The Site Plan Metric Report is a monthly report that provides updates on the volume and performance of the site plan review process. It summarizes 10 measures from throughout the process. This adds transparency and supports data-driven decisions. 

This reporting was implemented as part of the Transforming Site Plan Review project. To fully capture the site plan review process, these measures will be expanded and adapted as needed. If you have any questions or feedback about this report, please contact

Site Plan Metric Reports

Current Report

Days listed on reports are counted as calendar days.

June 2024 Site Plan Metric Report (PDF) Download Icon

Past Reports

Days listed on reports are counted as calendar days.

May 2024 Site Plan Metric Report (PDF) Download Icon

Report Definitions



Average Days for Initial Review Cycle The average number of days an application spends in the initial review cycle with City of Austin staff.
Average Days for Update Review Cycle The average number of days an application spends in an update review cycle with City of Austin staff. An update cycle is also known as a subsequent review cycle.
Average Number of Days Spent in Completeness Check The average number of days an application spends in completeness check review.
Average Number of Review Cycles per Permit Issued This graph shows the average number of review cycles an application completes before a permit is issued.
Breakdown of Days for Staff and Applicant During Formal Review This graph shows the average number of days it takes to receive a permit after submitting an application.  This count includes all phases of the site plan review process, from submittal to permit issuance. Beginning to end. Completed site plans are averaged in the fiscal year and quarter in which the permit is issued.
Count of Site Plan Applications Received This count is of all Site Plan applications submitted. Applications for completeness check and formal review are included in the total. It does not matter where the application is in the process, it is only counted once.
Count of Site Plan Permits Issued This is a count of approved applications that have a permit issued.
End-to-End Process Duration: Average Days from Application to Permit Issuance This graph shows the average number of days it takes to receive a permit after submitting an application.  This count includes all phases of the site plan review process, from submittal to permit issuance. Beginning to end. Completed site plans are averaged in the fiscal year and quarter in which the permit is issued.
Percent of Applications Passing Completeness Check on Initial Submission The percent of applications that met all completeness check requirements the first time they were submitted. Updates and additional reviews are not needed.
Total Days in Formal Review This count is the total number of days an application is in the Formal Review phase.  It includes all review cycles and the time an application is awaiting an update in between review cycles. This is measured by fiscal quarter.

Completeness check review then formal review then permit issuance

About Site Plan Review

A site plan is a detailed drawing of proposed improvements and construction on a lot. During the site plan review process, reviewers ensure all site development standards are met. The process starts with completeness check and then moves into formal review. Once all development standards are met, a permit is issued, and the project can move to the next step of the development process. Visit the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage to learn more.