Important Update: Rolling Draft Comments and the Site Plan Process Project Tracker (part of the Transforming Site Plan Review project) launched on March 10, 2024. Rolling Draft Comments (See How to Apply, Step 8) provide updates during project review and the Site Plan Process Project Tracker allows you to view and track application progress online.
A site plan is a detailed drawing of proposed improvements and construction on a lot. It depicts the location of buildings, landscaping, parking lots, driveways, detention ponds, utility improvements, etc. Site Plans are reviewed for compliance with Austin’s Land Development Code Chapter 25-5 Site Plan (LDC). Review requirements include zoning, design standards, drainage and floodplain, water quality, transportation, environmental review, erosion control, and mitigation and/or protection of heritage trees.
Reviews are coordinated with other city departments such as:
- Austin Energy,
- Austin Water,
- Fire Department,
- Transportation and Public Works, and
- Watershed Protection
Site Plans are approved administratively, except those with conditional uses and/or on a Hill Country Roadway, which are approved by the Land Use Commission. A Site Plan is required for any site work on a non-residential site or a change of zoning use unless it meets the requirements for a Site Plan Exemption outlined below.
Visit our Subdivision webpage if your project is for a division of a tract of land into two or more parts for the purpose of sale, development, or extension of utilities to the property to be subdivided.
What you will find on this page:
- Site Plan Exemptions
- Concept Site Plan and Development Assessment & Alternative Equivalent Compliance
- Prerequisites
- Site Plans
- Site Plan Corrections
- Site Plan Withdrawal & Resubmittal and Extensions
- How to Apply
- Additional Permits for Site Plans
- Forms & Applications
- Additional Information & Resources
- Site Plan Process Tracker - NEW
- Development Services Department Reviews and Resources
- Partner Department Reviews and Resources
- New Comments and Re-Review
- Comment Resolution Process
- Fees and Online Tools
- Appointments
Submit Your Application Online
Submit your Site Plan Completeness Check and Formal Applications and updates through our newly updated web forms.
Learn more about the updated application submittal process in the "How to Apply" section.
Submit Your Site Plan Completeness Check Application
The Site Plan Completeness Check (CC) Application web form allows you to submit the completeness check application and updates. Visit the Forms & Applications webpage to select the correct application type and view the submittal checklists. Before you begin, please note all applicable prerequisites must be uploaded with your application.
Site Plan CC Application Web Form
You can provide feedback for this submission process.
Submit Your Site Plan Formal Application
The Site Plan Formal Application web form allows you to submit the formal application and updates. Please note that the formal application and payment of fees must be completed within 45 days of receiving the Completeness Check Certification Letter. Learn more about the submittal process in the "How to Apply" section.
Site Plan Formal Application Web Form
You can provide feedback for this submission process.
Site Plan Development Applications
- Site Plan Exemptions
A Site Plan Exemption is a small-scale development or zoning compliance review conducted before filing for or obtaining a building permit. Approval of a Site Plan Exemption is NOT a building permit but is a requirement before a building permit can be approved. A Site Plan Exemption should meet the criteria outlined in Section 25-5-2 of the Land Development Code (LDC).
How to Apply:
Determine if You Qualify
To determine if your project qualifies for the Site Plan Exemption, view the criteria within LDC 25-5-2. Schedule an appointment for Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions if you have questions about the criteria.
§ 25-5-2 Site Plan Exemptions Criteria
If you do not qualify, schedule an appointment for Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions to discuss how to move forward. Do not continue with the following steps.
If you do qualify, go to Step 2.
Do you have an Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Account?
If yes, go to Step 3.
The applicant listed on the application must have an AB+C Portal account to pay fees and manage the application. If you do not have an AB+C account, please register for an AB+C Portal account here. For additional assistance, please see the AB+C Manual. Please make a note of the email address used for this new account. You will need this for Step 3.
Submit an Application through the Web Form
Go to the Site Plan Exemptions Request Web Form to submit the following information:
- Completed Site Plan Exemption Application (PDF)
- Austin Build + Connect ID (AB+C ID)
- Owner’s Authorization Letter (PDF) from the property owner granting the applicant permission to file applications with the City on their behalf
- Drawing that depicts the proposed work and is reasonably to scale (the type of visual required is project-dependent, an applicant may speak with a Site Plan staff to confirm requirements)
Site Plan Exemption Request Web Form
Pay Invoice
Staff will review the submittal request to confirm all information and documents needed for review have been provided. If additional information is needed, staff will contact the applicant via email. Once the submittal is deemed complete, the invoice will be issued to the applicant and will need to be paid. Visit the Cashier Services webpage to view the payment options. Once the invoice is paid, the Site Plan Exemption Application review will begin.
Application Review
Once an Exemption application is uploaded, administrative staff will process the documentation for review. During the review, each application may be evaluated by up to ten (10) City disciplines, which may provide discipline-specific comments related to the project.
Approval or Denial
All review staffers must provide comments before the issuance of any determination (approval or denial). Once all necessary reviews have been completed, administrative staff will contact the applicant through e-mail with a formal response. The request may be approved or denied.
Submit a response to the Denied Application
If the application is approved, continue to Step 8.
If the application is Denied, address staff denial comments and resubmit. Denied Exemptions should address comments appropriately. If there are questions related to a discipline-specific comment, the applicant should contact the listed reviewer for follow-up. When denial comments have been addressed, the applicant may resubmit for review.
Note: If Staff finds denial comments have not been adequately addressed, staff reserves the ability to Deny the application again and/or to provide further comments if there is a conflict found in secondary review cycles.
When you are ready, submit the response addressing the denial comments using the Site Plan Exemption Request Web Form.
Site Plan Exemption Request Web Form
Download Exemption/Archiving
Once the Exemption is approved, it will be available for download from the Site Plan Exemption folder on the AB+C Portal.
- Concept Site Plan and Development Assessment & Alternative Equivalent Compliance
Concept Site Plan
A Concept Site Plan is an optional tool for obtaining a determination from the City regarding how City development regulations apply to a proposed project. The process is designed to help applicants evaluate a project's development potential before submitting a fully designed site plan. A Concept Site Plan may be used to provide a recommendation or commitment on a waiver, variance, or alternative equivalent compliance, in addition to providing a detailed assessment of the project highlighting potential code and criteria deficiencies. Once a Formal Review is completed, a meeting is then scheduled between the applicant and the review team to discuss comments and provide any clarifications needed. The review results in an Approval Letter binding to the city for one year.
A Concept Site Plan application may constitute a fair notice application for the purposes of establishing vested rights to current regulations for a new project. The requirements for requesting a Fair Notice with Concept Site Plan are included in Section 15.3 of the Building Criteria Manual.
Development Assessment & Alternative Equivalent Compliance
A Development Assessment is a preliminary analysis by City staff of the applicable general procedures and requirements of the Land Development Code and estimated fees required. The comment report issued as a result is not a binding recommendation from the city. It finalizes in a Comment Report, the results are not binding to the city.
Alternative Equivalent Compliance allows development to occur in a manner that meets the intent of the Land Development Code Chapter 25-2, Subchapter E through an alternative design that does not strictly adhere to the Subchapter’s standards. The procedure is not a general waiver of regulations.
Except for the PUD Pre-Application, all development assessments are optional. A favorable assessment does not constitute approval of a project.
If you are ready to apply, go to the "How to Apply" section below. If you are uncertain of which application type is right for you, schedule an appointment for Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions.
- Prerequisites
Prerequisites are approvals, documentation, or determinations that must be obtained prior to applying for a Site Plan. This list identifies the most common approvals that must be obtained before the formal submittal of a site plan application. Review the Intake Checklist for your type of project for a complete list of prerequisites.
- Legal Lot Description or Subdivision Reference. If a subdivision is required, it must be recorded prior to the release of the site plan
- Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Determination - Visit the TIA Determination webpage to download and submit the Worksheet Determination form. (Not required for Small Projects)
- Parkland Final Determination or Parkland Early Determination (PED) letter. Submit a request for a PED through the Parkland Early Determination Letter Request Form. (Not required for Small Projects)
- Current Tax Certificates fully paid (If exempt, certificate still required)
- Engineering Report (Not required for utility, extensions, transportation, and parking projects)
- Vested Rights Determination (If applicable)
- S.M.A.R.T. Housing- pre-certification letter from Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department. Visit the Housing Development Incentives and Agreements webpage to learn more.
- AB+C account email address. If you don't have an account, create one on the AB+C Portal.
- Site Plans
Boat Docks Shoreline Modifications for Single-Family Lots Completeness Check Application
The following information provides submittal requirements, exhibits, and general information necessary to obtain a permit to build a boat dock, bulkhead, shoreline modification, and access to the shoreline (e.g., stairs/trams/lifts/inclined elevators, etc.) within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits, and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)).
Consolidated Site Plan Completeness Check Application
A consolidated administrative site plan consists of two major elements that are submitted and reviewed concurrently:
The Land Use Element includes information on the land use, site design, and layout (such as building height, setbacks, density, and parking) and demonstrates compliance with zoning, site development, and transportation.
The Construction Element includes detailed information on the construction aspects of the site design (such as grading, detention, filtration, erosion/sedimentation controls, landscaping, and tree protection) and demonstrates compliance with drainage, water quality, and environmental regulations.
The City of Austin created an optional Fast-Track process to allow for a portion of a consolidated site plan to be constructed while the remainder of the site plan is still in review. Visit the Fast Track Process webpage to learn more.
Major Drainage/Regional Detention (Construction Element) Completeness Check Application
This application is for obtaining a major drainage and regional detention site plan permit within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)).
Non-Consolidated Site Plans
Land Use Commission Site Plan Completeness Check Application (Non-Consolidated Land Use Element)
The Land Development Code requires approval in a public hearing by the Land Use Commission of the following types of applications: Conditional Use Permit site plan, Hill Country Roadway Corridor site plan, extension or phasing for an extended site plan expiration date, variance or waiver (Environmental or Compatibility), Restrictive Covenant amendment (if City Council approval is required), Planned Unit Development land plan revisions (if City Council approval is required).
If the plan requires Land Use Commission approval, the applicant may submit a Non-Consolidated Site Plan. A non-consolidated site plan consists of two separate submittals: one for the land use element and one for the construction element. The Land Use Element includes information on the land use, site design, and layout (such as building height, setbacks, density, and parking) and demonstrates compliance with zoning, site development, and transportation.
Submitting a Land Use Commission Site Plan first allows the applicant to determine whether the project will be approved by the Commission before doing all the detailed engineering work. Once the Commission approves the land use element, the construction element may be reviewed and approved administratively. However, both the land use and construction elements must be released concurrently.
Non-Consolidated Site Plan Completeness Check Application (Construction Element)
A non-consolidated site plan consists of two separate submittals: one for the land use element and one for the construction element. The Construction Element includes detailed information on the construction aspects of the site design (such as grading, detention, filtration, erosion/sedimentation controls, landscaping, and tree protection) and demonstrates compliance with drainage, water quality, and environmental regulations.
With a non-consolidated submittal, the Land Use Commission's approval of the land use element may be obtained before the detailed engineering work required for the construction element is performed.
Site Plan Revision Completeness Check Application (Non-Consolidated)
A revision is a change to an approved or released site plan initiated by the applicant. The City Code allows a site plan revision to a released site plan that:
- It does not have a significant effect on a neighboring property, the public, or a person who will occupy or use the proposed development
- Is it necessary to relocate approved building square footage or parking areas out of a condemned right-of-way area · Or is it necessary to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act?
* The expiration date of the Site Plan will be based on the timeline of the original Site Plan approved. Approval of a Site Plan Revision does not extend the expiration date.
Off-Site/Shared Parking Completeness Check Application
Off-site parking provides some or all parking on a different site from the principal use. Shared parking is used by more than one business at different times of the day, week, or year. Off-site parking may be shared between different uses or reserved exclusively for a specific use. Similarly, shared parking may be either on-site or off-site.
Site Plan Formal Application
This application is for obtaining a site plan permit approval for projects within the City of Austin's full-purpose, limited-purpose, and extraterritorial (ETJ) jurisdictions. This application is submitted for review after the applicable Completeness Check Application has been approved.
Small Project Completeness Check Applications
A small project exceeds the limits of a site plan exemption but is minor enough to allow for a simplified review. Generally, a small project must not exceed 5,000 square feet of impervious cover and 10,000 sq. ft. of construction area (limits of construction). Small projects have reduced fees, shorter review times, and do not require notification. Your project may qualify as a small project if all the conditions needed by LDC 25-5-3 are met.
- Fill Application - for projects depositing less than two feet of earth fill on sites not located in the 100-year floodplain and where no fill will be deposited within the drip line of a protected tree.
- Retaining Wall Application - for construction or reconstruction of a retaining wall less than 100 feet in length and eight feet in height within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)).
- Telecommunication Tower Application - for construction or reconstruction of a telecommunication tower and accessory facilities constituting less than 5,000 square feet of new construction within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits, and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ))
- Transportation Application - for turning lanes, median breaks, deceleration and acceleration lanes, and other intersection improvements.
Streets & Drainage Site Plan Completeness Check Application
This application is for obtaining a site plan permit for Streets and Drainage Projects, including Capital Improvement Projects (CIP).
Utility Line Projects Completeness Check Application
This application is for obtaining a construction site plan permit for Utility Line Projects within the City of Austin jurisdiction (full purpose and limited-purpose city limits, and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)), except for water or sewer taps to an existing main, construction falling under the General Permit, and utility construction related to a subdivision. Construction plans for water and wastewater projects (except for the above) are no longer submitted separately to Water and Wastewater since the Development Services Department will do the distribution.
If you are ready to apply, go to the "How to Apply" section. If you are uncertain of which application type is right for you, schedule an appointment for Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions.
- Site Plan Corrections
Site Plan Corrections are minor changes to an approved site plan while the site is actively under construction.
How to Apply :
Confirm Eligibility
Only site plans with active fiscal postings may be corrected. If you are unsure if your project is eligible and need to discuss additional review options, schedule an appointment for Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions.
Obtain Record Copies of Site Plan Sheets
Site Plan Corrections must be prepared on City Approved copies of Site Plan Sheets. If you do not have a Record copy, contact Records & Research for assistance.
Red Mark Record Site Plan Sheets
Electronically mark proposed changes in red on Record Site Plan Sheets. Red markings should be prepared where proposed line work and figures are visible in red and existing approved line work and figures are visible in black.
Submit an Application
Use the Site Plan Correction Request Web Form to submit the following information:
- Completed Site Plan Correction Request Form (PDF)
- Austin Build + Connect ID (AB+C ID)
- A file containing all sheets to be corrected showing originally approved linework in black and proposed linework in red
- A file of black line only replacement sheets that incorporates proposed changes
Site Plan Correction Request Web Form
Pay Invoice
Staff will review the submittal request to confirm all information and documents needed for review have been provided. If additional information is needed, staff will contact the applicant via email. Once the submittal is deemed complete, the invoice will be issued to the applicant and will need to be paid. Visit the Cashier Services webpage to view the payment options. Once the invoice is paid, the Site Plan Correction Application review will begin.
Application Review
Staff will review your application. Your application may be reviewed by up to 10 disciplines, which may provide discipline-specific comments.
Approval or Denial
Once all necessary reviews have been completed, administrative staff will contact the applicant via email with approval instructions or denial comments.
Submit a response to the Denied Application
If the application is approved, continue to Step 9.
If the application is Denied, address staff denial comments and resubmit. All comments should be addressed appropriately, and relevant staffers should be contacted for follow-up discipline-specific questions. If comments are not adequately addressed, staff may request additional updates. All sheets proposed to be changed in the correction must be submitted for each resubmittal.
When you are ready, submit the response addressing the denial comments using the Site Plan Correction Request Web Form.
Site Plan Correction Request Web Form
Once the Correction is approved, it will be uploaded to the Site Plan folder on the AB+C Portal and considered part of the approved Site Plan.
- Site Plan Withdrawal & Resubmittal and Extensions
Withdrawal and Resubmittal
If the Site Plan Application is not approved before the one-year review period ends, an applicant can withdraw and resubmit the Site Plan Application for additional review time.
The following applies to withdrawal and resubmittals.
- A withdrawal request must happen prior to the Site Plan's expiration date.
- The granting of a withdrawal request is at the discretion of the Case Manager.
- If approved, the withdrawal and resubmittal must happen on the same date.
- The application must be submitted as a new application.
- The new application submittal must include an approval letter from the Case Manager and a letter stating the names of the reviewers assigned (a screenshot of an email message will suffice).
To start this process, the applicant can request a one-time withdrawal and resubmittal to the Case Manager (usually through email) to obtain the approval letter. You can find your Case Manager listed on the Master Comment Report, or by logging into your AB+C Portal account. If granted, the applicant can resubmit the new application with the approval letter by visiting the How to Apply section.
Site Plan Extension
If an approved and released site plan is approaching its expiration date, an applicant may request an extension of the approved site plan. If this is the first extension request for the approved Site Plan, an applicant may request a one-time, one-year administrative extension. If an approved Site Plan has already received a one-year administrative extension, further extensions must be approved by the Land Use Commission.
The following applies to extension requests.
- The extension request must be submitted prior to the expiration date of the approved site plan permit.
- The granting of extension requests is discretionary.
- The extension request must be submitted as a new application. Use the same application type that was originally submitted.
To start this process, visit the How to Apply section to submit a new application. If the extension request is approved and granted, you will receive a formal letter authorizing the extension.
- How to Apply
How to Apply for Site Plan Applications:
Determine which Site Plan Application you need to submit
Use our Site Plan Application Interactive Tool to determine which Site Plan Application is right for your project. This tool will guide you to the correct application and who to contact for questions.
Site Plan Application Interactive Tool
Please take a minute to provide us with feedback on the Site Plan Application Interactive Tool.
Does the Applicant have an Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Account?
(If yes, go to Step 3)
The Applicant listed on the application must have an AB+C Portal account to pay fees and manage the application. If the applicant does not have an AB+C account, please register for an AB+C Portal account as a first-time user. For additional assistance, please see the AB+C Manual, or call Austin 3-1-1. Please make a note of the email address used for this new account. You will need this for Step 3.
Submit a Site Plan Completeness Check Application Using the Web Form
Complete a Site Plan Completeness Check Application and gather the required documents. Visit the Forms & Applications webpage and select the correct application type. Please review the instructions and supplemental information to ensure all information is completed and submitted correctly. To view all requirements that are needed within a plan set for a Consolidated Site Plan Completeness Check Application, visit the Site Plan Requirements webpage.
We encourage you to utilize the Development Assessment meeting with Land Development Information Services (LDIS) staff to better gauge possible requirements for both processes. Email to request a Development Assessment meeting.
The Development Services Department assigns case managers to all site plan applications. LDIS offers optional dedicated case managers and pre-submittal consultations for applicants submitting a site plan for an affordable housing project or residential-only project with five units or more. Visit the Site Plan Housing Case Management webpage to learn more and request a consultation before submitting your application for Completeness Check review.
Submit your completed application and supplemental documents using the Site Plan Completeness Check (CC) Application Web Form.
Site Plan CC Application Web Form
Once you submit the application, you will receive an automatic email confirming your submission, including the approximate wait time.
Please do not resubmit a form, as this will create delays.
Pay Invoice
Once your application is accepted for Completeness Check Review, the applicant will receive an invoice for the Completeness Check fees. The invoice must be paid within five (5) business days of receipt for the Completeness Check Review process to begin. Visit the Cashier Services webpage to view the payment options.
Once the invoice is paid, your application will proceed to the 45-day Completeness Check Review period. The application Filing Date is one (1) business day after the invoice is paid.
Completeness Check (CC) Review & Updates
During the Completeness Check (CC) Review, staff verifies that all required administrative and technical items have been submitted. Within ten (10) business days after the Filing Date, the applicant will receive a Completeness Check Results Letter noting any deficiencies in the form or content of your application.
If an application is deemed incomplete, please submit updates to provide additional information, documents, or corrections using the Site Plan Completeness Check (CC) Application Web Form.
Please provide any required Formal Review documentation during the Completeness Check review for increased efficiency of the initial Formal Review.
Site Plan CC Application Web Form
Receive Completeness Check Certification Letter
Once the Completeness Check Application is deemed complete, the applicant will receive the Completeness Check Certification Letter. This letter is needed for the Formal Application submittal.
The Formal Application submittal and payment of formal review fees must occur within 45 calendar days after issuance of the Certification Letter. Otherwise, a new Completeness Check Application will be required.
Submit Site Plan Formal Application & Pay Invoice
The following steps must be completed within 45 calendar days from the issuance of the Completeness Check Certification Letter:
- Submit the following documents using the Site Plan Formal Application Web Form and Receive the Invoice. Initial Site Plan Formal Applications may be submitted at any time. Once the Formal Application is accepted for review, the applicant will receive an invoice for the formal review fees. The required submittal items include:
- Completed Site Plan Formal Application (PDF).
- Completeness Check Certification Letter. The Letter is received at the end of the Completeness Check Review process.
Additional Supplemental Documents that were identified during the CC Application Review. All previously approved materials during CC review will be retained.
- Pay the invoice for the Formal Review fees. The applicant can view the fees through their AB+C Portal account. Visit the Cashier Services webpage to view the payment options.
- Staff will process the Site Plan Formal Application. One (1) business day after the invoice is paid, your application will be processed, and the Formal Review period will start. When the application is processed for review, the Filing Date for the Formal Review will start.
Initial Formal Review
During the Formal Review, City of Austin staff will review the project to ensure the plan complies with City Code.
Before receiving the Master Comment Report, you will receive Rolling Draft Comments as individual reviews are finalized. This does not replace the Master Comment Report but allows you early access to reviewers’ comments. At the end of every day, you will be emailed any individual reviews that were completed that day. This allows you to prepare early for any necessary adjustments during the review cycle. You will not be able to submit responses to these comments until you receive your Master Comment Report.
When the review is completed, the applicant will receive the Master Comment Report. If you have questions about the comments or need clarification, reach out to the assigned reviewer noted in the Master Comment Report.
If your project is an affordable housing or residential-only project with five or more units, your project qualifies for the optional post-review meeting offered by your assigned Land Development Information Services (LDIS) case manager. Visit the Site Plan Housing Case Management webpage to learn more.
If the Master Comment Report contains comments that you believe are inappropriate, inaccurate, or are in conflict with another comment on the Master Comment Report and you have attempted to reach out directly to the reviewer(s) or you have contacted the applicable reviewer(s) and have been waiting to hear back for more than three business days please submit a Comment Resolution Request. Conflicts can only be submitted and resolved between review cycles. They cannot be submitted while the site plan is in review. Visit the Comment Resolution Process to submit the request and learn more.
Notification: For Site Plan applications, notification is mailed within 14 days of formal submittal to interested parties. Registered interested parties will receive a copy of the Master Comment Report and notification if and when the site plan is approved. Land Use Commission site plans require notification of public hearings.
Submit Updates to Site Plan Formal Application
If the application is in an "Awaiting Update" status, use the Site Plan Formal Application Web Form to submit an update addressing the code deficiencies and comments from the Master Comment Report. It is common for a project to undergo multiple updates for reviews.
Land Use Commission: If approval by the Land Use Commission is required, the Case Manager schedules the site plan application for a Land Use Commission hearing.
Site Plan Formal Application Web Form
If necessary, Withdraw and Resubmit the Site Plan Application
(If the Site Plan Application will receive approval by the expiration date, go to Step 11)
If the Site Plan Application is not approved before the one-year review period ends, you can withdraw and resubmit the Site Plan Application for additional review time. Visit the Site Plan Withdrawal & Resubmittal and Extension section to learn more. Contact the assigned Case Manager listed on the Master Comment Report for guidance.
Site Plan Formal Review Approval Results
Concept Site Plan or Development Assessment Applications: A Master Comment Report is issued with recommendations. Depending on the application, it may result in commitments from the City that are binding for one year after approval.
Site Plan Applications: Once the DSD Case Manager has verified code requirements have been met and all fees paid, the plans are stamped and signed with an approval date. A digital copy will be sent to the applicant electronically. The plans will also be uploaded to the AB+C Portal.
Approved site plans expire three years after the date of commission or administrative approval unless:
- The applicant has active building permits for all proposed structures on the site; or
- Ongoing construction activity keeps the site plan active for construction that does not require building permits.
Continue with the Development Process, or Submit a Site Plan Correction, Revision, or Extension
Once the Site Plan Permit is issued, move forward with the Building Plan Permitting or Environmental Site Construction process. Visit the Understanding the Development Process webpage to learn more about the next steps in the development process.
The following options are available to change or update the approved and released Site Plan:
- Site Plan Correction
- If minor changes are needed while the site is actively under construction, an applicant may submit a Site Plan Correction Application if it qualifies. Visit the Site Plan Corrections section to learn more and apply.
- Site Plan Revision
- If changes are needed and they do not qualify as a Correction, an applicant may submit a Site Plan Revision Application if it qualifies. Visit the Site Plan Revision Application (Consolidated/Non-Consolidated) within the Site Plans section to learn more.
- Site Plan Extension
- If the Site Plan Permit is approaching its expiration date, an applicant may request an extension of the approved site plan. Visit the Site Plan Withdrawal & Resubmittal and Extension section to learn more.
- Submit the following documents using the Site Plan Formal Application Web Form and Receive the Invoice. Initial Site Plan Formal Applications may be submitted at any time. Once the Formal Application is accepted for review, the applicant will receive an invoice for the formal review fees. The required submittal items include:
- Additional Permits for Site Plans
Visit the Forms & Applications webpage to view applications, checklists, and associated packets.
Barton Springs Zone Initial Operating Permit Application
In the Barton Springs Zone (BSZ), the owner or operator of commercial or multifamily development must obtain an annual operating permit for the required water quality controls. The BSZ overlay district applies to the portion of the Barton Springs Zone, as described in Section 25-8-2 (Descriptions Of Regulated Areas), within the City’s zoning jurisdiction. The maintenance plan for the entire water quality control system is required by LDC 25-8-233. Submit your application online through the AB+C Portal. For assistance, please email the Watershed Department.
Capitol View Corridor Elevation Determination Application
A Capitol View Corridor (CVC) is a plane that extends from a defined viewpoint or points to the base of the Capitol dome. The center of the Capitol dome is 653 feet above sea level. No structure is permitted to pierce the plane. Staff is charged with conducting a review and writing a determination when new development is proposed in a CVC. To apply, complete the Capitol View Corridor Elevation Determination Application (PDF and email it to Zachary Whitaker.
Demolition Application
The Demolition Permit Application includes submittal requirements for Residential and Commercial Structures. Site Plan approval is required before submitting a demolition project. Visit the Demolition Permit webpage to learn how to apply.
Limited Adjustment Application
Complete this form in full to apply for an Adjustment to the Save Our Springs Initiative, as per the City of Austin Land Development Code (LDC) Section 25-1-251. If you need assistance, please get in touch with the Case Manager for the associated project in review.
Managed Growth Agreement Application
What Is a Managed Growth Agreement? Sec. 25-1-553 of the City of Austin Land Development Code (LDC) states that an applicant may request the City Council enter into a Managed Growth Agreement to plan and develop large-scale projects or projects located within a planned development center. In addition, the agreement may specify the time period during which an application may comply with original regulations and shall establish an expiration date necessary to complete the project if the otherwise applicable expiration date is to be extended. Contact Christopher Johnson for questions on how to apply.
Vested Rights
The Regulatory Policy and Administration division reviews vested rights petitions submitted under Land Development Code Chapter 25-1, Article 12, and Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code. A Vested Rights Petition should be submitted prior Site Plan application. Visit the Vested Rights webpage to learn more.
- Forms & Applications
For a complete list of forms and applications, visit the Site Plan section of the Forms & Applications webpage.
Additional Site Plan Information & Resources
- Site Plan Performance Resources
The Site Plan Metric Report is a monthly report that provides updates on the volume and performance of the site plan review process. It summarizes 10 measures from throughout the process. This adds transparency and supports data-driven decisions.
This reporting was implemented as part of the Transforming Site Plan Review project. To fully capture the site plan review process, these measures will be expanded and adapted as needed.
- Site Plan Process Tracker - NEW Project Tracker
The Site Plan Process Tracker provides project updates to applicants from application submission to case closure, improving transparency throughout the site plan process. Hosted on the City of Austin's GIS platform, you can look up any case in active site plan review. Visit our Site Plan Process Tracker webpage for an interactive how-to guide.
This tracker was implemented as part of the Transforming Site Plan Review project.
- Development Services Department Reviews and Resources
In the AB+C Portal, you can see all reviews assigned to a site plan and the point of contact for each type of review.
Board of Adjustment - The City of Austin Board of Adjustment (BOA) hears and decides on requests for variances (or modifications) of Zoning site development regulations, off-street parking requirements, and sign regulations, as well as hears and decides appeals of administrative actions under Chapter 25-2 (Zoning) in the City of Austin Land Development Code. The BOA consists of members appointed by the Austin City Council. Visit the Board of Adjustment webpage to learn more.
City Arborist - The City Arborist group reviews projects for compliance with the City of Austin's Tree Ordinance. Visit the City Arborist webpage to learn more.
Water Quality and Drainage - The Water Quality and Drainage engineers are responsible for ensuring that development projects within the City’s jurisdiction comply with the Land Development Code, design criteria, and standard engineering principles. Specific areas of responsibility include flood management, stormwater conveyance and mitigation, surface water quality, roadway design and facility, and stream bank structural stability. Visit the Water Quality and Drainage webpage to learn more and to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment.
Environmental - The Environmental review is primarily concerned with the enforcement of the regulations detailed in Chapter 25-8, Subchapter A; and Chapter 25-2, Subchapter C, Article 9 of the City’s Land Development Code; and portions of Section 1 and Section 2 of the Environmental Criteria Manual, and consist of such regulations as impervious cover restrictions per individual watershed classification, stream buffer preservation, grading and construction on slopes restrictions, erosion and sedimentation control regulations, and landscaping.
- Partner Department Reviews and Resources
In the AB+C Portal, you can see all reviews assigned to a site plan and the point of contact for each type of review.
Address Management Services (Communications and Technology Management Department) - Visit the Address Management Services webpages to request address verification, reserve street names, view addressing changes, and review standards.
Austin Energy Department - Visit the Service Design & Planning webpage to learn more about their processes, standards, and code.
Austin Fire Department - Austin Fire Department's (AFD) Fire Protection engineers are primarily responsible for fire safety features in the design of buildings, including the design of the overall site, and new and renovated buildings. Visit the AFD Plan Review webpage to learn more.
Austin Water Department - There are multiple review groups within the Austin Water Department. Visit the Utility Development Services webpage to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment.
- Pipeline Engineering's overall responsibility is reviewing, permitting, and managing all public and private development projects for water, wastewater, and reclaimed water infrastructure to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and city standards, specifications, and requirements. Visit the Pipeline Engineering webpage to learn more.
- Industrial Waste oversees Chapter 15-10 of the Austin City Code (Wastewater Regulations) along with state and federal regulations. that could affect the quality or quantity of industrial wastewater discharged to the City's sewer system. Visit the Industrial Waste webpage to learn more.
Development Incentives and Agreements - Visit the Development Incentives and Agreements webpage for more information on S.M.A.R.T. Housing, Affordability Unlocked, density bonuses, and other City of Austin affordable housing programs.
Floodplain Regulations - Visit the Floodplain Regulation webpage to learn more about local and federal development rules.
Historic Preservation (Planning Department) - The historic preservation office reviews demolition and relocation permits for buildings over 45 years of age. Visit the Historic Preservation webpage to learn if a property is a historic landmark located in a locally designated historic district or a National Register district.
Housing Department - Visit the Housing Department webpage for more information and resources.
Land Management (Transportation & Public Works Department) - The Land Management team assists customers with obtaining rights for the use of City right-of-way and easements (streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utilities). Visit the Land Management webpage to learn more.
Law Department - The Land Use and Real Estate Division provides legal advice, legislative drafting, and transactional and contractual assistance to specific City departments on real estate, zoning, land development, environmental protection, and endangered species. The Land Use and Real Estate Division reviews legal document submissions such as easements. View all Easement and Restrictive Covenant templates on the Forms and Applications webpage.
Parks and Recreation Department - A site plan applicant shall provide for the parkland needs of the residents by dedicating suitable land for park and recreation purposes or by paying a fee in lieu of land. The City may require dedication of land if the proposed development is in a park-deficient area and/or meets other dedication criteria. Visit the Parkland Dedication webpage to learn more about these regulations.
Transportation and Public Works - There are multiple review groups within the Transportation and Public Works Department. Visit the Transportation and Public Works Department webpage to learn more.
- Public Works - Public Works designs, manages, and inspects major capital improvement projects; promotes bicycle, pedestrian, safe routes to school, and urban trail projects; and maintains the City's network of trails, roadways, and bridges once they are built.
- Transportation Development Services (TDS) - The TDS team provides review services to developers/applicants and their consultants on all aspects of transportation associated with a proposed development/redevelopment. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) determination is required for Site Plan submittals.
Watershed Protection Department - The Watershed Protection Department protects lives, property and the environment of our community by reducing the impact of flooding, erosion and water pollution. Visit the Watershed Protection Department webpage to learn more.
*This is not a complete list; not all reviews apply to all applications
- New Comments and Re-Review
If case management or the departmental reviewer for a site plan application under review changes or a new comment is added after the initial review cycle, your site plan application may need to be re-reviewed.
New comments may be added to the Master Comment Report if:
- High-priority or health and safety issues have been identified.
Each reviewing department will provide a list of high-priority and/or health and safety issues that may result in additional comments. - Major design changes from the previous submittal have been submitted with the update, including major design changes after clearance of previous comments related to the design of the site.
Applicant should provide a summary of changes to plans with each update provided.
If you have questions about the comments or need clarification, reach out to the Case Manager noted in the Master Comment Report. Learn more about this process by viewing the Site Plan Protocol for New Comments and Re-Review (PDF).
- High-priority or health and safety issues have been identified.
- Comment Resolution Process
The Comment Resolution Process (PDF) is a transparent and understandable set of steps for quickly reaching a resolution when an applicant:
- Identifies a comment they believe is inappropriate, inaccurate, or in conflict with another comment on the Master Comment Report and they have attempted to address the comment directly with the applicable reviewer(s).
- Has contacted the applicable reviewer(s) and has been waiting to hear back for three business days.
Conflicts can only be submitted and resolved between review cycles. They cannot be submitted while the site plan is in review.
How to request:
Submit a Comment Resolution Request
Complete a Comment Resolution Request if you have identified two or more comments in your Master Comment Report for codes that are in conflict. Conflicts can only be submitted and resolved between review cycles; they cannot be submitted while the site plan is in review.
Submit Comment Resolution Request
Review of Request
The Case Manager determines if the case is eligible to move forward through the comment resolution process within two business days. Submissions are ineligible if one of the following occurs:
- the application is not between review cycles,
- the subject of the conflict is currently under review by a board or commission,
- there is not enough information provided to evaluate, or
- the submission is a disagreement with code and not a conflict between two codes
Reviewers Meet
The Case Manager facilitates the meeting between the Discipline Reviewers, records the outcome of the meeting, and notifies the applicant of the determination. If the conflict is not resolved, the case is escalated, and a secondary meeting is scheduled with Review Discipline Supervisors and Higher-Level Decision Makers.
Within ten business days, the City of Austin provides a unified conclusion regarding the customer-identified conflict. Potential resolutions could include the following: redesign required, administrative waiver given, board/council waiver supported, comments updated, or incomplete/not enough information available from the applicant to resolve.
- Fees and Online Tools
For more information, visit the Fees webpage.
ToolsThe Property Profile tool answers questions about specified properties and development regulations within the City. With Property Profile, you can search for information, see aerial images, including street views, create custom maps, download data, and run a report detailing a specified property.
Visit more online tools.
- Appointments
Site Plan Review, Exemptions, Corrections, and Revision Questions
The Land Development Information Services (LDIS) staff, previously known as the Development Assistance Center (DAC), can answer general site plan questions such as which Site Plan Application to submit, the site plan process and requirements, Site Plan Exemptions, Corrections, Revisions, and Conditional Use Permits for commercial and multi-family properties, as well as residential and commercial boat docks.
- For questions regarding submitting a formal Site Plan Application, see the “Application Forms and Submission Questions” appointment below.
Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes
Application Forms and Submission Questions
Ask Land Use Intake staff how to fill out and submit a new Site Plan Application.
Expected Appointment Duration: 15 minutes