DSD Code Connect is a program that allows residents to contact DSD Code Compliance and talk to an experienced facilitator. Facilitators can:

  • help with general code questions
  • provide resource guidance
  • give updates on existing cases

DSD Code Connect is here to Inform, Guide, and Educate


Call Austin 3-1-1 to report a code violation  Development Services Department Directory of Services  Questions? Click here to see our FAQs

"I feel someone is listening! Thank you so much for all the time you took to explain some of the processes and procedures!"  

Why call?

The DSD Code Connect program provides immediate customer service support for residents. It can also be used to gather information about cases or obtain other educational information directly and quickly.

After hours calls

Outside of business hours, please call Austin 3-1-1. You can also email dsdcodeconnect@austintexas.gov and a representative will reply to you during business hours.

What to expect

A DSD Code Connect facilitator will assess your question or the situation you are presenting. Then the facilitator will assist you in getting the answer to your question or a path to resolving your situation. You can have your information remain confidential. 

Code Inspectors

We encourage you to get to know and speak to the code inspector assigned to your case. If you are unsure who the assigned inspector is, you may contact DSD Code Connect to find out.

Permitting and development-related questions

Questions about zoning, building and trades permits, or requirements for building or renovating structures on your property can be directed to other work groups in the Development Services Department. Visit the PDC Appointments webpage to schedule an appointment. You can also call the appointment line at 512-978-4504.