DVD copies of all public meetings can be viewed or copied at the Austin History Center. Bring a blank DVD or purchase one on-site for a nominal fee. Call 512-974-7480 for additional information.
Can I give you programming to air on ATXN or information for a bulletin board slide?
ATXN is for use by City of Austin departments only. If you are a non-profit that works with a City department, you can submit a request through the appropriate department for airtime. If you have produced your own programming, please contact Channel Austin public access television.
I am trying to watch a meeting online. Why isn’t the entire meeting available?
Archived video from public meetings is loaded by item as soon as it is ready, so check back shortly as more items are added. The entire meeting will be posted as soon as possible.
I don’t have cable. How can I watch ATXN programming?
ATXN.tv hosts a live web stream of our channel as well as archived videos of all televised public meetings and news conferences.
What is ATXN?
ATXN (formerly Channel 6) is the City of Austin government television channel.
Where can I find ATXN programming?
Time Warner Cable – Channel 6 (10.6 without a cable box)
Grande Communications – Channel 6 (119.6 without a cable box)
AT&T U-Verse – Channel 99 www.youtube.com/austintexasgov