Report to 3-1-1 any urgent or potential pollution threats to Austin creeks or storm drains. Field investigators respond to reports 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Time is of the essence!
It is very important to report pollution problems while they are in progress or as soon as possible. This allows for a rapid response and the identification of the pollution and the source.
What to Report
Any of the following can pollute our waterways if dumped illegally or if equipment is cleaned improperly.
- Chemicals
- Food Grease
- Paint
- Petroleum products, such as motor oil, gasoline, diesel or jet fuel
- Sediment/Mud
- Soap
- Trash and debris
- Wastewater
When making a report, be prepared to provide:
- A description of the potential pollution
- The location of the problem
- The source of pollution or the person(s) responsible, if known
- When the pollution problem was observed
Make Your Report
There are three options:
- Call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000
- Report it online (Service type is Environmental Spills)
- Use the 3-1-1 App