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AARC Rentals and Reservations

From cultural performances and galas in the ballroom to networking mixers in the foyer and meetings and workshops in the classrooms, the Asian American Resource Center (AARC) is the perfect location to showcase your next event and create a memorable guest experience.

The AARC looks forward to hosting your next event and the staff is committed to creating a wonderful experience for you and your guests. 

Rental Spaces and Community Meeting Rooms 

Effective January 2023, the AARC implemented a new rental application policy to align with AARC annual program planning. Rental requests occurring in fiscal year 2025 (10/1/24-9/30/25) will be accepted no earlier than April 1, 2024. Reservations cannot be made more than one year in advance.

AARC Free Community Room Reservations can be booked during the following times:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am - 6pm
  • Tuesday, Thursday: 10am - 9pm*
  • Saturday: 10am - 4pm

*Community Reservations that extend beyond 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings must be reserved at least 7 days in advance. Community Room#8 is not available Mondays - Thursdays before 2pm due to senior programs.

Click on the links below for capacity levels, equipment lists, floor plans, photos, and rental rates for each of our rental spaces. Community meeting rooms are free of charge for eligible groups and organizations. Please click here to view our community meeting room guidelines and application (PDF).

Virtual Reality Tour of Asian American Resource Center

Rental Fees and Forms

Rental Rates and Fees

AARC Rental Application (PDF)

AARC Facility Rental User Guide (PDF)

Free Community Room Reservation Form (PDF) 

Rental Inquiries and Reservations

Please contact AARC Rentals at AARCrentals@AustinTexas.gov or call (512) 974-1698 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of events can I host at the center?

The AARC is available for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor rentals including community events, non-profit events, business events, meetings, lectures, classes, banquets, and more.

Rental space becomes available after the annual scheduling of City sponsored events and partnerships.

The AARC does not rent space for life, family or personal events such as weddings, birthdays, quinceañeras, family reunions and social gatherings. This allows more space availability for community organized events.

Rental Policies and Guidelines

Commercial Kitchen Policies and Regulations

When can events be held at the AARC?

Events can be scheduled between the hours of 7am -11pm Monday - Sunday. Cleanup may not extend past 12am midnight.

What are the rental charges and what is included?

All fees are assessed in accordance with the current City of Austin Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule. Fees will be calculated based on the hourly rental fee and applicable staff and utility fees. In addition to the rental fees, a deposit (converts to damage and cleanup deposit) may be required at the time of the reservation.

Rental Fees

Are there any spaces available at no-charge?

The AARC has two community rooms which are offered free of charge, on a first-come, first-serve basis during regular business hours. These rooms are public spaces and cannot be used for commercial activities or programs that charge a fee. Community rooms can be reserved up to 90 days in advance and used two times per month.

Free Community Room Reservation Form (PDF) 

Reserve Community Rooms Online

How do I reserve a date?

Facility reservations are first-come, first-served and may be made up to a year in advance. Potential renters should complete the Facility Rental Application to begin the process. Once your event has been approved, the reservation agreement must be signed and any applicable reservation deposits paid.

Can I tour the facility?

Viewing of the AARC is available by appointment. Please contact the Event Coordinator to setup an appointment.

Page last updated: December 10, 2024