Query the current status of multiple requests.

Response Information

Method Name Service Requests
Requires API Key? No
Response Formats JSON, XML
HTTP Methods GET




This is optional on Austin's Open311 endpoint.

service_request_id or token


Non -standard

The service_request_id or token you wish to query.



Specify the service type by calling the unique ID(s) of the service_codes you wish to query. This defaults to all service codes when not declared; can be declared multiple times, comma delimited (no spaces)



Earliest datetime to include in search. When provided with end_date, allows one to search for requests which have a requested_datetime that matches a given range. Must use w3 format, e.g. 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.



Latest datetime to include in search. When provided with start_date, allows one to search for requests which have a requested_datetime that matches a given range. Must use w3 format, e.g. 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z.



Allows for search of requests which have a specific status. This defaults to all statuses; can be declared multiple times, comma delimited (no spaces); Options: open, closed.




The Austin Open311 endpoint provides supplemental details about service requests that are in addition to the ones described in the standard specification. This data are nested in the ‘attributes’, 'extended_attributes', and ‘notes’ field in the service request response. In order to retrieve the new supplemental details, add the query parameter “extensions=true” to this Open 311 API request.



Non -standard

Controls the maximum amount of results a single call will return. The default value is 50. The maximum value is 500.



Non -standard

For calls that logically include more records than the page size, the page parameter can be use to page through the results. Use in combination with page_size and with multiple calls to download all data in a logical set of records


Response Parameters

service_request_id The unique ID of the service request created.
service_code Returns the service_code associated with the definition, the same one submitted for this call.
status The current status of the service request.
service_name The human readable name of the service request type.
service_code The unique identifier for the service request type.
description A full description of the request or report submitted.
agency_responsible The agency responsible for fulfilling or otherwise addressing the service request.
requested_datetime The date and time when the service request was made.
updated_datetime The date and time when the service request was last modified. For requests with status=closed, this will be the date the request was closed.
address Human readable address or description of location.
zipcode The postal code for the location of the service request.
lat Latitude using the (WGS84) projection.
long Longitude using the (WGS84) projection.
media_url A URL to media associated with the request, e.g. an image.


Non -standard

This field displays the specific service request’s attribute codes and values answered by the end user.


Non -standard

Nested in extended_attributes field (extended_attributes.channel). Describes the method that the service request was input into the 311 system (i.e. phone, web, Open311).


Non -standard

Nested in extended_attributes field (extended_attributes.duplicate). Indicates that this service request is a duplicate of a service request that is already in the system. This can happen when, for example, the same pothole is reported multiple times. Use in conjunction with extended_attributes.parent_service_request_id to identify duplicates and their associated 'master' (aka parent) service request records.


Non -standard

Nested in extended_attributes field (extended_attributes.parent_service_request_id). When a service request is a duplicate, this value shows which service request (the parent) it is a duplicate of. Use in conjunction with extended_attributes.duplicate to identify duplicates and their associated 'master' (aka parent) service request records.


Non -standard

This field holds nested and related status details, activities, follow-on case details, for the Service Request. Will generally have a Request Opened activity and a Request closed activity when the request is closed. May also hold other activity types (i.e. Dispatch Work Crew) and notes about Follow-on Service Requests (usually transfer of Service Request ownership from one department to another). Each activity in the array of 1 or more activities can have additional properties that are described below.


Non -standard

Short description of the activity / action described by the note.


Non -standard

The date and time of the activity / action described by the note.


Non -standard

Category of the activity / action described by the note (i.e activity / opened / closed).

Have more questions? Email us at Open311developers@austintexas.gov