Download proposed zoning maps by district.

District One: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Two: Existing, Proposed, Proposed East, Proposed West, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Three: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Four: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Five: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Six: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Seven: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Eight: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Nine: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*

District Ten: Existing, Proposed, Proposed North, Proposed South, NPA Tree Canopy and Impervious Cover*




Residential Units R1-R4

*These summaries and maps reflect the most up-to-date GIS data available for tree canopy (2014 on-the-ground information) and impervious cover (2015 on-the-ground information). Each NPA summary is limited to the Council District boundary — they do not include NPA areas that extend into other districts. Please note that several districts do not have NPAs for all areas. These non-NPA areas are summarized together in each table as “No NPA." This reflects current conditions and is not indicative of changes under CodeNEXT.