Construction documents

Bid documents

Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract

Summary of Changes (DOCX) 03/21/2025

Standard Contract Documents and Technical Specifications  (DOCX) 04/30/2019

MBE/WBE/DBE Procurement Program (DOCX) 12/01/2016

ROCIP (DOCX) 06/2018

Specifications  Division 0 - General Requirements

Table of Contents (DOCX) 03/21/2025

00020 Invitation for Bids (DOC) 9/21/2023

00100 Instructions to Bidders (PDF) 09/21/2023

00220 Geotechnical Data (DOCX) 03/30/2018

00300L  Lump Sum Bid (DOCX) 09/01/2021

00300U Unit Price Bid (DOCX) 09/01/2021

Total Bid Form (PDF) 04/03/2020

00400 Statement of Bidder's Experience (DOCX) 10/10/2022

00405 Certification of Non-Suspension or Debarment (PDF) 03/30/2018

00410 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience (PDF) 09/21/2023

00425A  Insurance Cost Form (ROCIP projects only) (DOCX) 08/12/2019

00425B Insurance Program Information (ROCIP projects only) (PDF) 02/08/2023

00440  Prohibited Activities (PDF) 01/17/2024

00450 MBE/WBE No Goals Form (PDF) 09/21/2023

00475 N/A Obsolete. Section has been incorporated into 00300L, 00300U, 00300U IDIQ.

00500 Agreement SAMPLE (PDF) 02/04/2020

00610 Performance Bond (PDF) 02/04/2020

00620 Payment Bond (PDF) 02/04/2020

00630 Nondiscrimination Certificate (PDF) 10/22/2019

00631 Title VI Assurances Appendix A (PDF) 03/30/2018

00632 Title VI Assurances Appendix E (PDF) 03/30/2018

00650 Certificate of Insurance (PDF) 06/08/2018

00670 Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF) 01/11/2019

00680 Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit (prior to construction) (PDF) 03/30/2018

00681 Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit (after construction) (PDF) 03/30/2018

00700 General Conditions (PDF) 09/21/2023

00810 Supplemental General Conditions (DOCX) 02/28/2023

00810A Federal Aid Assurances {Federally-funded projects only} (PDF) 06/21/2021

0820 Modifications to Bidding Requirements and Contract Forms (DOCX) 05/06/2022

00830 Wage Rates and Payroll Reporting (PDF) 03/21/2025

00830HH Wage Rates Heavy and Highway (PDF) 01/17/2025

00830BC Wage Rates Building Construction (PDF) 03/21/2025

00830WT Wage Rates and Payroll Reporting (PDF) 10/01/2023

00840 Construction Training Program Requirements (DOCX) 09/01/2021

00900 Addenda SAMPLE (DOCX) 05/10/2021

Specifications  Division 1 - General Requirements

A star (*) indicates Division 1 sections which should be prepared for every Project Manual. NOTE: Resources such as MASTERSPEC are available to assist in the development of Reserved sections.

*01010 Summary of Work {Define Scope of Work} (Word)  08/28/2020

01020 Allowances {Define Allowances if included in Bid} (Word) 03/30/2018

01025 Measurement and Payment {Special measurement and payment provisions} 09/17/2018

01030  Alternates {Define Alternates if included in Bid} (Word) 03/30/2018

01040 Project Coordination {Administrative requirements for coordination} (Reserved)

01045 Cutting and Patching (Reserved)

*01050 Grades Lines & Levels (Word) 10/19/2015

01070 Identification Systems {Identification coding for system components} (Reserved)

*01095 Reference Standards and Definitions {Terminology, acronyms, symbols, trade names and addresses, etc.} (Word) 07/21/2003

01096 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (Word) 05/06/2011

01100 Special Project Procedures {e.g., Partnering} (Reserved)

*01200 Project Meetings (Word) 05/06/2022

*01300 Submittals (Word) 05/06/2022

01310 Schedules and Reports {e.g. CPM, milestones, and construction sequencing} (Reserved)

01352 Sustainable Construction Requirements (DOCX) 06/29/2018

*01353 Construction Equipment Emissions Reduction Plan (DOCX) 04/29/2020

01380 Construction Photographs (DOCX) 04/14/2023

01400 Quality Control Services {Special instructions regarding professional testing/inspection services} 08/09/2012

*01500 Temporary Facilities {e.g. Office at the Work site, water, power, security, access roads, parking, traffic control, etc} (DOCX) 08/28/2020

*01505 Construction and Demolition Waste Management (DOCX) 08/12/2019

01510 Construction Indoor Air Quality Management (DOCX) 06/29/2018

*01550 Public Safety and Convenience (DOCX) 08/09/2012

01600 Materials and Equipment {e.g. Qualified Products List} (Reserved)

01631 Product Substitutions (Reserved)

01650 Facility Startup/Commissioning (Reserved)

01700 Contract Closeout {e.g. additional Record Document requirements} (Reserved)

01710 Final Cleaning (Reserved)

01730 Operation and Maintenance Data (Reserved)

*01900 Prohibition of Asbestos Containing Materials (DOCX) 03/12/2012

*01900A Statement of Non-Inclusion of Asbestos Containing Material (E/A Prior to Design) (PDF) 06/05/2006

*01900B Statement of Non-Inclusion of Asbsestos Containing Material (E/A After Design) (PDF) 06/05/2006

01901 thru 01999 Hazardous Materials (Asbestos, Lead, PCBs, CFCs, etc.) Definition and Standards, Abatement  Procedures, Temporary Facilities, Cleaning and

Decontamination, Testing, etc. {Replacement materials to be specified in City Standard Specifications and/or Special Specifications} (Reserved)

Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)

The templates have been developed to standardize the IDIQ solicitation/contract documents. The templates must be used in conjunction with the other relevant

Standard Contract Documents.

00020 IDIQ Invitation for Bids (Word) 10/01/2024

00300U IDIQ  Bid Form-Unit Price (DOCX) 09/01/2021

00500 IDIQ Agreement SAMPLE (PDF) 08/12/2019

00810 IDIQ  Supplemental General Conditions (DOCX) 10/01/2024

00810A Federal Aid Assurances {Required for all IDIQ projects} (PDF) 06/21/2021

00820 IDIQ Modifications to Bidding Requirements and Contract Forms (DOCX) 03/30/2018

00840 IDIQ Construction Training Program Requirements (PDF) 04/29/2020

01010 IDIQ N/A Document has been superseded by Section 01010

01020 IDIQ Allowances {Define Allowances if included in Bid} (DOCX) 04/29/2020

01100 IDIQ Special Project Procedures (DOCX) 03/01/2017

City Standard Technical Specifications

Austin City Code

Special Provisions to City Standard Specifications

Austin City Code

Special Specifications {e.g. CSI Divisions 2-16}

VOLUME # of  # MBE/WBE Procurement Program Package {For City funded and some federally funded projects. If project is funded by federal DOT, coordinate with DSMBR regarding preparation of a DBE Procurement Program Package.} 08/2019

VOLUME # of # Standard Project Safety Manual {ROCIP Projects only} (PDF, 935KB) 10/2022

ROCIP Information

ROCIP Manual Cover (DOC, 121KB)

ROCIP VIII Insurance Manual (PDF, 998KB)

ROCIP VIII Claims Kit (PDF, 787KB)

Master Workers Compensation ROCIP Policy (PDF, 3.85MB)

Master General Liability ROCIP Policy (PDF, 618KB)

Primary Excess Liability ROCIP Policy (PDF, 460KB)

Secondary Excess Liability ROCIP Policy (PDF, 232KB)

Third Excess Liability ROCIP Policy (PDF, 192KB)

Fourth Excess Liability ROCIP Policy (PDF, 510KB)

Professional services documents

Stand-Alone Professional Service contract documents

Standalone General Conditions (PDF, 346KB)

Attachment 1 – Consultant’s Key Personnel (DOC, 31KB)

Attachment 2 – Request for Changes to Key Personnel (DOCX, 26KB)

Attachment 4 – Quality Control Plan Project Specific (QCP) (DOCX, 74KB)

Attachment 5 – Resource Allocation Plan (RAP) (XLS, 51KB)

Attachment 6 – Maximum Not to Exceed by Phase (XLS, 55KB)

Rotation list contract documents

Rotation list contracts allow the City to always have a group of qualified consultants available to perform a specific type of recurring work, as well as expedite the selection of the consultants to meet the project needs of various City departments.

Firms are selected through the Request for Qualification (RFQ) process.  The maintenance and management of rotation lists are handled by the Rotation List Management Team. Current rotation lists include civil, structural and environmental engineering, as well as architecture and testing services.

Consultant Rate Review Process

Learn about the Consultant Rate Review process for consultants providing construction-related professional services and submit rates for approval.

Consultant Rate Review Process

Ethics, Anti-Lobbying, and Qualifications/Best Value Selection Processes Training

Complete this training and quiz if asked to serve on a City evaluation panel for construction procurements.

Complete training

Programs applicable to Capital Procurement

Construction Training Program

The Construction Training Program (CTP) fosters training in the construction trades to develop a pool of qualified, ready-to-work skilled and semi-skilled workers, and to provide economic opportunities to City citizens.

Construction Training

Contractor Performance Evaluation Program

The Contractor Performance Evaluation (CPE)Program applies to Consultants and Construction Contractors performing work on construction contracts.

Performance Evaluation

Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program

Firms can become a certified Minority-owned or Women-owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE), contact the City’s Small and Minority Business Resources (SMBR) Department for assistance. Learn more on the department’s page or contact the office at 512-974-7600.

SMBR Department

Prevailing Wages Program

This program applies to construction contracts and is governed by the Department of Labor-established prevailing wage rates and Texas Statute 2258.

Prevailing Wages

Wage Theft Program

On December 12, 2022, Council amended City Code Title 4 by establishing wage theft standards in the City.

Wage Theft