 feet or greater and lies within the Downtown Austin Project Coordination Zone (DAPCZ), then it will be necessary to obtain DAPCZ and AULCC approval.
- If the impacted area will be 300 feet or greater and falls anywhere within the City, then it will be necessary to obtain AULCC approval.
- For City Entities and Franchised Utilities, permits are typically issued for a maximum of 1 month inside the downtown area and 2 months outside of the downtown area.
- A ROW Contractor's License is required to perform EX work in the ROW. To submit or pull a permit on a ROW Contractor’s behalf, you must be listed on their Authorized Agent Form.
- Subcontractors who will impact the right of way must be named on the permit and must also be licensed.
How do I apply for an EX?
Read “How to Apply for Right of Way Permits on the AB+C Website”. Log into the ABC Portal to apply for the permit:
- Select "Apply for Right of Way Permits / Special Events" from the menu on the left side of the screen, then select "Excavation" to view application options
- Description: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
- Example: ABC Contractors will replace a water main at 505 Barton Springs Rd on 01/01/01. The utility company performing the work will be Leaks R Us. This will require one 5x5 street cut, and one 5x5 cut behind the curb. See the attached image for ALL cut locations. Leaks R Us will close one travel lane and have a partial sidewalk closure.
- Linear footage of sidewalk, width of driveway, and new curb & gutter at the property line
- Curb & gutter as part of driveway cut is not applicable
- Name of contractor performing work
- Meter numbers you’ll be occupying. Contact the meter shop with an Active permit to reserve the spaces.
- Approved plan sheet
How do I extend and/or revise my EX permit?
Apply for extension and/or revision via the Extension and Revision Request form. Provide the following:
- Extension: provide a detailed explanation of why you need more time to complete your work and the date you’d like it extended through
- Revision: provide a detailed explanation of the changes you intend to make and the date you’d like the revision to take effect
- Phase change, adjust traffic control plan, change workdays/times