Table of Contents

Download the AB+C Manual

AB+C Portal Technical Assistance

Tech Support and Assistance with AB+C Portal

  • The City of Austin does not have dedicated tech support for the AB+C Portal
  • City staff may only provide general guidance and support

Ways to contact us

  1. Live Chat: Interact with City Staff, during business hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    When available, Live Chat is located in the lower right corner of the screen, after logging in to AB+C
  2. Online Request form: Additional online support materials for Licensed Trade Contractors and Standalone Trade Permits 
    (Building Permit, Mechanical Permit, Electrical Permit, Plumbing Permit)
    1. Some additional support available through Online Request Forms:
      1. Adjust AB+C Portal Profile information
      2. Link AB+C Accounts: Authorize other users to be added or linked to your account
      3. Activate Permits/Extend Permits
      4. Manage Trade Contractor Licenses
  3. Call Austin 3-1-1 (3-1-1 in Austin or 512-974-2000): The Austin 3-1-1 team can help you identify the correct City Department for your inquiries.
    1. Austin 3-1-1 may only use information that is currently made available to the public
    2. Austin 3-1-1 cannot process permits
    3. Austin 3-1-1 cannot process payments
    4. Austin 3-1-1 cannot recover CityBase credentials for AB+C online payments
    5. Before calling Austin 3-1-1 about payment inquiries, locate your Permit number and/or Invoice number

The City of Austin Permitting and Development Center (PDC) offers appointments to help answer some of your development and permitting questions. Please visit our Appointments webpage to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment. Appointments are not available for all permitting and development services.

Schedule an appointment

Visit us:

City of Austin: Permitting and Development Center (PDC)
6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr.
Austin, Texas 78752

AB+C Portal Payment Assistance: CityBase & Wallet

CityBase is a digital Payment Gateway used to facilitate secure online transactions across the internet.
The City of Austin has partnered with CityBase to facilitate secure transactions on the AB+C Portal.

Visit the Bill Payments & Cashier Services webpage for guidance on processing payments, and Payment Services available.

Standard payment options: Credit/Debit Card, Electronic Check

  • You may utilize online payments options on AB+C Portal
  • You may utilize in-person payment options with a cashier at the PDC

Escrow Accounts

  • Escrow accounts are arranged with the City and the Contractor.
  • Escrow accounts can be used to process payments on AB+C. (Not available for all Permit Types)

Note: The CityBase Payment Gateway is not used for Escrow transactions.

AB+C Online Payment Assistance

  • If you encounter AB+C Portal system errors, call Austin 3-1-1 to report any outages.
  • If you have questions about a specific Bill, contact the Department that issued the Bill.

Note: City cashiers can only process Active Bills that are due.

Navigating between AB+C and CityBase

  • When you click "Pay Now" on AB+C, you will leave the AB+C Portal and be directed to the CityBase website to complete the transaction.
  • Do not use the ‘Back’ and ‘Forward’ arrows in your browser; data may be lost.
  • After completing your CityBase transaction, use the "Exit" link to return to Austin Build + Connect. (located toward the top right of the page) 
  • If you exit before the payment is confirmed your payment will be canceled, or you will receive a system error message.

AB+C Portal Payment Parameters

  • Credit cards and electronic checks are processed through the CityBase Payment Gateway.
  • ACH payments may take 24 hours to be processed.
  • Only one session of the AB+C Portal may be open at a time to process a payment.
  • No more than 25 invoices are allowed per payment transaction.
  • Total amount must be between $10 and $800,000.
  • Allow time for payment processing to avoid making duplicate payments. Repeated failed transaction attempts will result in a security timeout (approximately 90 minutes).

In-person payment options are available with a cashier at the PDC. Exceptions and changes to permits are only done in person at the PDC.

Processing Fees

  • eCheck/ACH: charges of $0.55 per check, regardless of amount (recommended)
  • Credit/debit cards: 2.35% of the amount charged, or a minimum of $2.00 (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted)
  • This may require the customer to whitelist the COA’s company ID number with their bank to allow us to debit (withdraw the money) from the customer’s account.

CityBase Wallet

Visit CityBase Wallet portal

Wallet - saved payment methods:Screenshot of CityBase Wallet login screen.

  • Customers who pay online have the option to save their payment methods by creating a Wallet with CityBase.
  • Customers can save either one or more credit cards and/or one or more of checking account in their Wallet.
  • When making a payment via the AB+C portal, you can login and select which saved payment method you want to use.
  • Customers using Wallet will be required to set up a separate account and password at CityBase. 
  • The Wallet uses your email address and password that you registered at CityBase to log you into your wallet.  If you forgot your password, please use the “Forgot Password” link on the CityBase webpage.

CityBase Wallet Limitations:

  • For eCheck payment method, you cannot use a savings account.
  • You cannot register for the Wallet while you are making a payment online. You can register for the Wallet before you make a payment on the AB+C portal (recommended), or you can register for the Wallet after you make your first payment on the AB+C portal. After you make your payment using the Wallet, it is recommended that you log off your Wallet account before returning to the AB+C portal.
  • Payment methods that you saved in your Wallet cannot be edited after you’ve saved it and you have limited view of the data. However, you can "remove" the entry and "add" the entry back in.
    • Example: When your credit card has expired and you need to update your expiration date and the credit card security code, or if your payment is being rejected.
  • If you register your credit card or your checking account in the Wallet, be sure the data you enter into the Wallet matches what your bank have you on file.
    • Example: You cannot use your nickname if you didn’t use it to set up your credit card or checking account.  The address you enter in the Wallet should also match what was set up at your banking institution.  The 3 or 4 digit security code you saved in the Wallet must match what is on file at your banking institution.
  • If your payment is rejected by the online payment system, you may have entered one or more pieces of information incorrectly and it did not match what is on file with the financial institution.
    • For these issues, please go into the Wallet and "remove" the credit card or bank entry, and “add” the entry back into the Wallet, ensuring you typed everything that matches your banking institution.
    • If you are using a checking account, please "remove" and "add" the entry back with the correct routing number and bank account number that is on file with your bank.
  • After making your payment using the Wallet, it is recommended that you log out of your Wallet Account before returning to the AB+C portal.

AB+C Portal Navigation

General Website Navigation:

  • Do not use the Back and Forward arrows in your browser for navigation (data may be lost)
  • Please use the buttons found on the site to navigate between pages
  • Only use one instance of AB+C at a time; additional AB+C windows may cause data loss
  • Repeated failed transaction attempts may lead to a security timeout (10 minutes)

Main Navigation Bar

Main navigation bar of AB+C Portal.

Home: Displays permits connected to your AB+C Profile

Bills: Displays permits and cases connected to your AB+C Profile, and are eligible for payment. 
Payments made on AB+C are facilitated by CityBase

My Reports: Generate Gas and Utility Reports by date range

My Profile: Displays your AB+C ID Number, and the contact information for your AB+C Profile. The information used in your AB+C Profile is used for processing transactions.

Permits: Apply for Permits/Cases, Apply for Right of Way Permits/Special Events, Issued Construction Permits

Assign Permit (typically for Trade Contractors): Assign the name of a Linked Trade Contractor to a Permit. This allows the Trade Contractor to continue working on the Permit and make payments.

Public Search (AB+C registration is not needed to use the Public Search tool). A search tool that allows you to search and review permits issued by the City of Austin.

Permits, Licenses, and Notifications Navigation Bar

Permits, Licenses, and Notifications Navigation Bar

My Permits/Cases: Displays all permits and cases connected with your AB+C account: submitted applications, incomplete applications, active permits.

My Incomplete Applications: Displays applications are have not been submitted for Approval, as well as applications that need revision before resubmitting for Approval.

My Licenses: Operating Licenses and Trade Contractor Licenses associated to your AB+C Profile

My Inspections: Request or Cancel Permit Inspections

My Escrow Account: View details of your Escrow Account and generate reports for Escrow Transactions

My Notifications: Sign up for Demolition Notifications.

  1. Select the geographic area about which you are interested, 
  2. Receive an email when an application is submitted to the City (In-Date)
  3. Receive an email when the application is approved (Approval Date)
  4. Demolition Notifications will remain active for one year from your signup date.

Quick Access Buttons

  • External Reviewer Search: Only visible for accounts that have been approved/activated for this feature.
  • Apply for Permits/Cases: permits available for online application submittal
  • Apply for ROW/Special Events: allows you to submit new ROW permit requests (Excavation, Driveway/Sidewalk, etc.)

Public Search (AB+C user registration not required)

The Austin Build + Connect Public Search tool is available to search and view permit information of active permits. AB+C registration is not required to use the Public Search feature.

Public Search tab location on Austin Build + Connect Portal.

AB+C Registered Users have access to the same feature when logged into AB+C.

Public Search tool tab location for Registered users.

Public Search

(two Tabs with different searching methods)

Public Search Tab 1

Search by:

  • Permit Number: yyyy-###### AA
  • Folder RSN
  • ROW ID
  • Case Number

Public Search Tab 1 interface

Public Search Tab 2

Search by:

  • Property
  • Project Name
  • Types
  • Date Range

Search Tab 2 Interface

It is not necessary to fill each field. Entering more information will help narrow your search.

Highway search examples:
10000 S US 183
10000 W US 290
5000 S IH 35 SB
8000 N Capital of Texas Hwy
7300 W SH 71
700 S FM 620 RD

Common highway abbreviations:
State Highway = SH
Interstate Highway = IH
Farm to Market = FM
Ranch Road = FM (use FM)

Public Search

Sample Permit Number: 2024-003781 MP

  • 1 result found
  • No related permits
  • Status: Active
  • Click: Detail

Related Folder: Not all cases in this database will have a Related Folder. Related Folders are applications and permits that are directly related to each other. Not all cases at the same location or even with the same address will be displayed. The term Related Folder applies mostly to cases that involve Building Permits and the associated Trade Permits.  In the Related Permits section, click and review all other Permit Applications for the same project.

Sample view showing Related Folder tab.

Permit Detail

  • Folder Details: General Information
  • Additional Information: Permit Specific Details
  • Property Details: Linked Addresses
  • People Details: People associated with the Permit
  • Folder Fees: Permit Fees
  • Processes and Notes: See the status of processes and any notes left by reviewers
  • Folder Attachments: permit specific attachments that are shareable with the public

Record Details sample webpage.

Folder Attachments: The presence of attachments will depend on the Permit/Case Type and the Status of the Permit.

  • Residential Building Permits will not have any attachments until after the building plans have been approved. At that time, the approved drawings will be scanned and attached. If there are revisions after approval, the revisions will also be scanned and attached.
  • The drawings for Site Plans and Subdivisions will not be attached until after the project is approved. However, each round of the Review Staff’s Comments (Master Comment Report) about those drawings will be posted as they occur, and the attachments will be titled: "Update 0", "Update 1", etc. These comments are identical to the packet that is printed and mailed to Registered Interested Parties for that case.
  • Where plan drawings have been attached, the file descriptions may end with a "~001", "~002", etc. to represent the Sheet # of the drawings. Typically, Sheet ~001 has the index of all sheets in the plan, so you can decipher what page contains the various details you may be looking for: tree survey, erosion controls, front elevation, etc. Site Plan Corrections and Revisions are done to those plan sets, and the corrected/revised pages also get scanned. Those correction pages are label with “~002(1)” for the 1st revision or correction, "~002(2)" for the 2nd, and so forth.
  • Any additional (##) notation following a sheet number refers to a modification of that sheet, and the highest of any such #s will be the latest revision of that page. Previous revisions will also remain online for reference.
  • Master Comment Reports contain the comments by each of the reviewers for that particular case, but do not contain the applicant's responses to those comments. Responses are typically submitted as "Revision pages" to the original drawings. Comments in each report are based on the applicant’s responses to the previous set of comments; read them in the order in which they were made (starting with "Update 0").

Most commonly attached document types:

  • PDF (open with Adobe Reader) 
  • TIF (open with most Image Viewers)

Registration for First Time Users

Click Create Account to build your AB+C Registered User account:

Create Account button called out on AB+C Portal home page.

1. New Registration: Select an email address to build your profile. You will receive emails during the registration process and will use this email to login and access the Austin Build + Connect website. Note: this information will be used both for your account and billing information.

New registration screenshot

2. User Information: The second step in the registration process is filling out your personal information. This data will be used to help create your online account and billing information. The red asterisks (*) indicate required fields.

User information screen,

3, Access Request Sent: You will receive a verification email with information needed for the next step.

Confirmation screen

Example Email: Austin Build + Connect Registration

The subject line of the email will be: "New AB+C Portal Account Verification"

This email contains two important things: 

  1. a link,
  2. a PIN number to complete your AB+C Account Registration.

Copy the PIN number before clicking on the link.

Confirmation email example

4. PIN Confirmation: Enter the PIN number from the email and the first and last name entered during registration.

PIN confirmation screenshot.

5. Create Password: Enter a password for your AB+C Portal Account

Create password screen

6. Registration Confirmation: The City of Austin will send you an email with the subject line: "Austin Build + Connect."  The email has instructions for Licensed Contractors to manage their licenses, and support for connecting AB+C Accounts to conduct business.

Registration confirmation screen

EXAMPLE EMAIL - Austin Build + Connect Confirmation
example registration confirmation email 

Password Reset

In the event you forget your password, click ‘Forgot Password.’ 
An email will be sent to your AB+C Profile email address with steps to reset your password.

1. Click "Forgot Password?".

Forgot password callout

2. Enter the email address you used to create your profile.

Password assistance screen

3. An email will be sent with additional instructions (this may take five minutes).

Reset password confirmation screen

4. Receive email with password reset instructions.

Sample password reset email

The subject line of the email will be: "Password Reset."
This email contains two important things: 
1)    a link
2)    a PIN number to complete your AB+C Account Registration 

Copy the PIN number before clicking on the link.
5)    Enter your name (case sensitive).

Password reset screen

6)    Create a new password.

Create Password screen

Change Password

After login you can change your password.

1. Click 'My Profile' in the menu bar.

 My Profile screenshot

2. Click 'Change Password' at the bottom of the Edit Profile page.

Edit Profile screen with Change Password called out.

3. Enter a new password in the 'New Password' field, and re-enter it in the 'Confirm New Password' field. Click 'Submit'.

Change password screen

Address Management Services: Address Verification

City of Austin, Address Management Services: The services offered can provide guidance and support for managing addresses in projects or permits.

Services available:

  • Request an *Address Verification Letter
  • Request an Address, Building, or Unit
  • Request Address Change Review
  • Reserve a Street Name
  • Request Addressing for a non-City of Austin Subdivision

Additional resources and information are available on the Address Management Services web page.

Addressing Standards:

  • The 9-1-1 Addressing Standards
  • Building and Unit Type Standards
  • Street Name Standards


  • Lookup Address and Jurisdiction Information
  • Travis County and City of Austin Street Names
  • All Address Changes
  • All Annexed Address Ranges

Guides and Instructions:

  • Residential Plan Reviews-One Sheet Guide

*Address Verification Letter: Use this Form to request an Address Verification Letter

Apply for Plan Review: Plan Review Types and Submittal Processes

Plan Review Application Submittal

There are different types of Plan Review Applications, and the submittal process varies based on the required permits. The City of Austin Development Services Department processes the following applications. Before submitting your application, we recommend reading the brief summary provided for each Electronic Plan Review submittal.

  • Commercial Expedited Review: Applications are submitted via email: This initiates the intake process. Once the application is processed, the applicant receives an automated email from Project Dox (PDox) to initiate the upload. The links for uploading the documents to PDox are included in the email.
  • Residential Expedited Review: Applications are submitted via email to This initiates the intake process. Once the application is processed, the applicant receives an automated email from Project Dox (PDox) to initiate the upload. The links for uploading the documents to PDox are included in the email.
  • Commercial General Plan Review: Before submitting your application, you must be registered on Austin Build + Connect. Then, visit the Commercial Plan Review website to complete the application along with any required forms that may be applicable to your project. The final step is to submit all required documents and a plan set via our website. Please note that projects within the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) are not accepted.
  • Public Projects Plan Review: Applications are submitted via this 'Project Initiation' form. Reviews are initiated after Public Project Review staff are notified via their Project Initiation form from the Public Project Review web page. Staff will confirm preliminary eligibility and follow-up with applicants to establish project status.
  • Volume Builders Plan Review: Applications are submitted via AB+C Portal. The Volume Builder Program is an optional expedited review process that enables volume builders to receive a faster turnaround on residential permit applications for new construction. Builders interested in participating must complete an initial registration form and submit the required documentation. Once the required documentation is submitted, it is assigned to review staff for acceptance into the program. If accepted, the builder will be eligible to submit building permits through the Volume Home Builder Program. Please refer to the Volume Builder Program website for application submittal guidance.
  • General Residential Plan Review: Applications and supporting documentation are submitted via Residential Plan Review website.

Apply for Permits

The follow sections of this AB+C User Manual showcase the typical steps to complete an online application. Each permit and application are slightly different. Look to relevant City Departments for additional guidance on your permits or cases.

AB+C Registered Users may submit online applications for a variety of Permits and Cases. Not all Permits and Cases are available for online application submittal. A list of select permits that can be applied for through the AB+C Portal is available on the AB+C Applications website.

This interactive wizard can help you:
•    Identify if the Development Services Department (DSD) requires a permit or application.
•    Determine the next step in the development process for your project.
•    Determine the appropriate DSD staff who can provide further assistance.

Step 1: Select Permit

Click ‘Permits’ in the navigation bar and select the application you need:

  • Apply for Permit/Cases
  • Apply for Right of Way Permits/Special Events

Change Out Permits: Please review the qualifications for a change out to determine if this permit is appropriate for the work being done. If so, select the type of work from the drop down.

new application screenshot

Qualifications to submit a Change Out Application

Review the qualifications below for submitting a Change Out Application online. During inspection if the work performed does not meet these qualifications you will be subject to an investigation fee.

  1. Property is an occupied one - two family dwelling or Duplex that contains independent cooling, heating and water heating appliances for each dwelling
  2. TOWNHOUSE (Condo). A single-family dwelling unit in which each unit extends from foundation to roof with a yard or public way on at least two sides and must have independent cooling, heating and water heating appliances. All units must be occupied and individually owned in order to qualify for this program.
  3. Change Out permits do not apply to stacked units or apartments.
  4. A permit fee established under separate ordinance will be charged.
  5. Permits issued under this program will expire 180 days after issuance.
  6. There will be no refunds issued under this program.
  7. A structure must be occupied. If this form is used and the structure is NOT occupied the inspector will fail the inspection and you will be charged an investigation fee.
  8. Under this section 'responsible contractor' is defined as follows:
    1. HVAC replacement - The responsible contractor is the Licensed Mechanical Contractor
    2. Water Heater replacement - The responsible contractor is the Licensed Plumbing Contractor
  9. No work shall be allowed which involves circuits larger than 50 amps
  10. Water heater not exceeding 100 gallons

Step 1, Part B (not applicable to all applications)

Some permit applications require a Licensed Contractor. Select the contractor you want to assign to the permit.

Contractors must have the following items to be listed in the dropdown selector:

  • Contractor License Registration on file with the City
  • All fees paid in full
  • Active license dates (check dates of license expiration)
  • Contractors must have their AB+C account connected to the Permit before they can be selected on this step of the permit application
  • Only contractors that match the permit type will be listed. (e.g. Mechanical Contractors for Mechanical Permit) 
  • Contact Building and Trade Contractor Services to Link Accounts

Enter a Permit Description: Enter the description and scope of work for the permit and click ‘Continue’.

Contractor selection dropdown menu

Step 2: Property Search and Select

Select Property (selection options)

Two search methods available:

  1. Text Search
  2. Map Viewer

AB+C Address Searching Tips

Property Search, Option 1: Text Search

Enter the house number and street name of the location. Click ‘Search.’ A list of addresses that contain the street number and name entered will appear. Select the correct address by clicking ‘Select,’ then click ‘Continue’.

Select Property text search tool

Property Search, Option 2: Map Viewer

For additional guidance with this feature, reference the online Map Selector Guide

Property Search tool using Map Viewer

Step 3: Additional Information

Application details information

Change Outs: A summary of the information you have entered so far will be displayed.
Standalone Trade Permits: Use this space(s) to enter a description of the work to be done.

Depending on the permit application type, the Application Details page will appear requesting additional information:

additional details information screen

Step 4: Attach/Upload Supporting Documents

Some applications require specific documentation to be attached.

Attachment Tool:

  • Select the document(s) you want to upload
  • Drag and drop files, or
  • Click 'Browse' to search and select files
  • Click 'Upload' before continuing

Attachment Tool parameters:

  • A description is required for each upload (as a single file or a group of batched files)
  • Accepted attachment file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf
  • Upload limit: 200 MB
  • You cannot change your attachments after the application has been submitted for approval. (If your application is initially rejected, you will be able to adjust your attachments and resubmit your application for approval.)

Supporting documents screen

Step 5: Review Application Information and Submit

New application summary screenshot

*For Change Out Permits, a detailed list of fees will be displayed.

Next Steps

  • If you are applying for multiple permits, you can select ‘Create new application with same info' or
  • Select 'Create new application with new info.’ 
  • You can also ‘Save - Finish Later.’
  • If you are ready to pay, click ‘Submit,’ and proceed to pay any bills.

Next steps screenshot

Step 6: Fees and Payment

Certain permit types require review by permit specialists and instead will go into a queue for review. 

Permit application submission confirmation screenshot

You will receive an automated email notification once they are either Accepted or Rejected.

My Permits/Cases

My Permits/Cases Tab

  • Permits that have been started but not submitted; continue work and Submit
  • Permits that have been submitted, accepted, and are Active for work to continue


  • Continue: You may continue adding details to your permit application, and Submit
  • Cancel: Cancel the application
  • Details: View the details of submitted applications that have been Accepted/Approved. Clicking on "Detail" will display the most recent information currently associated with your application.

Permit "Detail"

  • Permit Summary
  • Property Details
  • Permit Details
  • Persons Associated with Permit
  • Permit Workflow
  • Folder Attachments
  • Fees and Payments

Permit details page

My Incomplete Applications (MIA)

My Incomplete Applications tab:

  • Permits that have not been completed and submitted for Approval
  • Permits that have been submitted and Rejected, and need revision before resubmitting for Approval
  • Three Rejections will Abort the application; after three rejections you must start a new application

My Incomplete Application actions:

  • Continue: You may continue adding details to your permit application, and Submit
  • Cancel: Cancel the application
  • Details: View the details of submitted applications that have been Accepted/Approved. Clicking on "Detail" will display the most recent information currently associated with your application.
    (same the 'My Permits Tab')

My Incomplete Applications screenshot


Bills header screenshot

Clicking 'Bills' will only display fees and bills for permits on your account that are eligible for payment.

Click the boxes to select the available Bills that you would like to pay. Continue with payment as prompted.

Bills screenshot

Clicking "Invoice" displays the information related to this Bill. Note the Bill Number. The Bill Number can verify and support many payment inquiries.

Payer Information sample

View Payment Information on Permit

(all Invoices and Receipts)

My Permits/Cases

Select Permit 'Details'

My Permits/Cases screen with Detail callout

Click 'Fees and Payments' Tab: Examine Paid and Unpaid Bills, and the Invoices or Receipts.

Fees and Payments tabBill Number Fee Details screenshot

My Inspections

When scheduling or requesting Inspections:

  • Permits must have an Active status
  • Fees must be paid

If Fees are owed, you will receive a system error message advising you to pay any outstanding Fees before continuing to schedule an inspection. For example, a Final Inspection cannot be scheduled if any outstanding inspections need to be completed or paid.

1. Clicking ‘My Inspections’ will display permits with available inspections to be scheduled. Select the permit you want to schedule an inspection for by checking the box to the left of it.

My Inspections screenshot

If an Active Permit has Inspections available for scheduling, a list of inspections needed for that permit will appear: 

  • Request Inspection
  • Cancel Inspection

Inspections detail page

2. Schedule your inspection by clicking 'Request Inspections.'

Request Inspection callout

Use the 'Request Inspection Date' drop down to request a day for Inspection. You may select any date, within the next five days. You can also leave comments/notes for the inspector. Examples include gate codes, phone numbers, 'mornings are preferred,' etc.

Request Inspection Date screen

Click 'Submit.'

Inspection Date displayed

3. Cancel Inspection

Cancel Inspection box highlightedInspection cancellation confirmation screenCanceled inspection callout

My Reports

Utility Release: Before an alternative service provider maintains service to a property, The City must Inspect, Approve, and officially Release service responsibilities.

Utility Release Report: This feature will return a list of Utility Releases for non-City of Austin Utility Service Providers and Inspectors. These reports indicate that the City has approved relevant permit inspections, and has approved the exchange of operations/release of responsibility to a new service provider. As an example, a report could indicate an alternative Service Provider is now allowed to connect a service the property.

My Reports main screenMy Reports detailed screen

Permit Change Requests: Extension and Reactivation

Permit Change Requests are available for Development Services permits only.                                            

Note: Not all permits qualify for permit change requests.

Click 'Detail.'

Click 'Permit Change Request.'

How to Request an Extension of an Active Permit




The permit status must be active. Provide a clear description then click 'Submit.' Note: No additional fees are required for an extension.

How to Request a Reactivation of an Expired Permit

The permit status must be expired, 

Once you initiate a Request for Reactivation:

  • you only have 24 hours, or your permit will revert to Expired Status

  • you only have one attempt to Reactivate

You must contact BTCS to initiate another Request for Reactivation if it expires. 

The Permit holder will receive an auto-generated notification 30 days before the permit expires.

Sample email notification:

Closed Permits: Use Public Search

After passing the Final Inspection, the Permit is no longer Active. When the permit is no longer Active it will be considered Closed, and can no longer be found on My Permits.

To find Closed Permits: Use the Public Search. (See the Public Search section of this AB+C Manual). Note: AB+C User login is not required to use the Public Search.

You can view all Permit Details, but there is no option to View or Print a singular document.

Printing Permits: Active/Inactive (Closed)

You can print copies of Active permits as a registered AB+C User and person listed on the Permit.

Active Permits

Search for your Permit or Case: My Permits (Active Status) > Details > View > Print

Inactive (Closed) Permits

If your Permit is no longer active, and you need a copy of your Permit or additional documents, please submit a request to the Public Records Center.

City’s Online Public Records Center

  • CO, Certificates of Occupancy
  • Final/Closed Permits
  • Site Plans

Customers may also email the Public Records Center directly with PIR (public information requests).

Certificate of Occupancy, or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is a document provided by the City that proves a structure is habitable based on its legal use and type of property and meets all housing and building codes. Since 1931, all residential buildings in Austin have been required to have a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for their current use.

The Certificate of Occupancy is automatically emailed to all People listed on the Permit when the Final Inspection is passed, but additional copies must be requested.

For additional information about Certificates of Occupancy, visit this webpage

How much does it cost to make a Public Information Request?
There is no initial cost to submit a public information request. If there is a cost associated with your request, you will receive notification of the estimated cost in writing.

Public Records

This service will increase citizen access to public information while allowing the City the ability to meet and exceed all state Open Records compliance rules. With the Open Records Center, individuals go to one central location on the City’s website to submit an Open Records request. Requestors have the ability to log into the Open Records Center to track the status of requests, communicate with the City, and either receive records electronically, mailed to them, or they may pick them up. Requestors will also be able to search for answers to common Open Records questions in the knowledge base library.

The City of Austin’s goal with respect to open records requests is to provide high-quality customer service to residents, business owners, and stakeholders in accordance with state and federal open government/public information laws and practices. Section 552.234 of the Texas Public Information Act provides that a person may make a written request for information by delivering the request by U.S. mail, electronic mail, hand delivery, or any appropriate method approved by the governmental body.

My Escrow Account

Click on the 'My Escrow Account' tab. Active escrow accounts linked to your AB+C account will be displayed. 

You can view balances and statements for all escrow accounts associated with the contractors linked to your online account.

Click on 'Details' to reveal more tabs to display details associated with that escrow account. 

Escrow Details: Record Details Tab

Escrow Details: People Details Tab

Escrow Details: Withdraw Transaction Tab

Escrow Details: Deposit Transactions Tab

Click 'Escrow Statement' to generate a transactional statement for specified dates. Then click 'Generate Escrow Statement Report.'

You can save a copy for your records or print a copy to send payments by mail.

Pay for Permits with Escrow

Add Funds

  1. Prepare a Check
    1. Prepare a check for the Escrow deposit
    2. Make checks payable to City of Austin
  2. Prepare a Letter
    1. Request to add funds to your existing DSD Escrow Account
    2. Provide the Escrow Account number
    3. Provide the AB+C Name and email address
    4. Provide the registered Trade Contractor’s Building and Trade Contractor Services PIN number
  3. Submit Check and Letter
    1. Submit your check and letter to Development Services

Mail to: City of Austin - PDC, DSD - Cashier, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767

Overnight Delivery: City of Austin - PDC, DSD - Cashier, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, TX 78752

Pay in Person: City of Austin - PDC Cashiers, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, TX 78752

ESCROW Payments

There are two ways to pay for permits using Escrow on Austin Build + Connect:

Option 1: Individual standalone permit  

  • located in My Permits: select an active permit with available payments
  • located in Bills: see all available Bills for all of your permits
  • Make your selection, make your payment

Option 2: Assign Permit (contractor self-assignment)

Option 1: When paying a standalone permit fee by escrow, navigate to 'Bills'

  • If you have an escrow account,
  • If Bills are available,
  • If your escrow account balance is high enough to cover the payment, you can pay with escrow.

  1. Select your Escrow Account
  2. Enter your Escrow PIN
  3. Click 'Continue'

Your Escrow Payment Receipt

Option 2:  Pay a permit fee by Escrow through 'Assign Permit'

Navigate to 'Assign Permit' (see the Assign Permit section of this manual)

If the contractor has an escrow account with enough money to cover the cost of the permit, an escrow payment option will be available under the invoice.

Search for permits paid through Escrow

To find permits paid through Escrow, select My Escrow Account. Then select the Escrow Account and select Escrow Statement.

Assign Permit (Contractor Self-Assign) and Payment

Assign Permit

The 'Assign Permit' process on AB+C typically applies to registered contractors with Active Permits

  • Residential Building or Trade Permits
  • Commercial Building or Trade Permits

This Assign Permit process does not apply to Smart Housing Permits.

Registered Contractors:

  • Contractors must have active licenses on file with the City
  • Permit payment will be due after a successful Assign Permit process on AB+C

Assign Permit on AB+C:

  • Adding an individual Contractor to an Active Permit, to take action on a Permit or make payments
  • The ability to add an authorized contractor that is linked/associated with your online AB+C account

Authorized Contractors:

  • Name of a pre-approved Contractor that is allowed to be linked to Active Permits
  • May require a signed Letter of Authorization

Linked Account:

  • AB+C accounts are connected (Applicant and Contractor), and have shared Permit access online

Customers do not have the ability to link accounts; only City Staff can link AB+C accounts. Please contact the Building and Trade Contractor Services team to link accounts.

General Contractors cannot assign themselves to the BP, Building Permit. They must put in a request with Building and Trade Contractor Services.

  • City staff will manually add the General Contractor to the active Building Permit
  • City staff will create the Bill for payment

Building and Trade Contractor Services

Ways to contact the (BTCS) Team:

  1. Live Chat, online Monday-Thursday, during business hours. Chat is available after logging in to AB+C, located in the lower right corner of the screen
  2. Online Request form

BTCS Support Topics:

  • Adjust AB+C Account Profile information
  • Authorize other users to be added or linked to your account
  • Link accounts
  • Activate Permits
  • Extend Permits
  • Manage Trade Contractor Licenses


Standard Payment options available

  • AB+C online payments through CityBase
  • In-person payment options with a cashier
  • Exceptions and changes to permits are only done in person at the Permit Center.

Steps to Assign a Permit

Click ‘Assign Permit’ in the navigation bar.

Assign Permit highlighted

Retrieve a specific permit. Enter the permit number using the following format: Year, Permit Sequence Number and Permit Type (e.g. 2016-123456 MP).

Assign Permit dialog box with permit number

The Permit Details will be displayed as shown below with the following information: Project Name (address), Permit Number, Description, Address, General Contractor, and Fee Due.

Permit Details dialog box.

Click 'Assign & Pay' to take you to Contractor Selection.

Assign and Pay highlighted.

Select the contractor you want to assign to the permit.

Contractors must have the following items to be listed:

  • Contractor License Registration on file with the City
  • All fees paid in full
  • Active license dates (check dates of license expiration)
  • Contractors must have their AB+C account connected to the Permit before they can be selected on this step 
  • Only contractors that match the permit type will be listed. (e.g. Mechanical Contractors for Mechanical Permit)

People details with Actions highlighted.

Depending on the permit assignment, additional information may be required.

Application Details dialog box.

To proceed to the CityBase site to pay, click 'Pay Now.'

If you want to pay multiple permits, click 'Return to My Permits/Cases' and select additional permits to pay in one transaction. Click 'Cancel Assignment' if you wish to remove the contractor assigned on the Select Contractor page. Click 'Pay Now' if you wish to pay for just that permit.

Fees and Payment screen

City Department Permit Application Guides

The AB+C Manual showcases the screens, actions, and tools available for processing permits and completing payments through the AB+C online portal. This manual only showcases the functionality of the website, and does not provide detailed guidance for each individual type of Permit Application.

Additional guidance for specific Permit Applications can be found in these detailed Permit guides:

Reference: Permit Payments - online transactions

AB+C Portal and online CityBase Payments: CityBase is a digital Payment Gateway used to facilitate secure online transactions across the internet. The City of Austin has partnered with CityBase to facilitate transactions on the AB+C Portal. CityBase is not directly supported by City of Austin Staff.

Payment Errors: If you submit a payment but receive a page error or close the page, you will not be able to immediately select the permit to try again. The CityBase system will put the permit on hold for approximately 10 minutes in order to prevent multiple payments on the same permit. After the 10-minute period, the permit will be available to select again if the previous payment did not get processed.

Making Payments

1. Select your Permits and Payments

  • located in My Permits: select an active permit with available payments
  • located in Bills: see all available Bills for all of your permits

Make your selection, then make your payment.

2. Select the checkbox next to the eligible permit, and click ‘Pay’ to continue the payment process. You will get a summary page displaying the permit(s) you are paying.

Example of the payment screen with the bill's checkbox marked.

3. Clicking ‘Pay by Credit Card or Check’ will direct you to the CityBase site to process the payment.

Select the payment method:

  • Bank Account 
  • Credit card/Debit card
  • Checking Account/eCheck/ACH

Reference: eCheck Payment Process

Information required for eCheck payments:

  • Bank Routing Number
  • Bank Account Number

eCheck showing information callouts
1)    Select ‘Bank Account’
Enter your banking information and click ‘Next’.

Bank account dialog box

2)    Customer Information 
Enter your billing and contact information and click ‘Next’.

Billing info dialog box

Contact information dialog box
3) Review and Confirm
Review and Confirm your billing information, accept the Terms and Conditions, then click ‘Pay’.

 Review and Confirm dialog box

Terms and conditions box

4. Confirmation of your payments will be displayed. Click 'Continue' to return to the Austin Build + Connect site.

Payment confirmation screen      

5. Your payment has been processed. You will receive payment confirmation emails. City Staff are not notified when you make a payment.

Transaction(s) Confirmation emails

Payment Accepted: email from

  • with a subject line of "Payment Success: Austin Build + Connect Payment Portal."

This is an email from CityBase informing you the payment has been accepted.  Payment Applied to Permit Confirmation: email from

  • with a subject line of "Austin Build + Connect Payment Confirmation"

Informing you the payment has been received from CityBase, and your permit has been issued. Permit Approval Confirmation: email will be from issuing you the approved permit,

AB+C transaction email samples

EXAMPLE EMAIL - Payment Success: 
Austin Build + Connect Payment Portal

Payment confirmation

EXAMPLE EMAIL - Austin Build + Connect Payment Confirmation

Sample email

EXAMPLE EMAIL – City of Austin Development Services Department Permit Approval

Sample Email

Setting up Your Wallet (optional) by clicking 'Register Now.'

It is recommended that you set up your payment information in Wallet prior to making any payments. The Wallet allows you to speed up the checkout process with pre-registered credit card(s) or checking account(s). You will be required to create and maintain a separate username and logon at the bank's site.

  • The Wallet allows you to save credit cards or checking accounts (ACH) with CityBase.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.
  • You cannot create a Wallet account while you are making the payment.
  • You cannot modify wallet payment info while you are making the payment.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.

Thank You for your payment dialog

Reference: eCheck Payment Process

Information required for eCheck payments:

  • Bank Routing Number
  • Bank Account Number

Example of a check with Routing Number and Account Number called out.

1. Select ‘Bank Account’

Enter your banking information and click ‘Next’.

Bank Account screen on AB+C Portal.

2. Customer Information

Enter your billing and contact information and click ‘Next’.

Customer Information window on AB+C Portal.Customer Information window on AB+C Portal.

3. Review and Confirm

Review and Confirm your billing information, accept the Terms and Conditions, then click ‘Pay’.

Review and Confirm information window.Terms and Conditions window.

4. Confirmation of your payments will be displayed.

Click ‘Continue’ to return to the Austin Build + Connect site.

Payment details window

5. Your payment has been processed.

You will receive payment confirmation emails. Note: City staff are not notified when you make a payment

Transaction(s) Confirmation Emails

Payment Accepted: You will receive email from with a subject line of "Payment Success: Austin Build + Connect Payment Portal." This is an email from CityBase informing you the payment has been accepted.

Payment Applied to Permit Confirmation: You will receive an email from with a subject line of “Austin Build + Connect Payment Confirmation” 
Informing you the payment has been received from CityBase and your permit has been issued.

Permit Approval Confirmation: You will receive an email will be from Issuing you the approved permit.

AB+C transaction email samples

EXAMPLE EMAIL: Payment Success: Austin Build + Connect Payment Portal

Thank you for your payment email confirmation

EXAMPLE EMAIL: Austin Build + Connect Payment Confirmation

Confirmation transaction information

EXAMPLE EMAIL: City of Austin Development Services Department Permit Approval

Confirmation email from DSD

Setting up Your Wallet (optional) by clicking 'Register Now.'

It is recommended that you set up your payment information in Wallet prior to making any payments. The Wallet allows you to speed up the checkout process with pre-registered credit card(s) or checking account(s). You will be required to create and maintain a separate username and logon at the bank’s site.

  • The Wallet allows you to save credit cards or checking accounts (ACH) with CityBase.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.
  • You cannot create a Wallet account while you are making the payment.
  • You cannot modify wallet payment info while you are making the payment.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.

Thank you for your payment example.

Reference: Credit Card Payment Process

Note: It is the responsibility of the customer to pay the credit card service fee when using a credit card. Customers choosing to pay via credit card will incur a 2.35% service fee ($2.00 minimum).

1, Select 'Credit or debit card'

Fill out the Credit Card information and click 'Next'.


2. Customer Information

Enter billing and contact information, then click 'Next'.

3. Review and Confirm

Review and Confirm your billing information, accept the Terms and Conditions, then click 'Pay'.


4. Confirmation

A confirmation of your payments will be displayed.  Click 'Continue' to return to the Austin Build + Connect site.


5. Your payment has been processed.

You will receive payment confirmation emails. Note: City staff are not notified when you make a payment.

Transaction(s) Confirmation Emails

Payment Accepted: You will receive email from with a subject line of "Payment Success: Austin Build + Connect Payment Portal." This is an email from CityBase informing you the payment has been accepted.

Payment Applied to Permit Confirmation: You will receive an email from with a subject line of “Austin Build + Connect Payment Confirmation” 
Informing you the payment has been received from CityBase and your permit has been issued.

Permit Approval Confirmation: You will receive an email will be from Issuing you the approved permit.

Setting up Your Wallet (optional) by clicking 'Register Now.'

It is recommended that you set up your payment information in Wallet prior to making any payments. The Wallet allows you to speed up the checkout process with pre-registered credit card(s) or checking account(s). You will be required to create and maintain a separate username and logon at the bank’s site.

  • The Wallet allows you to save credit cards or checking accounts (ACH) with CityBase.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.
  • You cannot create a Wallet account while you are making the payment.
  • You cannot modify wallet payment info while you are making the payment.
  • The information saved is security encrypted. Once added, the details are not visible and cannot be edited, but can be deleted and re-added.

Thank you for your payment screen.

Reference: Permit Status Definitions and Permit Types

Status and Meaning  
Internet Pending

An application has been submitted online and is awaiting acceptance by City staff.

Application Incomplete

Applicant is in the process of submitting application or corrections need to be done to the submitted application.


An application has been submitted and is awaiting further processing or may require payment.


Application is in a department Queue awaiting staff review.


Application has Expired.  


Application has been Approved.


Application has been Withdrawn.

Inactive Pending Revision

Application is currently inactive while a revision to the approved plan set is being reviewed.

Revision Submitted

A revision to an approved plan set has been submitted for review.

Revision Approved

A revision to an approved plan set has been submitted for review and Approved.

Revision Rejected

A revision to an approved plan set has been submitted for review and Rejected.

Revision In Review

A revision to an approved plan set is currently being reviewed.

New Application Required  

The current application cannot be processed, and a new application must be submitted to continue.

Awaiting Update

The City is waiting for the applicant to provide an Updated plan set.

Approved and Released

Case has been approved and associated documents (when applicable) are released and published.


The application has gone through a review cycle and the Case Manager has Rejected.

Intake Rejected

There is missing information/documentation in the application submittal.

In E-Review

A submitted plan set is currently being reviewed electronically (paperless).

Awaiting Upload

Applicant is uploading a plan set for review.

Intake Pending

An application has been submitted and is awaiting acceptance by City staff.

Intake Accepted

Application has been accepted by intake staff.

Admin Hold

Temporary status to pause the current process. The applicant should be contacted by the case/permit coordinator to resolve this status.

Awaiting Update - Fees Due

The City is waiting for the applicant to provide an Updated plan set and pay fees.

Awaiting Update - Fee Paid

The City is waiting for the applicant to provide an Updated plan set only.

Prerequisite Review Pending

DSD partner departments (Health, Austin Energy, etc.) are reviewing the submitted plan set.

Prerequisite Review Approved

DSD partner departments (Health, Austin Energy, etc.) have reviewed and Approved the submitted plan set.

e-Prerequisite Review Pending

DSD partner departments (Health, Austin Energy, etc.) are reviewing the submitted plan set electronically.

In Review

A submitted plan set is currently being reviewed.


The case is no longer valid. Applications in this status have typically been replaced by a newer version. 

NOTE: These Permit Types and Case Types are visible to the public online. There are many more types of Permits and Cases that are issued by the City of Austin but may not be visible to the public.

Permit/Case Type


Reference PREFIX

# of Subtypes

Auxiliary Water




Board of Adjustment




Sign Review Board Variance




Building Permit




Concrete License




Development Assistance Center


DA or CD or C8I


Driveway / Sidewalks




Electrical Permit




Environmental Inspection




General Permit


GP or None


Mechanical Permit




Neighborhood Planning




Operating License




Plan Review




Plumbing Permit




Right of Way Excavation Permit


Same or None


Right of Way Use Permit


Same or None


Sign / Banner Permit


Same or None


Site Plan – Administrative approval




Site Plan – Commission approval




Site Plan Correction


Various (SP, C8)


Sound Ordinance








Subdivision Joint City/ County


C8J, C8F, C


TAP Permit




Trade Permit




Tree Permit








  • Historic




  • PUD




  • MUD




  • Capitol View Corridor

