Austin Resource Recovery provides cart-based trash and recycling collection services for some small businesses in residential areas that do not require dumpsters. Most businesses, however, choose a private hauler for their landfill trash, recycling or composting services. Additionally, Austin Resource Recovery manages a commercial trash and recycling contract for businesses located in the Downtown Austin Service District.
Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) has changed how it offers bulk and brush collections to residential customers, which include single-family homes up to fourplexes in Austin. Beginning January 2025, the collections changed from a predetermined semiannual schedule to an on-demand service.
Household hazardous waste (HHW) collection was also launched as a new on-demand service to all ARR residential customers in January 2025.
Formerly Solid Waste Services, Austin Resource Recovery provides a wide range of residential services designed to transform waste into resources while keeping our community clean.
Use My Schedule to get a personalized collection calendar for all residential curbside services. You can add your schedule to Google, iCal, or Outlook, or you can print it.