
The City of Austin provides Alcoholic Beverage Permits to local businesses. This page provides helpful information to assist you with determining if you need an Alcoholic Beverage Permit, which kind of permit, what the submission requirements are, and how to request more information.

Selling alcoholic beverages is prohibited at a place of business located within 300 feet of a church, public school, private school, or public hospital except as provided by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.

Selling alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption without a food and beverage certificate is prohibited at a place of business located within 300 feet of a daycare center or childcare facility except as provided by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.


What you will find on this page:



Alcoholic Beverage Waiver

BYOB Permit



Alcohol-Related Business Definitions


A restaurant is an establishment engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages for on-premise consumption or in a ready-to-consume state. Restaurants are further classified as general or limited. Only a restaurant classified as general can serve alcoholic beverages. At least 51% of gross income must be derived from the sale of prepared food. Restaurant use is permitted in the LR, GR, CBD, DMU, CS-1, CH, LI, and MI districts.

Cocktail Lounge 

A Cocktail Lounge is a business engaged in the preparation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. Uses such as billiard parlors, dance halls, and live music venues may be included in this category if alcohol sales exceed 49% of the gross revenue. A cocktail lounge is permitted in the CBD district, and conditional in the L, DMU, CS-1, AND CH districts. 

Liquor Sales

A Liquor Sales is an establishment that engages in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premise. Liquor sales use is permitted in the CBD, DMU, CS-1, and CH districts and conditional in the LI and MI districts.

Alcoholic Beverage Permit 

An Alcoholic Beverage Permit is a permit issued by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages. 

Late-hours Permit

A Late-hours Permit is a permit issued by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission authorizing a restaurant or cocktail lounge to serve alcohol between midnight and 2 a.m. 

Alcoholic Beverage Permit Application Certification

Applicants for a permit or license from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) for a place of business located in the City of Austin are required to obtain certification from the City.  Certification is provided with a signature on your TABC application from the Office of the City Clerk after staff in the Development Services Department has performed a zoning review to ensure the sale of alcohol complies with applicable provisions of the City Code.

How to Get Your Application Certified:

step 1   Contact Alcoholic Beverage Commission

To start the process contact the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission at 512-206-3333 — to obtain a pre-qualification packet, or download the forms from the TABC website.

step 2   Get Tracking Number

Call the Office of the City Clerk at 512-974-2210 to obtain a tracking number.  Applicant must provide the following information:

  • address or location of business
  • name of business
  • first and last name of applicant
  • first and last name of contact
  • contact number or e-mail address for the applicant, and
  • the license type(s) requested.

step 3   Wait for Zoning Review

Once a tracking number is obtained, staff in the Development Services Department will conduct a zoning review to ensure the sale of such alcohol is permitted.  You may contact your reviewer by calling 512-974-2686 or emailing

After the Development Services Department approves your tracking number, the Office of the City Clerk will call to notify you and schedule a time to certify and sign the TABC application.


Alcoholic Beverage Waiver

About Alcoholic Beverage Waiver

Austin City Code prohibits selling alcoholic beverages at a place of business located within 300 feet of a church, public school, private school, or public hospital except as provided by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.

Austin City Code prohibits a permit or license holder under Chapters 25 (Wine and Beer Retailer's Permit), 28 (Mixed Beverage Permit), 32 (Private Club Registration Permit), 69 (Retail Dealer's On-Premise License), or 74 (Brewpub License) of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code who DOES NOT hold a food and beverage certificate, from selling alcoholic beverages at a place of business located within 300 feet of a day-care center or child-care facility except as provided by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.

The Austin City Council may waive the prohibition if, after notice and a public hearing, the council determines that enforcement of the prohibition in a particular instance:

  1. is not in the best interest of the public;
  2. constitutes waste or the inefficient use of land or other resources;
  3. creates an undue hardship on an applicant;
  4. does not serve its intended purpose;
  5. is not effective or necessary; or
  6. for any other reason the council, after consideration of the health, safety, and welfare of the public and the equities of the situation, determines it is in the best interest of the community.
How to Apply for an Alcoholic Beverage Waiver

step 1   Complete an Alcoholic Beverage Waiver Application (PDF).

step 2   Contact Bryan Walker for submission instructions at

Alcoholic Beverage Waiver Appointments and Contact

Contact Us

For questions about Alcoholic Beverage Waivers or processes please call Bryan Walker at 512-974-2686 or email



If you would like to set up a 20-minute appointment to ask us general questions about Alcoholic Beverage Waivers, click the button below to schedule an appointment. 


Location: 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive 

Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes   


Schedule Virtual AppointmentSchedule In Person AppointmentCita VirtualCita en persona

BYOB Permit

About BYOB Permits

What is BYOB?

When an establishment not licensed or permitted by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission allows its patrons to bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the premises for consumption. This practice is often referred to as "BYOB", an acronym for "bring your own bottle".


Who is required to have a BYOB Permit:

An establishment (except those uses listed below)* that:

  1. is not licensed or permitted by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; and
  2. allows patrons to bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises for possession and consumption.


* Uses where a BYOB NOT required:

  1. a residence;
  2. an establishment operated by a governmental entity;
  3. a private club, as defined by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code;
  4. a fraternal or veteran's organization, as defined by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code;
  5. a college and university use, as defined by Section 25-2-6 (Civic Uses Described);
  6. a religious assembly use, as defined by Section 25-2-6 (Civic Uses Described);
  7. a restaurant, general or limited, as defined by Section 25-2-4 (Commercial Uses Described);
  8. a theater use, as defined by Section 25-2-4 (Commercial Uses Described).
How to Apply for a BYOB Permit

step 1  Complete a BYOB Application (PDF).

step 2   Email Permit Application to

BYOB Permit Appointments and Contact

Contact Us

For questions about BYOB permits please call Bryan Walker at 512-974-2686 or email



If you would like to set up a 20-minute appointment to ask us general questions about BYOB permits, click the button below to schedule an appointment. 


Location: 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive 

Expected Appointment Duration: 20 minutes   

 Schedule Virtual AppointmentSchedule In Person AppointmentCita VirtualCita en persona