The City of Austin Development Services Department helps small business owners ensure their building projects comply with the City's codes. This page includes resources for small businesses as they navigate the development process.
What you will find on this page:
- About the Development Process
- Permit Types
- Regulations and Limitations for a Home Business
- Appointments
- Resources
About the Development Process
The development process in the City of Austin is led by the Development Services Department and our 12 partner departments. There are three main phases of the development process: Create Your Project, Review and Revise, and Build and Inspect. While each project is unique, our Understanding the Development Process webpage and video series provide an overview of each phase.
Visit the Understanding the Development Process webpage to learn more.
Permit Types
Site Plan, Demolition, Sign, and Mobile Retail are some permit types that may be needed for your small business. View a list of development-related permits on the Types of Permits webpage to learn more about each, including how to apply. For a list of work that does not require a permit, visit Work Exempt from Building Permits.
Most common permit types
- Alcoholic Beverage Permits
Name Description How to Apply Alcoholic Beverage Certification from the City is required on a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission application in order to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages at a place of business located in the City of Austin. Email completed application to Bryan Walker BYOB Permit Required when an establishment not licensed or permitted by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission allows its patrons to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the premises for consumption. Email completed application to Bryan Walker - Austin Fire Permit
Name Description How to Apply Hazardous Materials Storage (Above Ground) Required for all businesses that are storing or using hazardous materials above-ground. AB+C Portal - Austin Water Permits
Name Description How to Apply On-Site Sewage Facilities (Septic Tanks) Required for On-Site Sewage Facilities (septic tanks) located within the City of Austin full purpose jurisdiction and annexed areas. Email completed documents to OSSF Wastewater Discharge Permits Required to discharge any industrial wastewater into the City's wastewater collection system. Different permits are issued based on the nature of the business and the volume and characteristics of the wastewater to be discharged. Contact the Pretreatment Program office as soon as possible at 512-972-1060 (option #5) and mail completed application to:
City of Austin / Austin Water Utility
Special Services Division / Office of Industrial Waste
3907 S. Industrial Drive, Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744-1070Water/Wastewater Tap Required for:
- Permanent water and/or wastewater service and the installation of a permanent water meter
- Permanent installation of a reclaimed water service line and meter
- Temporary hydrant-mounted water meter
- Temporary truck-mounted water meter
AB+C Portal - Commercial Building Permits
Name Description How to Apply Building Permit Required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, or convert any building or structure within the City's zoning jurisdiction or in a Municipal Utility District (MUD) if the consent agreement between the MUD and the City requires insurance of a permit prior to construction. Commercial Building Permit Web Form Demolition Required for all total demolitions and qualifying partial demolitions that remove more than half of exterior walls. Commercial Building Permit Web Form - Environmental Permits
Name Description How to Apply Hazardous Materials Storage Required if Underground Storage Tank Facility (UST) is located within the City of Austin UST Program jurisdiction and using a UST to store regulated materials. Email completed application to Underground Storage Tank Construction Required for:
- New facility construction (includes Hazardous Materials Interceptor (HMI))
- Remodel of a UST Facility (addition or replacement of whole system components, e.g., tanks and/or lines)
- Manway Construction (installation, repair, or replacement of spill buckets, Submersible Turbine Pump (STP), or Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) sumps)
- Repair/maintenance of existing UST facility
- Permitted tank removal/closure
- Ghost Tank or Waste Oil Tank Removal / Closure
Email completed application to - Mobile Retail (Non-Food) Permit
Name Description How to Apply Mobile Retail (Non-Food) Required for mobile retail establishments which sell non-food items and services to customers from a moveable vehicle or trailer that routinely changes locations. AB+C Portal - Sign Permit
Name Description How to Apply Sign (Awning, Freestanding, Projecting, Roof, Wall) Required for outdoor signage. AB+C Portal - Site Plan Permit
Name Description How to Apply Site Plan Required to establish the land use and any site development work on a non-single family residential property. Site Plan Applications
Regulations and Limitations for a Home Business
A home business must comply with the requirements of section 25-2-900 of the Austin City Code. The following are prohibited as a home business:
- Animal hospitals, animal breeding
- Clinics, hospitals
- Hospital services
- Contractor yards
- Dance studios
- Scrap and salvage services
- Massage parlors (does not apply to state-licensed massage therapists)
- Restaurants
- Cocktail lounges
- Rental outlets
- Equipment sales
- Adult-oriented businesses
- Recycling centers
- Drop-off recycling collection facilities
- An activity requiring an H-occupancy under Chapter 25-12, Article 1, the City Building Code (i.e., involves the manufacturing, processing, generation, or storage of materials that constitute a physical or health hazard)
- Automotive repair services
- Businesses involving the repair of any type of internal combustion engine, including equipment repair services
For information about Residential Tours and Garage Sales, see sections 25-2-902 and 25-2-903 of the Land Development Code.
The Development Process Team assists small business owners and renters with high-level process questions with proposed improvements to their businesses.
Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes