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Beat the heat tips header

With back-to-back days in triple digits temperatures, managing life in the Central Texas summer can be tricky. To help, here are 13 tips to help you conquer the blazing temps and beat the heat!

Save energy, save money. 



1. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.


food for all header

From South by Southwest to barbecue and breakfast tacos, Austin has built a reputation as livable city, attracting travelers and new residents from all over the country.  But rapid growth has also brought pressing issues. Recent studies show Austin to be the most racially and economically segregated metropolitan city in the country. This inequality is marked by limited access to basic needs, such as fresh, healthy food. In fact, one in four Austin households face food-insecurity; they are unsure of where th…


Lisa Apfelberg

I'm helping make Austin Net-Zero by composting, upcycling and reusing! 

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come. He…


I'm helping make Austin Net-Zero by being a bus commuter!  

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come. Here’s the story of how one person can make a difference.


Meet Melissa Rothrock, water planner at the Tex…


castle hill fitness header featured member

You may have heard of the Austin Green Business Leader program, but perhaps are still unsure of how the program works or who the members are. We’ll be featuring different members throughout the year to introduce these great business that are helping make Austin an even better place to live and do business!



A photo of Sharon Mays walking in a park outside. Text over the photo reads, "Sharon Mays: Net-Zero Hero".

I'm helping make Austin Net-Zero by walking more and driving less.

A headshot of Sharon Mays.


Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way!

As a community, we’re committed to reaching the targe…


We are helping make Austin Net-Zero by generating and conserving energy at home. 


Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come.…


I'm helping make Austin Net-Zero by living with less in a home that offers endless inspiration.

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years…


I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by driving an electric car.


Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come. Here’s the story of how one person can…


A photo of Catalina Berry. She holds a blue recycling bin. Text over the photo reads, "Catalina Berry: Net-Zero Hero".

I’m helping make Austin Net-Zero by recycling and encouraging others to recycle. 
Para ayudar a hacer Austin Net Zero, estoy reciclando y animando a otros a hacer lo mismo.


A headshot of Catalina Berry.

Austin is green and we all…