All Recent News
Eighth Street Shelter Marks First Year of Service
APD Arrests Multiple Suspects in Connection to a Series of Crimes
Austin Resilience Hub Pilot Expands to Austin Resilience Network
ARN Evolves to Connect Partners & Improve Emergency Preparedness, Response, Recovery Coordination
$5,000 Nexus Grants Targeting New Creatives in Austin
Affordable Housing Preserved Near the Domain through Austin Housing Finance Corporation Acquisition
The strategic acquisition preserves and enhances affordability near major job and entertainment centers.
Traffic Fatality in the 11800 block of Research Boulevard SVRD NB
HSEM Hosts Emergency Preparedness Pop-up Event Jan. 15
Community can Learn Winter Weather Tips, Get Free Items & Meet with Preparedness Pros
APD Detectives Search for a Suspect in Connection to a Robbery
RFP SSAU-2025-001 Reproductive Healthcare Logistics
The Austin community is encouraged to attend these meetings and give feedback on these proposed changes.
Capital Delivery Services Hosts Second “Building Austin” Event on November 7, Featuring Southeast Austin Construction Projects
Communities are invited to engage with project teams and learn about upcoming improvements.
Traffic Fatality in the 10500 block of N IH 35 SB
Homicide in the 100 block of 6th St.
Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds - Bailey at Stassney
These notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the Housing and Planning Departments.
Austin-Travis County Emergency Operations Center Deactivation
City of Austin resumes regular operations
City Emergency and Cold Weather Shelter Operations continue
The Austin-Travis County Emergency Operations Center (ATCEOC) remains activated in response to the cold winter weather snap.
Homicide Investigation at 5707 Manor Road
Cold Snap Warming Centers & Shelters Remain Ready
Austin Homeland Security & Emergency Management Continues to Monitor and Asks Community to Stay Prepared
Per the CDC, the current public health risk for humans contracting bird flu in the United States remains low.
Austin Homeland Security & Emergency Management is coordinating response to cold weather conditions.