City of Austin Open Government Partnership


Transportation construction can also be human centered with the City of Austin's focus on "complete communities"

Photograph of a mural of several multi-colored parrots


The City of Austin's Corridor Program Office features a novel focus on preserving and supporting the communities along the roads it will be reconstructing over the next two years. This "complete communities" philosophy is a cornerstone of the city's 40 year development plan, "Imagine Austin."  Keep reading below — or check out our blog at…



An abstract painting with blue and orange coloring

On October 20th, the City of Austin submitted its OGP Action Plan II Report.
Austin co-created its AP2 report with all civil society partners, City staff, and leadership involved with the Commitments and Action Plan.
The document highlights 4 commitments civil society and City partners worked tirelessly on throughout the trying times of 2019-2021, pivoting and in some cases wholly redefining themselves while keeping open…


Equity Office collaboration furthers Austin's OGP commitment

Two side by side maps of the city of Austin with red highlights on the left and yellow highlights on the right


The City of Austin's Equity Office, Innovation Office, and Office of Police Oversight collaborated on a joint report analyzing Austin Police Department data.  The report examines APD motor vehicle stop data from 2015 to 2018, provides an analysis, and offers recommenda…



Public Safety Data Analysis Work Highlighted in City's Certification

Photograph of downtown Austin


Bloomberg Philanthropies announced 16 new cities that achieved 2021 What Works Cities certification, the national standard of excellence in data-driven city governance.


Austin's work on its public safety data commitment contributed to the honor.


Bloomberg highlighted Austin’s Office of Police Oversight, Office of Innovation, and Equity Offi…



OGP traveled to Austin to interview the residents central to the city's homelessness commitment

Photo of two men in face masks sitting at a table reading sheets of paper with a subtitle "the ability to talk to your representatives"


OGP videographers traveled to Austin to interview Steve Potter, a member of the Austin Homeless Advisory Council (AHAC).

AHAC is a committee of people experiencing homelessness created as part of Austin's Action Plan 1 and now integral to the city's open contracting commitm…



Transit Planning 4 All releases the Inclusive Planning Guide

Photograph of people working in a small group


Transit Planning 4 All (TP4A) has released an updated “Inclusive Planning Guide,” detailing a five phase process on how to better include older adults and people with disabilities in the transportation planning process, which can be found at the following link:




Blog posts related to Action Plan 2's Commitment 8 are linked below: 


Preventing Transportation Investment-Related Displacement



Progress, challenges, and opportunities ahead!

Graphic reading "Resilient Dove Springs: Progress, challenges and opportunities ahead" with GAVA Go Austin/Vamos Austin's logo and the subtitle "Cross-departmental CoA gathering: March 13, 2020"

On March 13th, GAVA and the City of Austin Office of Sustainability convened an online update on GAVA's commitment progress, the Kresge grant GAVA received to support their work, and the city's OGP 'Community Climate Resilience Pilot' commitment.

Fifteen cities around…



The 2019 Report Summarizes Impact and Next Steps

Graphic reading "Open Government Partnership Global Report: First Edition: Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box"


OGP released its first comprehensive assessment of the state of open government. This report provides a thorough and honest review of progress made by OGP member countries in the first eight years of the partnership.

In determining its findings, the report examine…



Blog posts related to Action Plan 2's Commitment 9 are linked below: 


Webinar on Increasing Justice Access

Austin's Public Safety Data…