Contractor Registration & Licenses

Before beginning any type of construction associated with a building permit and trade permit(s), trade contractors, general contractors, and homeowners acting as contractors must be registered as a Contractor with Building and Trade Contractor Services. Once the Contractor is registered, they can be assigned to the applicable permit and can begin construction and inspections.

The information and registration you will find on this page includes:

Contractor Responsibilities

All contractors are responsible for submitting a Letter of Authorization for any changes made to contact information, company ownership, agent changes, or changes to license and insurance status.

The General Contractor (GC) assigned to the Building Permit is responsible for the following:

  • Requesting and activating the Building Permit
  • Making payments for the Building Permit
  • Performing work as approved by the Building Permit Application
  • Scheduling any related inspections, including the Final Building Permit Inspection
  • Obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy (CO), if applicable, or a Certificate of Completion (CC)
  • Management of the child trade permits, if applicable

Additionally, once the General Contractor is registered with Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS), they can Activate a Building Permit that has been approved by Commercial or Residential Plan Review or Apply for a Stand-Alone Permit.


A Trade Contractor or Homeowner acting as a Trade Contractor assigned to the Trade Permit (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Permit) is responsible for the following:

  • Requesting and activating the applicable trade permit(s) (i.e. mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
  • Making payments for the trade permit(s)
  • Performing all work associated with the trade permit(s)
  • Scheduling any related inspections, including the Final Trade Inspections
  • Updating City registration whenever State license is updated

Additionally, once a Licensed Professional Trade Contractor is registered with Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS), they can Activate a Related Trade Permit that has been approved by Commercial or Residential Plan Review or Apply for a Stand-Alone Permit.

New General Contractor Registration

A General Contractor (GC) is the responsible individual assigned to a Building Permit. In the State of Texas, anyone can be a General Contractor, including homeowners, and a state license is not required. Please visit the Contractor Responsibilities section to learn more about the GC responsibilities.

To apply for or activate a Building Permit, a General Contractor must first register before being assigned to the Building Permit. To register, complete the following steps:

step 1   Do you have an Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Portal Account?

If yes, go to Step 2.

The general contractor listed on the permit must have an AB+C Portal account. If you do not have an AB+C account, please register for an AB+C Portal account as a first-time user. If you need help, please call Austin 3-1-1 or refer to the AB+C Manual.

Please make a note of the Austin Build + Connect ID for this account. You can find your AB+C ID by logging into the AB+C Portal and navigating to "My Profile." You will need it for Step 2.


step 2   Submit the Registration Information Using the Web Form

Complete the information and required Letter of Authorization (PDF) within the web form. General Contractors only need to register once with the City of Austin and are not required to update their registration unless they update their name, address, and/or agents. If updates are required, please see the Update Contractor Registration Information & Licenses section.

After registering, we will provide you with a Contractor/Homeowner PIN number to use for future building permit activation and requests.

New General Contractor Registration

Once you submit the registration, you will receive an automatic email confirming your submission, including the approximate wait time.

Please do not resubmit a form, as this will create delays.


step 3   Activate a Pending Building Permit or Apply for a Stand-Alone Building Permit

Once the General Contractor registration is completed by Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS), they can:

Once the General Contractor is assigned to a Building Permit, they can:


 step 4   Contractor Updates or Changes

General Contractors are not required to update their registration annually since a license is not required. However, to update any changes to your contractor registration, see the Update Contractor Registration Information & Licenses section.


New Professional Trade Contractor Registration

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Trade Contractors are the responsible individuals assigned to the associated Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing Permit. In the State of Texas, license and registration are required for each type of trade with the applicable board or State department along with the City of Austin’s Building and Trade Contractor Services. Please see the Contractor Responsibilities section to learn more about trade contractor’s responsibilities.

To apply for or activate a Trade Permit, a trade contractor must first register before being assigned to the associated trade permit.

To register as a professional trade contractor, complete the following steps. This information must be updated with the City whenever you update with the State.


 step 1   Do You Have an Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Portal Account?

If yes, go to Step 2.

The general contractor listed on the permit must have an AB+C Portal account. If you do not have an AB+C account, please register for an AB+C Portal account here as a first-time user. If you need help, please call Austin 3-1-1 or refer to the AB+C Manual.

Please make a note of the Austin Build + Connect ID for this account. You can find your AB+C ID by logging into the AB+C Portal and navigating to "My Profile." You will need it for Step 2.


 step 2   Submit the Registration Information Using the Web Form

Submit the required information and documentation through the following web form. Additional information may be required depending on the specific trade registration. Minimum requirements include:

Professional Trade Contractors only need to register once with the City of Austin and are required to update their registration annually. When updates are required, please see the Update Contractor Registration Information & Licenses section.

After registering, we will provide you with a Contractor PIN number to use for future trade permit activation and requests.

New Trade Contractor Registration

Once you submit the registration, you will receive an automatic email confirming your submission, including the approximate wait time.

Please do not resubmit a form, as this will create delays.


 step 3   Activate a Pending Trade Permit or Apply for a Stand-Alone Trade Permit

Once the Trade Contractor registration is completed by the Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS), they can:

Once the Trade Contractor is assigned to a Trade Permit, they can:


 step 4   Annual Updates or Contractor Changes

Trade Contractors must update their contractor registration annually with their trade license information. To update your trade contractor registration with the required information, see the Update Contractor Registration Information & Licenses section.

Update Existing Contractor Registration Information & Licenses

Contractor registration information and licenses must be kept up to date. Please use the Update Contractor Registration web form to update the following:

  • Update registration information (name, address, agents)
  • Update trade license 
  • Change license holder for a company
  • Link a new AB+C account to an existing registration

Update Contractor Registration

If you need to modify the registered contractor assigned to a permit, visit the Modify a Permit webpage.


 Contractor Registration Questions 

Ask Building and Trade Contractor Services staff general questions regarding registering as a contractor or updating contractor registration. Appointments are not for registering as a contractor or submitting information.

Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes (appointment time based on single permit request)

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