The Development Services Department assigns case managers to all site plan applications. Visit the Site Plan, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage for additional resources and to learn more about the site plan application process.
What is a case manager?
Development Services Department case managers support you through the site plan application review process, set clear expectations, and address your questions and concerns. They also help identify City resources for other aspects of your specific development process (e.g., zoning, subdivision, and building plan review).
If your project qualifies for a dedicated Land Development Information Services (LDIS) case manager, they can provide additional support beyond the current case manager role. They will support your project through each required site plan review discipline across departments and serve as a single point of contact for applicants seeking assistance. The LDIS case manager can also facilitate optional pre-submittal consultations and post-review cycle meetings with reviewers. This service is designed to support overall comment resolution and help with application review as part of the Transforming Site Plan Review process. LDIS case managers are currently assisting these housing application types:
- Affordable Housing Site Plans
- Residential-only projects with five or more units
The case manager assigned to a formal site plan application is listed in the AB+C Portal in the case folder details and the Master Comment Report.
Consultation and Meeting Overview
The Development Services Department’s Land Development Information Services (LDIS) case managers facilitate pre-submittal consultations, post-review cycle meetings, and the permit issuance process for specific housing projects.
- Pre-submittal Consultation
Pre-submittal consultations are optional, and help offer guidance on potential project complications identified by the applicant. The consultation will take place before the completeness check review and include a limited number of City review staff.
Guidelines for Pre-submittal Consultations:
- Site plan applications must be for affordable housing or residential-only housing (five units or more).
- The site plan is close to completion.
- One consultation is offered per application before the completeness check review.
- Formal determinations and approvals for the design will not be provided.
- Limited to one hour, scheduled on specific days and times each week.
- Consultations are held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
- Agenda topics are provided by the applicant.
View the Guide for Site Plan Pre-Submittal Consultation Meeting (PDF) for more information.
Request a Pre-Submittal Consultation
When you are ready for your consultation, submit a request using the Pre-Submittal Consultation Request Web Form.
Do not use this web form if your project includes Permanent Supportive Housing. Learn more about that program in the Permanent Supportive Housing section.
- Post-review Cycle Meeting
If your project is affordable housing or a residential-only project with five or more units, it qualifies for the optional post-review meeting offered by your assigned LDIS case manager. The goal of the post-review cycle meeting is to reduce the overall number of review updates for a project. Staff and applicants can discuss and find resolutions to critical path issues.
Guidelines for Post-review Cycle Meetings:
- This meeting can be requested after the first review (Update 0) and any additional reviews.
- The applicant is limited to one post-review meeting during the course of your application.
- Staff will not clear comments in the post-review meetings.
- The LDIS case manager will identify the necessary staff that should attend and facilitate the Comment Resolution Process and other post-review meetings.
Please contact the assigned reviewer directly if your questions pertain to a single review discipline.
View the Guide for Site Plan Post-review Cycle Meeting (PDF) for more information.
Request a Post-review Cycle Meeting
To request a post-review meeting, contact your assigned LDIS case manager. The case manager assigned to a formal site plan application is listed in the AB+C Portal in the case folder details and on your Master Comment Report.
To request a meeting under the Comment Resolution Process, visit the Comment Resolution Process section on the Site Plan webpage. Once a post-review meeting is requested, your assigned LDIS case manager will schedule and facilitate the meeting between review disciplines.
- Site Plan Permit Issuance
Your assigned case manager will lead and facilitate the permit issuance process for you by:
- Obtaining final stamped plans and City signatures.
- Providing the approved Site Plan Permit and stamped plan set.
Types of Site Plan Housing Applications
- Affordable Housing Site Plans
What is affordable housing?
Housing in which the occupant(s) is/are paying no more than 30 percent of their income for gross housing costs, including utilities*, and no more than 45 percent of their income for transportation**.
*Definition from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
** Definition from the Housing and Transportation Affordability Index.
Incentive Programs
For all City of Austin voluntary affordable housing incentive programs (such as S.M.A.R.T. Housing, Density Bonuses, Affordability Unlocked, etc.), applicants must obtain a certification letter from the Housing Department for their relevant affordable housing incentive program to receive the development bonuses and/or fee waivers offered by the program. You are encouraged to apply for certification prior to submitting your site plan.
The Housing Department’s Development Incentives and Agreements webpage provides information on the various voluntary incentive programs. Please review the Development Incentives and Agreements webpage to determine which program applies to your development, the associated affordability requirements, and any non-housing requirements such as design standards or other community benefits. This website will also include instructions on how to apply for each incentive program.
Case Manager
A Land Development Information Services (LDIS) staff member will be the assigned case manager for affordable housing site plan applications.
- Permanent Supportive Housing Site Plans
Permanent Supportive Housing projects include a residential element to satisfy affordability requirements. This program allows reviewers to provide feedback to the designer earlier in the review process. The Public Project Review team will be the assigned case manager for permanent supportive housing site plan applications. Visit the Public Project Review webpage to learn more.
- Residential Housing Site Plans
Any residential-only project with five units or more that are not utilizing Affordable Housing or Permanent Supportive Housing programs is considered a residential housing site plan. A Land Development Information Services (LDIS) staff member will be the assigned case manager for residential housing site plan applications.
Contact Us
For general questions regarding case management or site plan housing, email or schedule an appointment.
If you have an assigned case manager, please contact them with questions. The case manager assigned to a project is listed in the AB+C Portal in the case folder details.