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Reflecting on 2020 while celebrating 10 years of sustainability leadership in Austin

Our team is often asked, “What does ‘sustainability' really mean?” To us, it means protecting and improving Austin’s quality of life now and for future generations. The ways we work towards this are numerous. Specifically, our office leads efforts to strengthen our local food system, achieve net-zero community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, and identify ways to make Austin resilient in the face o…


Phil Duran

We’re pleased to introduce you to Phillip Duran, a new Senior Climate Analyst in our office. Phillip will be working on data analysis, specifically calculating citywide and municipal greenhouse gas emissions.

We asked Phillip a few get-to-know-you questions so you can learn more about him and his background.


Q: Where are you from and what do you like best about your hometown?

A: I’m from a little place just east of Dallas called Rockwall, Texas – it’s the lit…


Photograph of Aimee Aubin standing next to trees and red flowers.

We’re pleased to introduce you to Aimee Aubin, a new Public Information Specialist Sr. in our office. Aimee will be working on design and community storytelling.

We asked Aimee a few get-to-know-you questions so you can learn more about her and her background.


Q: Where are you from and what do you like best about your hometown?

A: I’m from Bay Shore, New York, which is on the south shore of Long Island. It was a great place to…


Image of a present wrapped with a brown paper bag. Text reads, "How to Have a Green Holiday Season".

Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, Americans increase their landfill-bound waste by about 25%. Being mindful about managing your household’s waste this holiday season is one of the greatest gifts you can give to the Earth and ultimately to our families and our future.

Here are a few easy tips on how to have a greener…


A banner image of the Austin skyline with the COP26 logo and text that reads, "UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021: Austinites Reflect."


Through November 12, leaders from around the world are gathered in Glasgow, Scotland for the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, known as COP26. Throughout these weeks, the global community turns our eyes towards the commitments coming out of Glasgow as countries work together to accelerate climate action.


Photograph of small business storefronts with a graphic that reads, "Austin Climate Leaders."

Solving climate change requires both individual and collective action. In creating the Austin Climate Equity Plan, we were reminded of the barriers to action many community members face and the critical role institutions can play in leading by example. Businesses and organizations across our region can have a big impact when it comes to addressing the climate cr…


Beat the heat tips header

With back-to-back days in triple digits temperatures, managing life in the Central Texas summer can be tricky. To help, here are 13 tips to help you conquer the blazing temps and beat the heat!

Save energy, save money. 



1. Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher.


Photo of two students in front of the Texas State Capitol Building. Text reads "Matthew Kim & Emma Galbraith Net-Zero Heroes"

We’re making Austin Net-Zero by: organizing students to demand climate action.


Photo of a family of four in front of large green trees. Graphic reads "Nhat Ho Net-Zero Hero"

I’m helping to make Austin Net-Zero by: making sustainable living fun for the whole family.

A headshot of Nhat Ho.Meet Nh…


soofa bench

If you’ve spent some time in the Seaholm EcoDistrict, you might have noticed some new benches in the area. At first glance, it may seem like any regular bench, but don’t be fooled. This is no ordinary piece of furniture. It’s a Soofa Bench.

Soofa Benches are “smart benches” designed by three graduate students from the MIT Media Lab and the Harvard Innovation Lab. The benches use solar panels to charge mobile devices, such as phone and tablets. Soofa benches can also sense the environment around them. They’re outfitted with a variety of sensors to colle…