The Development Services Department's Code Compliance team makes sure city codes and ordinances are met so that Austin continues to be a safe and livable city. 

For general code questions or case updates, call DSD Code Connect at 512-974-2633

woman sitting at desk in her office looking at computer screensReport a Possible Code Violation

Call Austin 3-1-1 or use the Austin 3-1-1 app to report a code violation. Visit this webpage to learn more about the reporting process and timeline.

Visit Report a Code Violation

laptop with Citizen Connect map on the screenSearch for Code Compliant Cases

Citizen Connect is an online tool that allows users to search compliant cases by address, case number, or various region filters.

Visit Citizen Connect

person stapling a notice of violation to a wooden stake in the groundUnderstanding the Notice of Violation (NOV)

When a code inspector confirms a code violation, they issue a Notice of Violation (NOV). This webpage provides an overview of how to understand a NOV.

Visit Notice of Violation

Code inspector with headphones on looking at a computer screenFind Assigned Code Inspector

This GIS map will help find the Code Inspector assigned to a particular case. Select an area to see assigned inspectors and contact information.

Visit Code Officer Districts Map

push mower mowing over tall grass in a yardFind Code Compliance Resources

This page provides resources to help renters understand their rights, submit and track complaints, and learn how Code Compliance addresses violations. It also includes important safety tips to protect yourself and your home.

Visit Community Resources

kitchen inside a homeLicense a Short-Term Rental

Learn more about the types of short-term rentals and how to license a property.

Visit Short-Term Rentals

Code officer inspecting exterior electrical panelsRepeat Offender Program

The Repeat Offender Program (ROP) was created in 2013 as a rental registration program for properties with multiple code violations.

Visit Repeat Offender Program