Rethink Austin logo

august martin, jr net-zero hero

I’m helping make Austin Net-Zero by: spreading the message of sustainability at home, at work, and in the community.

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by…


If you’re like a lot of people, you’d like to do the right thing and ride the bus, but fear of ending up in Oklahoma nullifies your good intentions. Well, we are here to remove the fear!

The first thing you’ll need to do is plan your trip.

Go to Capital Metro’s trip planner and enter the address you’re starting from and where you need to go. Capital Metro will determine the bus route that will work best for you.

Every route is detailed…


net-zero hero: joseph de leon

I’m helping make Austin Net-Zero by turning organic waste into plant food.

Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years to come. Here’s the story o…


Bill Nye, the Science Guy, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s SXSW Eco Conference on October 12th, and two area high schools will be in attendance as guests of the City’s Office of Sustainability. Calling climate change the biggest challenge we face, Nye fights to raise awareness of climate change and the value of critical thinking, science, and reason. Through this work, Nye hopes to inspire people everywhere to change the world, and Eastside Memorial and Regan High School are already taking…


soofa bench

If you’ve spent some time in the Seaholm EcoDistrict, you might have noticed some new benches in the area. At first glance, it may seem like any regular bench, but don’t be fooled. This is no ordinary piece of furniture. It’s a Soofa Bench.

Soofa Benches are “smart benches” designed by three graduate students from the MIT Media Lab and the Harvard Innovation Lab. The benches use solar panels to charge mobile devices, such as phone and tablets. Soofa benches can also sense the environment around them. They’re outfitted with a variety of sensors to colle…


I’m helping make Austin Net-Zero by creating a lifestyle for my kids where they don’t really think twice about making the greener choice.


Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, w…


foundations communities header

You may have heard of the Austin Green Business Leader program, but perhaps are still unsure of how the program works or who the members are. We’ll be featuring different members throughout the year to introduce these great business that are helping make Austin an even better place to live and do business!


CarShandra Hollins Blog Header Image

I am helping Austin achieve Net-Zero by helping my University go green! 


carshandra hollins headshot


Austin is green and we all want to keep it that way! As a community, we’re committed to reaching the target of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which will ensure a safe, healthy, vibrant Austin for many years t…


Austin Energy joined BikeTexas last week to unveil the first program in the nation aimed at incentivizing electric bicycle fleets. BikeTexas’ fleet of 25 bikes will be the first to take the fleet rebate for a ride.

Mayor Steve Adler and City Council Members Leslie Pool and Sabino “Pio” Renteria spoke at the event, highlighting Austin Energy’s innovative new program. Immediately following, participants were invited to take BikeTexas’ new fleet for a spin on a 2-mile “electric assisted” bike tour.

Robin Stallings, Executive Director of Bik…


The Life Cycle of Donations: Goodwill Central Texas

So you’ve finally cleaned out that closet or garage. In organization bliss, you arrive at your local donation center with a box (or three) of unwanted items. As you drive away, the relief of out of sight, out of mind sets in. But have you ever wonder where these items end up? We recently toured Goodwill Central Texas to get a closer look at the lifecycle of donated items and discovered that these Austin Green Business Leaders are mak…