The City of Austin created the Fast Track process (LDC 25-5-23) to provide a quicker startup time for site construction. This optional process allows a developer to start flatwork, excavation, and construction of certain at-grade site plan elements prior to the full site plan being approved and released. The Fast Track option is only available for consolidated administrative site plan (C Plan) submissions and requires Fast Track Agent certification. 

C Plan Application icon splits into F1 and F2 icons for Fast Track Review. F1 icon goes to F1 Permit & Flatwork Construction icon then to F2 icon. F2 icon goes to Final F2 Permit & Construction icon then to Approved and Release C Plan icon.

What is the Fast Track process? 

The Fast Track process divides the site plan review into two approval stages: F1 and F2.

F1 is the approved site prep construction work, which may be done before the approval of the remainder of the plan, not including buildings. The allowable site construction for F1 includes: 

  • placing fencing around the construction area, tree protection fencing, erosion/sedimentation controls, and stabilized construction entrances
  • pre-construction conference with City inspectors
  • construction of temporary detention/sedimentation ponds
  • clearing, rough grading, and tree removal
  • final detention and water quality ponds
  • construction of paved areas, curbs, and islands*

*Paving of parking, driveways, interior roads, and construction of curb and gutter may not be allowed until F2 is approved if the location of buildings, the expected number of employees, or other reasons preclude determining location or size. 

F2 is the remainder of the work to be done, including the land use and compatibility details. When F1 is approved, the developer can begin construction on the approved F1 at- and below-grade elements while F2 is still in review, saving the time it may take to bring the F2 land use and compatibility elements into final compliance.  

Fast Track review times are the same as non-Fast Track projects. The Fast Track process does not shorten overall application approval time but allows a project to begin construction while the final site plan is still in review. Larger projects and projects required to demonstrate work development for grants can benefit from this process.  

What projects are eligible for Fast Track?

These requirements are necessary for participation in the Fast Track process:

  1. The site is within city limits and within the boundaries of an urban or suburban watershed.
  2. The site is not located in the recharge, transition, or contributing zones of the Edwards Aquifer.
  3. The site does not contain any Critical Environmental Features.
  4. The proposed development is not located in the 100-year floodplain.
  5. The proposed development requires no waivers, variances, or public hearings.
  6. A Consolidated Administrative Site Plan (C plan) application is used. Visit the Prerequisites section for the Site Plan Development Application on the Site Plan, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage. A Fast Track request letter must be submitted along with the application. It should outline the F1 and F2 elements and the project qualifications for the Fast Track process.
  7. The applicant has a current Fast Track Agent with Certification from the City. The Fast Track Certificate must be included in the submission materials. Visit the Fast Track Certification section to learn more.
Fast Track Certification

To become certified as a Fast Track Agent, review the Fast Track Manual (PDF) and take the online, open-book test. Once the Agent passes the test, they will receive a Fast Track Certificate. The certificate and associated accreditation are good for one year and can be renewed annually. There are fees associated with the Fast Track Agent accreditation and annual renewal. For more details or to enroll, please email Kate Castles. 

How to Apply

step 1   Become a Certified Fast Track Agent

Follow the steps in the Fast Track Certification section to receive a Fast Track Certificate.

step 2   Complete Consolidated Site Plan Application

Visit the Forms & Applications webpage to view applications, checklists, and associated packets. Please review the instructions and supplemental information to ensure all information is completed and submitted correctly.  In addition to the standard Consolidated Site Plan Application requirements, include the following Fast Track required documents: 

  • Sealed Engineer’s Summary Letter that includes the request for Fast Tracking and outline of F1 and F2 elements (Copy that is not in the Engineer Report)
  • Show proof of City of Austin Fast Track certification for the Fast Track Agent
  • Show F1 and F2 areas and indicate the exact work to be conducted on affected sheets for each stage
  • Submit a detailed construction schedule showing the expected times for the City to review F1 and F2 and the expected construction start and finish dates. The City’s Fast Track Review Team will review this schedule to determine the project's feasibility.  

*Fast track can NOT be requested after the formal review process has started.  

**Speak with your Case Manager before submitting a request for Fast Track to determine the feasibility.  

step 3   Submit Online 

Submit your application online with the Initial Site Plan Application Web Form. Before you begin, please note that all applicable prerequisites must be uploaded with your application.

Initial Site Plan Application Web Form 

step 4   Meet with the Case Manager

Before acceptance of the project, the applicant’s team will meet with the Case Manager to go over the submittal. At the meeting, the Case Manager will determine the feasibility of processing the application as a Fast Track project, including likely timelines and what will be needed during each review phase.

step 5   Completeness Check and Formal Review

Fast Track applications go through the same Completeness Check, Formal Review, and Update cycles as standard consolidated site plan applications. Visit the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage for more information and to complete the process.  

Step 6   F1 Permit Issuance

Once all code requirements for F1 have been met, and Fast Track fees paid, it will be approved and released by issuance of a F1 development permit. Work included in F1 can begin at this time. 

Number 7   Updates 

F2, which includes all the site work not included within F1, is still under review. If F2 is not approved within the Land Development Code's deadlines, the temporary development permit for F1 will be revoked. 

number 8   Final Permit Issuance

When F2 is approved, all fees are paid, and the final plan with the required signatures has been electronically submitted, the entire site plan is released. A development permit is then issued for the entire project. 

Questions? Contact us.

If you have questions about Fast Track or want to inquire about certification, email Kate Castles.