2020 Meetings: Page 4 of 8
2020 Meetings: Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting documents are also available for:
July 15, 2020 (Cancelled)
Joint Committee of the Environmental Board and Parks Board Meeting
Cancellation Notice(110KB)
July 10, 2020
Special Called Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board - Via Videoconference
Approved Minutes(152KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes from June 24, 2020(206KB)
Backup - B1: Revised Trevino Park Presentation(5.6MB)
Backup - B1: Trevino Park Presentation(6.6MB)
Backup - B2: Baseball Field Presentation(102KB)
June 24, 2020
Special Called Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board - Via videoconference
Approved Minutes(191KB)
Recommendation - 20200624-D2: Concern that Parking Meters Along Parkland Create Equity Access Issues(89KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes from May 27, 2020(179KB)
Backup - B1: Census 2020 Presentation(5.5MB)
Backup - C1: Lone Star Riverboat Fact Sheet(95KB)
Backup - C2: Questions and Answers Memo(222KB)
Backup - C2: Texas Rowing Center Presentation(1.1MB)
Backup - C3: CAPCOG Presentation(297KB)
Backup - C4: A-Goodnight Ranch PUD Presentation(2.2MB)
Backup - C4: B-Goodnight Ranch PUD Ordinance(1.6MB)
Backup - C4: C-Applicant Ordinance Redline(4.8MB)
Backup - C4: D-Consent Agreement(4.5MB)
Backup - C4: E-3-Mile Loop Trail(1.2MB)
Backup - C5: Director's Memo to Board Chair(13.5MB)
Backup - C5: Metz Rec Center Renaming Presentation(181KB)
Backup - C6: Trevino Park Presentation(6.6MB)
Backup - D2: Parking and Mobility Working Group Draft Resolution(115KB)
Backup - E: Director's Report(1.2MB)
June 23, 2020 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Cancellation Notice(32KB)
June 9, 2020 (Cancelled)
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting - Meeting to be held at Parks and Recreation Department Annex, 919 W 28th ½ St, Austin, Texas 78705
Cancellation Notice(150KB)
June 8, 2020 (Cancelled)
Land, Facilities and Programs Committee Meeting
Cancellation Notice(66KB)
June 5, 2020
Land, Facilities and Programs Committee Meeting - Via videoconference
Approved Minutes(175KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes from November 18, 2019(32KB)
Backup - B1: Trevino Park Presentation(6.6MB)
Backup - B2: 3-Mile Loop Trail(1.2MB)
Backup - B2: Applicant Ordinance Redline(4.8MB)
Backup - B2: Consent Agreement(4.5MB)
Backup - B2: Goodnight Ranch PUD Presentation(2.2MB)
Backup - B2: Original PUD(1.6MB)
June 5, 2020
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting - Via Videoconference
Approved Minutes(150KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes from January 14, 2020(179KB)
Backup - B1: Lone Star Riverboat Extension Fact Sheet(81KB)
Backup - B2: Texas Rowing Center Presentation(1.0MB)
Backup - B3: CAPCOG Presentation(267KB)
Backup - C: June Contract Report(233KB)
2020 Meetings: Page 4 of 8
Page updated: 1/13/2025