Traffic Light


We work to help everyone walk and bike around Austin safely, comfortably and conveniently as they travel to work, school, run errands, exercise and have fun. Our street design projects improve city streets to better serve people of all ages and abilities as they drive, walk, bike and take transit.

The Arterial Management Division of the Austin Transportation and Public Works Department works to manage mobility and safety for all modes of travel on Austin’s arterial roadways. Arterials are roadways that are intended to carry higher amounts of traffic at a higher speed than neighborhood streets.

Community Services include a host of programs that serve the Austin community, including Living Streets, Neighborhood Partnering Program, the Placemaking program, and Safe Routes to School.

Emerging Mobility Technology involves deploying new technology to move people and goods through the city in faster, safer, cleaner, more affordable and more equitable ways.

The Austin Transportation and Public Works Department regulates ground transportation services within Austin to enhance safety and provide access to service for all users.

Land Development Engineering reviews development plans for constructability and right of way code compliance. We also continue to assist the public with obtaining rights for the use of City right-of-way and easements (streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utilities) through a variety of means depending on the project.

The Office of the City Engineer manages the evaluation, maintenance, and repair of our street infrastructure systems including bridges and the right-of-way. The Office of the City Engineer oversees six groups including pavement maintenance management, bridge maintenance management, customer service and underpass cleanup management, asset management, right-of-way (ROW) investigations, and engineering reviews. 

The goal of the City of Austin Parking Enterprise Division is to make access to curb space convenient and user-friendly through the regulation of public parking spaces.

The Project Delivery Division (PDD) works to ensure a centralized and predictable role in project delivery and construction management for local mobility, safety, intersection infrastructure, and regional projects.

The Right of Way (ROW) Management Division manages many of the day-to-day activities in the ROW. ROW is the public-owned land, including streets, sidewalks, and the area behind the curb. Everything from the street to the property lines! We manage the ROW so that we can preserve and prioritize your safety and mobility.

The Sidewalk Program is responsible for the City of Austin sidewalk and shared streets network. The work of the Sidewalk Program is guided by the Sidewalks, Crossings, and Shared Streets Plan. The Plan includes the City of Austin Transition Plan for sidewalks as the Americans with Disabilities Act is a driving factor in making sure that the right-of-way along Austin's streets are safe and accessible for all. 

The Signs & Markings division is responsible for installation and maintenance of signs and street markings for the public in order to provide for the purpose of guiding, warning, or regulatory traffic by providing safe and efficient movement of goods and services.

Composed of professional and technically skilled staff, Street and Bridge Operations manages and maintains public right-of-way infrastructure including streets, bridges, sidewalks, guardrails, trees and vegetation. Our five divisions patch potholes, resurface streets, repair utility cuts, maintain the City’s medians, right-of-way maintenance on trees, and respond after storms.

The Transportation Development Services Division provides review services to developers/applicants and their consultants on all aspects of transportation associated with a proposed development or redevelopment.

The Transportation Engineering Division (TED) prioritizes, designs and coordinates projects for multimodal improvements with our Speed Management, Vision Zero Implementation, Transit Enhancement, TIA Fiscal, and Roadway Safety and Design Programs. 

The Transportation Systems Development team is responsible for long-term transportation planning for the City of Austin, as well as coordinating long-term planning efforts with other jurisdictions and agencies.

Vision Zero Banner

Vision Zero is the Austin community's goal to reduce people hurt or killed by crashes to zero with street improvements, policy changes, enforcement and education. Austin Transportation Public Works delivers on that goal through planning and building a safe multimodal transportation network in collaboration with City and community partners.