Frequently Asked Questions
Residential customers may be eligible for an exemption if the person who is responsible for paying the utility bill meets one of the following criteria:
- Age 65 or older; or
- Does not own or regularly use a private motor vehicle
- Property is vacant (determined automatically each month based on electric and water usage)
If you believe you are eligible for this exemption, click here to fill out the form online or download and complete the forms below and then email the form to TUFExemptions@austintexas.gov.
Download the Transportation User Fee Exemption application
Commercial customers may be eligible for an exemption while the property is vacant. Commercial properties must notify the City when the property is no longer vacant, or every three (3) months, whichever occurs first. The Transportation User Fee will begin billing the commercial property after three (3) months if a new form is not received.
Fill out the form online (Preferred), or download and complete the form below and email to TUFVacancy@austintexas.gov
Download the Vacant Commercial Property Exemption form
For additional exemption information, please call (512) 974-7696 or Austin Energy Customer Care at 512-494-9400.
You can make longer trips more bikeable by taking a bus or train part-way. Every full size Capital Metro bus has bike accommodations, as does the Red Line. View more information on biking by bus.
Sharrows are shared lane markings used on roads that are too narrow for bike lanes. Use them by riding straight through the arrow. Sometimes this means taking the full lane, and faster-moving traffic must change lanes to pass safely.
On roads with one lane in each direction, move over (when it is safe) to help approaching cars pass you safely. In wider lanes, sharrows give you a good distance from parked cars on one side and traffic on the other. In both cases, stay visible and alert! Be ready to safely and predictably stop, slow, or change lanes – just like you would do if you were in any other vehicle.
Cycle tracks, also called "green lanes," are separated bicycle facilities that run alongside a roadway. Unlike regular bike lanes, cycle tracks are typically separated from auto traffic by a physical barrier, such as parked cars, bollards, a landscaped buffer, or a curb. Here are a couple of examples (additional information about cycle tracks can be found on Bike Austin's website):
The purpose of the Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) is to advise the City of Austin and other jurisdictions on all matters relating to the use of the bicycle. Meetings are held every third Tuesday of each month at City Hall. All members of the public are welcome to attend and provide input on agenda items. View more information on the BAC.
Learn more about the Bicycle Master Plan here. For additional info, contact bicycleprogram@austintexas.gov. or visit our Bicycle Program page.
The Express Lanes are coming, and as it stands travelers who want to use them to go northbound will have to use Cesar Chavez. To get to Cesar Chavez, people will either drive through the Lamar Boulevard/5th Street intersection, or from the west drivers will loop around the high school on Veterans Boulevard or go under the overpass on Cesar Chavez to access the Express Lanes. Pressler would allow for drivers to use 5th or 6th Streets to access the Express Lanes, rather than adding congestion to the Lamar Boulevard/5th Street intersection or looping around the high school.
Yes. There are more conflict points in an intersection, or opportunities for cars to collide, than there are in a roundabout. Roundabouts reduced crashes by 75 percent at intersections where stop signs or signals were previously used for traffic control, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Studies by the IIHS and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have shown that roundabouts typically achieve:
- A 37 percent reduction in overall collisions
- A 75 percent reduction in injury collisions
- A 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions
- A 40 percent reduction in pedestrian collisions
No, this project is being proposed for the good of the community, but it would have a significant benefit for nearby neighborhoods. There are homes, businesses and facilities along 5th and 6th Street that have parkland and a lake in their backyards, but they currently do not have direct access to them; the Pressler extension would provide direct access. Additionally, the project provides sidewalks for pedestrians, additional parking for park users.
Primarily the project is proposed because it provides for an additional connection within the city grid, which creates resiliency in the travel system. The more connected the City is, the more choices people have which leads to disbursing cars more evenly on our already congested roadways. The alternate route will allow drivers to vary their route as traffic patterns/congestion forms throughout the system.
This is an opportunity to create a connection for everyone regardless of age and ability. To meet the most needs, a road is needed in addition to bicycle and pedestrian access. Aside from personal vehicles, this link would provide access to the MoPac Express Lanes for transit and potentially open up more transit opportunities for West Austin.
This is the hardest question to answer because when the roadway would open (2018 at the earliest) we do foresee more cars in the area irrespective of this project, due to Austin’s growth rate. Regardless, yes – we do anticipate that this connection would bring some more vehicles into the area, but the intent is to better direct those vehicles onto their connections (to MoPac or Cesar Chavez) rather than their current choices which involve indirect routes and looping around the high school. Building the connection is estimated to save people, on average in the study area, 4 minutes during their evening commutes.
Bicycle and Micromobility Laws and Safety
City of Austin code states that a person may ride a bicycle on the sidewalk in a reasonable and prudent manner. However sidewalks are slower than streets, and are not always as safe as they seem. Crossing motorists may not expect such fast-moving sidewalk traffic. Ride carefully, checking before crossing streets and driveways. Slow down for pedestrians, and give an audible signal well before passing them.
Ground Transportation Regulation
To report an issue with a vehicle for hire such as a taxi, limosine, pedicab, shuttle, charter service, etc, visit the online Ground Transportation Complaint Form. You may complete an online form or print, complete and mail-in a paper copy of the form.
Street and Bridge Operations
These requests are handled within the Austin Transportation Department. Please call 3-1-1 or visit the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) webpage for more information.
Residents affected by street maintenance will be notified in advance. Street signage will be posted prior to all street maintenance. The type and time frame for notification depends on the type of maintenance occurring.
- Seal Coat - Residents will receive door hangers 30 days and three days prior to seal coat maintenance beginning.
- Mill and Overlay - Residents will receive door hanger 10 days prior to maintenance beginning. Residents will also receive a letter three days before mill and overlay begins.
- Slurry Seal - Residents will receive a door hanger three days before slurry seal maintenance begins.
- Fog Seal - Residents will receive a door hanger three days before fog seal maintenance begins.
- Minor concrete repair and construction
- Pavement preventative maintenance
- Right-of-way maintenance (Trees + Vegetation)
- Bridge maintenance
- Street repairs
- Tree pruning and trimming
- Sidewalk Services
View our Protected Streets List (pdf).
Updated April 2023.
Access the interactive 2022 Service Plan Map to see if your street is scheduled for preventative maintenance. To use, simply enter your address into the search field in the upper left of the map. You can zoom in and out and move the map around to see what maintenance is happening near you and all around Austin. Please call 3-1-1 to find out when a particular street is due for preventative maintenance. To hear which streets are scheduled for the following day, please call the Street Resurfacing Hotline at 512-974-9788.
Just call 3-1-1 (512-974-2000 outside of Austin) or visit 311's customer service page to make your request. You can also report issues through the 311 app available on Google Play Store or iTunes Store. Users with Blackberry, Palm, Nokia and Windows Mobile devices can access it at 311.austintexas.gov.
On some of the City of Austin arterial and collector streets, street maintenance work can only be scheduled on weekends. Conducting street maintenance on weekends ensures minimal traffic impact to residents and businesses. The City will always notify the public before weekend work is scheduled on your street.
No. Most street maintenance is scheduled outside of routine trash and recycling pick-up schedules.
Street Banners
Unfortunately we are unable to fill requests for new locations at this time. That said, please contact us with your request and we'll see if it would be a location to consider in the future.
We encourage your creative freedom but do have some requirements and guidelines that must be followed, relating to font size, location of sponsor logos, etc. This information is detailed out for both lamppost banners and over-the-street banners. Technical specifications (size of banners, location of grommets or fasteners, material, etc.) must be followed exactly or banners will not be installed.
Lamppost Banner Technical Specifications & Design Requirements
Over-the-Street Banner Technical Specifications & Design Requirements
See the frequently used vendor list of local companies experienced in fabricating banners to City of Austin specifications. It is the responsibility of the Banner customer to ensure that the fabricator has the current specifications and that banners are made to spec. Banners not made to spec will not be installed.
(Please note: the list of local companies have been provided to us by customers of the City of Austin Street Banner Program. The city does not endorse or make recommendations for banner vendors.)
Event organizers, nonprofit groups, public and governmental agencies, and public information campaigns may display street banners on City lampposts to promote charitable, educational, arts, community, and public interest activities and events.
*City code prohibits the use of banners for commercial advertising or political campaigns*