City of Austin
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Tentative agreement must be ratified by the Austin Police Association membership and approved by City Council.
Austin City Manager T.C. Broadnax announced today that the City of Austin and the Austin Police Association (APA) have reached a Tentative Agreement for a five-year contract that includes significant increases to officer pay and benefits, as well as groundbreaking measures to enhance police oversight and build trust with the community.
“When I joined the City of Austin in May, I made it clear that one of my top priorities was to finalize a new contract between the City and the Austin Police Association. I am proud to have achieved such a significant accomplishment at this point. I want to offer my profound gratitude to former Interim Assistant City Manager Bruce Mills and the entire negotiating team for their hard work and dedication to this effort,” Broadnax said. “This agreement brings together key aspects related to last year’s voter-approved initiative on police oversight that were subject to reaching a negotiated contract by state law, as well as provisions related to improving the Austin Police Department’s hiring and promotional processes.”
Austin Police Chief Lisa Davis said she is thrilled that negotiations have come to a successful close and believes this signals an era of growth and transformation just as she is stepping in to lead the department.
“This Tentative Agreement includes meaningful investments in officer pay and benefits that will be invaluable as we seek to recruit and retain the best law enforcement officers in the country,” said Davis, who joined the Austin Police Department as Chief this month. “I am proud to be serving in a City that values and prioritizes public safety, and not only believes in but is also committed to transparency and community engagement.”
This agreement achieves additional aspects of oversight and accountability such as a process for the Office of Police Oversight to consider anonymous complaints and an extension of the disciplinary timeline. The agreement acknowledges other key aspects of the Austin Police Oversight Act including the elimination of confidential police personnel files and the implementation of the Community Police Review Commission.
“It’s a new day for our officers with the Austin Police Department as I am hopeful our Austin Police Association members will understand the City’s support of them, particularly as it relates to pay and benefits,” Mayor Kirk Watson said. “I’ve stood firm in saying that a long-term contract is in the best interest of our community, as well as for our officers, to ensure we can fill vacancies as well as retain officers. This agreement achieves those goals and more – it also represents a new day for police oversight. The measures agreed to in this contract are a first for the State of Texas, if not the nation. I am pleased to see the outcome of the work that the APA and our City’s negotiation team have achieved through what I believe is a historic agreement.”
Across-the-Board Pay Increases for Officers
The agreement represents a 28% increase for Austin Police officers over five years with a total value of $217.8 million. Base pay will increase by 8% in Year One, 6% in Year Two, 5% in Years Three and Four, and 4% in the last year of the agreement. Other pay aspects to assist with operational efficiencies will be increased Field Training Officer pay, a stipend for officers working the night shift, and stipends for patrol officers.
The tentative agreement will be posted for public review by Thursday, Sept. 26, and will likely be on the City Council’s agenda for consideration on Oct. 10. The APA membership will separately take a vote for ratification of this agreement. Broadnax said he’s proud of the work on all sides and by many stakeholders to reach this critical milestone.
“I commend both negotiating teams for working toward a solution that will increase transparency, fully support our officers, provide stability for our police department and improve response times and service levels overall for our community,” he said.