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We’re pleased to introduce you to Emmie DiCicco, a new Food Policy Planner working with our Food Team on a temporary assignment. We asked Emmie a few get-to-know-you questions so you can learn more about her and her background.

Q: Where are you from and what do you like best about your hometown?

A: I’m from Philadelphia, PA — the home of soft pretzels, ‘wooder ice,’ and the beloved mascot Gritty. I have so much love for Philly, particularly the attitude and the people. What other city can pull off the slogan, ‘No one likes us, w…


Inhale, exhale. The simple act of breathing is something that most of us have taken for granted at some point or another. But, breathing clean, fresh air is necessary for people to survive and thrive. Perhaps there is no better time to focus on air quality and respiratory health than during a global health crisis spurred by a disease that targets the lungs. 

Because of human-induced climate change, our air quality is in danger of becoming worse. Wildfires,…


Photo of a man with a long beard wearing a blue t-shirt standing on a roof with solar panels. There is a graphic overlay that reads "Jerry Bramwell Net-Zero Hero"

I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by: minimizing energy and water consumption in my home to the greatest extent possible.


Headshot-style photo of Jerry with a blue shirt on.Meet our newest Net-Zero Hero, Jerry Bramwell! In 2013, Jerry and his wife Lauree made the decision to move from Houston to Austin to be close…


Austin was one of 195 cities worldwide that signed the Paris Agreement at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, agreeing to lower greenhouse gas emissions to alleviate the worst impacts of climate change. But this is only the most recent development in a long history of climate action taken by our city. In 2007, City Council approved a resolution to make Austin a leader in the fight against climate change. Building on that effort, in 2014 Council set a target of…


Text overlay: "make Austin your playground with these family-friendly parks" picture is a playground in the background

The Austin Parks and Recreation Department oversees a large number of incredibly fun parks where families can go to enjoy themselves. With the weather cooling off, it’s a great time to try some of these parks with your kiddos. But, with so many great options, sometimes it can feel overwhelming deciding where to go. In order to help you out, here is a list of 11 family favor…


Climate change in Austin: What's being done locally, and the top three things you can do to help

Austin already has an extreme climate, and climate projections tell us that it’s going to get even more extreme. But the City of Austin is taking climate change very seriously, and there are many ways you can help. Below are the answers to questions you might have, and the top three things that would make the biggest difference to reduce Austin's carbon footprint.

How is climate change impacting Austin?


Impacts from climate change are already being experienced…


Leading with Equity in Austin's Climate Plan Update

As we embark on revising Austin’s Community Climate Plan, a lot has changed since we created our first plan in 2015. We now know that climate change is happening faster than we thought, and that the landscape of potential solutions has changed in terms of cost and technology. We also know that climate solutions have the potential to improve everyone’s quality of life, but climate change impacts don’t affect everyone equally. This is why we are leading with racial equity and learning from the…

By: Taja Beekley, Sales & Event Manager at the Austin Central Library and proud dog owner of Willoughby.

When we adopt a pet, we commit ourselves to a life of love and care. There are ways that we can incorporate a more earth-friendly approach to their wellbeing. Although it may seem more expensive or time consuming, these endeavors can often lead to a happier and healthier pet, as well as cost savings for their…



I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by being creative.


Calder Kamin

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come. Here’s the story of how one person can make a difference.


Meet local artist Calder Kamin. She contributes to Austin's Net-…


Can you dig it? How to get garden-ready this spring

It’s officially spring — which means it’s time to get out and play in the dirt! So grab your trowel and your garden hose and let’s get growing!

Seasoned gardeners will tell you that growing your own vegetable and herb garden is a very rewarding experience. Not only is the actual process of gardening therapeutic, but you get the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your food came from. Here are some tips for getting started.

Deciding where to garden