Obtaining an address is an integral part to the City of Austin’s permitting process. In order to acquire any type of permit, you must first have a valid address in our addressing database. The Address Management Services staff can verify and provide documentation for the following:

You can also verify the city and county your property is located in using our Jurisdictions Web Map. Just follow the simple instructions below to find your address and view the city information. You can also view these instructions with pictures included here.



  1. Click I want to...
  2. Click Find my Jurisdiction
  3. Start typing an address into the text box Ex. 100 E 6th St
  4. It will show you a list of address matches. It looks for a match to an address point first, and then on a street range if a point doesn’t exist. We recommend picking the Address from the list whenever possible. Simply select the one you want in the list. It will take you to that location.
  5. Click Submit
  6. Click Property Profile. This will list property details including:
  • Parcel ID
  • Council District
  • Jurisdiction
  • County

If the address contains buildings and/or units, they will be listed under the “Buildings and Units” tab along with their Place ID (which is known as the RSN in AMANDA)

The Annexation History tab will provide information regarding when the property was annexed into the City of Austin

The Property Profile tab will provide the legal description and zoning for the property as well as a link to the property record on the Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD) or Williamson County Appraisal District (WCAD) web site.


1. Ensure that “Street Search” is selected in the dropdown box in the upper left.

2. Type in all or part of the street name in the text box next to Street Search.  The tool will list all street names that contain the search string entered into the text box.    

3. You can then select the street that you are interested in, which will then provide a list of valid addresses on that street.

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