City of Austin Open Government Partnership


Transit Planning 4 All releases the Inclusive Planning Guide

Photograph of people working in a small group


Transit Planning 4 All (TP4A) has released an updated “Inclusive Planning Guide,” detailing a five phase process on how to better include older adults and people with disabilities in the transportation planning process, which can be found at the following link:




Nathaniel Heller, former OGP Co-Chair, visited Austin in 2015 and made predictions for 2020. Here is his follow-up.


Photo of Downtown Austin


In 2015, as the City of Austin prepared to join the Open Government Partnership, OGP's Nathaniel Heller spoke at the City of Austin's Open Government Symposium. His topic --- predictions on where open governance would land in 5 years. Read the post at the following link:


Council calls on OGP Commitment collaborators to provide guidance


Part of a transit map of Downtown Austin


In these unprecedented times, Austin City Council is carefully balancing both the immediate, urgent efforts of Covid-19 response and future efforts that will employ our community and strengthen our city's infrastructure.

On April 23, Council discussed the regional Project Connect transportation project and our ongoing responsibility for addressing any known potential risk…



Blog posts related to Action Plan 2's Commitment 8 are linked below: 


Preventing Transportation Investment-Related Displacement



Progress, challenges, and opportunities ahead!

Graphic reading "Resilient Dove Springs: Progress, challenges and opportunities ahead" with GAVA Go Austin/Vamos Austin's logo and the subtitle "Cross-departmental CoA gathering: March 13, 2020"

On March 13th, GAVA and the City of Austin Office of Sustainability convened an online update on GAVA's commitment progress, the Kresge grant GAVA received to support their work, and the city's OGP 'Community Climate Resilience Pilot' commitment.

Fifteen cities around…



OGP Events Postponed

Close up of Covid-19 particle

From OGP Chief Executive Officer, Sanjay Pradhan:


Dear OGP Community:

Open government thrives when people come together in dialogue and work to co-create and implement reforms that bring governments closer to their people. Sadly, in the current context, it is not possible to have gatherings in many of our member countries. Coronavirus is now present in over 100 countries and the virus has impacted more than 1…



The 2019 Report Summarizes Impact and Next Steps

Graphic reading "Open Government Partnership Global Report: First Edition: Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box"


OGP released its first comprehensive assessment of the state of open government. This report provides a thorough and honest review of progress made by OGP member countries in the first eight years of the partnership.

In determining its findings, the report examine…



OGP's Patrick Kazyak Connects With City and Civil Society Leaders


Patrick Kazyak, right, meets with OGP Austin leaders Daniel Culotta and Innovation Officer Kerry O'Connor


The Open Government Parntership's Patrick Kazyak visited Austin this month, spending quality time with city government and civil society participants working on each of Austin's current OGP Action Plan projects.  Austin's projects focus on housing displacement, community sustainability, public safety data, and…



Blog posts related to Action Plan 2's Commitment 9 are linked below: 


Webinar on Increasing Justice Access

Austin's Public Safety Data…



Blog posts related to Action Plan 2's Commitment 6 are linked below: 


Action Plan 2 Reflections: Displacement Mitigation