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I.T. Divisions

Information Technology business units operating within City of Austin departments across the municipal organization.

Austin Convention Center Information Technology

The Austin Convention Center Department provides outstanding event facilities and services to customers so they can have a positive experience.  The Center offers wired and Wi-Fi services; network support (including design and on-site support for clients during events); analog and Voice over IP services; and digital signage services.

Austin Energy Information Technology

Austin Energy delivers clean, affordable, reliable energy and excellent customer service to more than 420,000 customers.  AE’s Information Technology professionals support the energy network needs of the eighth largest community-owned electric utility in the United States.  The electric utility’s technology needs extend across the state of Texas in support of alternative energy capabilities.

Austin Fire Department Business Technology

The Austin Fire Department is committed to creating safer communities through prevention, preparedness, and effective emergency response.  The AFD Business Technology group supports numerous business applications and modules that provide process automation within 20 lines of business.  Radios, dispatch and mobile data computers in fire apparatus are managed by the AFD Communications unit which consists of eight sworn personnel, six of rank.

Austin Municipal Court Information Systems

The Austin Municipal Court provides fair, efficient, and accountable service to the public by impartially administering justice so that the quality of life is enhanced.  The Court’s Information Systems section supports the technology operations and support services of the judicial branch of the City of Austin.

Austin Public Library Information Systems

The Austin Public Library is committed to providing easy access to books and information for all ages through responsive professionals, engaging programs, and state-of-the-art technology in a safe and friendly environment.

APL’s Information Systems division supports over 20 locations and approximately 1,100 computers.  They are also responsible for maintaining and improving systems such as the department’s intranet, the public-facing website and online catalog.

Austin Transportation Data and Technology Services

Austin Transportation's Data and Technology Services team uses technology to solve real mobility-related problems for real people in Austin. They establish department-wide best practices for geospatial data management, application support, software engineering, and IT infrastructure. They also provide professional IT solutions consulting, publish authoritative mobility data and information, support real-time performance measurement, and empower staff and residents to leverage mobility data and technologies.

Austin Water Information Technology Services

Austin Water Utility provides safe, reliable and high quality water services to its customers.  The AWU Information Technology Services division consists of three work groups: Application Support Services, GIS Support Services and Technical Infrastructure Support.  The division supports the business technology needs of the entire utility.

Aviation Department Information Systems

The City of Austin Aviation Department meets the commercial passenger and air cargo service requirements of Central Texas, while accommodating military, corporate and general aviation needs. The Aviation Information Systems division provides IT services and support for both the department’s staff and tenants at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.  The division maintains an airport-wide network of critical systems such as the Flight Information Display System, including the airport’s security system and wireless network.

Communications and Technology Management

The Communications and Technology Management Department (CTM) provides Austin residents and internal and external business partners with reliable information and efficient technology services to assist them in meeting their information needs and business goals.

CTM is the City of Austin’s principal information technology department and focuses on the delivery and operations of vital IT infrastructure network and telecommunications services, continuous service improvement and solutions to enable customer success. CTM also teams up with regional partners to improve public safety communication throughout Central Texas.

Financial Services Information Technology

Financial Services maintains the financial integrity of the City.  This is accomplished through comprehensive and integrated financial management services. The Financial Services Information Technology division develops and supports applications – such as the City’s financial transparency tool, Austin Finance Online – and tools to sustain financial information management and reporting requirements for the City of Austin.

Austin Public Health

Austin Public Health (APH) promotes and protects the health of our community through the use of best practices and community collaboration.

APH supports Health Information Technology (HIT) for public health services such as Disease Prevention & Health Promotion and Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health.  These services include 51 community programs that use many specialized HIT systems.

Transportation and Public Works

Transportation and Public Works (TPW) provides an integrated approach to the development, design, construction, and maintenance of the City’s infrastructure systems and facilities, enhancing Austin’s position as an environmentally responsible city. The TPW Systems Engineering Office provides a spectrum of services to Public Works and other departments in four key areas: Information Management, IT Asset Management, Systems Management and Geospatial services.  The division also manages the content for the CIVIC portal.