2023 Meetings: Page 1 of 4
2023 Meetings: Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting documents are also available for:
November 27, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Approved Minutes(252KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-002: Gus Garcia Special Use Senior Facility(162KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-003: HTU Downs Field Parkland Use Agreement(161KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-004: Annual Concessions Report(157KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-005: TTC Annual Programming Plan(155KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-007: Chapter 8 Revisions(150KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231127-008: Chapter 14 Revisions(154KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of October 23, 2023(214KB)
Backup - 02-1: Gus Garcia Presentation(3.5MB)
Backup - 02-2: DRAFT Recommendation on Special Use Senior Facility at Gus Garcia(145KB)
Backup - 03-1: Downs Field HTU Agreement Presentation(905KB)
Backup - 04-1: 2023 Annual Concession Report Presentation(2.7MB)
Backup - 04-2: 2023 Annual Concession Report(16.7MB)
Backup - 05-1: TTC Annual Programming Plan Presentation(1.3MB)
Backup - 05-2: 2023 Impact Report and 2024 Programming Plan(3.0MB)
Backup - 05-3: TTC Programming Plan Event and Closure Overview(144KB)
Backup - 06-1: Holiday Dinner Events Presentation(1.3MB)
Backup - 06-2: Thank You Letter for Thanksgiving Events(501KB)
Backup - 07-1 & 08-1: Ordinance Revisions Overview Presentation(604KB)
Backup - 08-2: DRAFT CHAPTER 14-1. Naming and Renaming Provisions(175KB)
Backup - 10-1: Prop B Update Presentation(1.2MB)
Backup - 10-2: Draft Ordinance on November 30, 2023 City Council Agenda(62KB)
Backup - 11-1: PARD Director's Report, November 2023(3.6MB)
Backup - 16-1: Barton Springs Bathhouse Working Group Report(11.8MB)
November 17, 2023 (Cancelled)
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting - Regular meeting will be held at the Britton, Durst, Howard and Spence Building located at 1183 Chestnut Ave, Austin, TX 78702.
Cancellation Notice(150KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of September 20, 2023(176KB)
Backup - 02-1: PARD Contracts Report, November 2023(675KB)
Backup - 03-1: HTU Downs Field Agreement Presentation(905KB)
Backup - 04-1: 2023 Annual Concessions Report Presentation(2.7MB)
Backup - 04-1: Draft 2024 Meeting Schedule (108KB)
Backup - 04-2: Draft 2023 Annual Concessions Report(16.7MB)
October 23, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Agenda Addendum(181KB)
Approved Minutes(207KB)
Recommendation - 20231023-3: Parkland Dedication Term Sheet(172KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20231023-002: Mueller Parkland Maintenance Agreement(172KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of September 25, 2023(229KB)
Backup - 02-1: Mueller Perimeter Parks PMA Presentation(3.0MB)
Backup - 03-1: HB1526 Impacts to Parkland Dedication Presentation(694KB)
Backup - 03-2: Ordinance Amendment Review Sheet(64KB)
Backup - 03-3: Parkland Dedication Term Sheet(66KB)
Backup - 04-1: Holly Shores Vision Plan Phase 1 Implementation Presentation(2.7MB)
Backup - 04-2: Parks Board Memo on Holly Shores Vision Plan(1.9MB)
Backup - 05-1: Dove Springs Gym Renaming Presentation(569KB)
Backup - 05-2: Dove Springs Gym Renaming Application(231KB)
Backup - 06-1: PARD Director's Report, October 2023(5.9MB)
Backup - 12-1: ACL Music Fest Event Agreement Presentation(38KB)
Backup - 12-2: Excerpt of Email on ACL Fest and Park Restoration(138KB)
Backup - 13-1: The Creature Project Presentation(2.3MB)
Backup - 13-2: Thank You Letters for Creature Project(296KB)
September 25, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Approved Minutes(214KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20230925-3: Spicewood Springs ILA(161KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20230925-4: Wildhorse PUD(160KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20230925-7: Public Transportation to Barton Springs(204KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of August 28, 2023(217KB)
Backup - 02-1: Barton Springs Tree Presentation(1.6MB)
Backup - 03-1: Draft Recommendation on Spicewood Springs ILA(139KB)
Backup - 03-2: Spicewood Springs ILA Info Sheet(136KB)
Backup - 03-3: Spicewood Springs ILA Map(10.7MB)
Backup - 03-4: Draft Spicewood Springs ILA(133KB)
Backup - 04-1: Wildhorse PUD Amendment Presentation(1.6MB)
Backup - 04-2: Wildhorse PUD Amendment Letter from TPW July 2023(5.8MB)
Backup - 05-1: 311 S Congress PUD Amendment Presentation(1.6MB)
Backup - 05-2: 311 S Congress PUD Land Use Plan(2.8MB)
Backup - 05-3: 311 S Congress PUD Superiority Chart(210KB)
Backup - 06-1: Dove Springs Gym Renaming Presentation(571KB)
Backup - 06-2: Dove Springs Gym Renaming Application(231KB)
Backup - 07-1: Draft Recommendation on Bathhouse Rehab Transit Issues(166KB)
Backup - 08-1: Draft Parks Board 2024 Meeting Schedule(134KB)
Backup - 09-1: HB1526 Parkland Impacts Presentation(817KB)
Backup - 10-1: PARD FY24 Approved Budget Presentation(3.0MB)
Backup - 11-1: PARD Director's Report, September 2023(4.9MB)
September 20, 2023
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting
Approved Minutes(176KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of July 21, 2023(185KB)
Backup - 02-1: Land Stewardship Program Presentation(1.4MB)
Backup - 03-1: Monthly Contracts Report, September 2023(958KB)
Backup - 04-1: Spicewood Springs ILA Info Sheet(136KB)
Backup - 04-2: Spicewood Springs ILA Map(10.7MB)
Backup - 04-3: Draft Spicewood Springs ILA(133KB)
September 15, 2023 (Cancelled)
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board - Regular meeting will be held at the Britton, Durst, Howard and Spence Building located at 1183 Chestnut Ave, Austin, TX 78702.
Cancellation Notice(148KB)
Backup - 3-1: Monthly Contracts Report, September 2023(958KB)
August 28, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Approved Minutes(206KB)
Recommendation - Recommendation 20230828-04: Interment Services Contract Extension(159KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of July 24, 2023(244KB)
Backup - 02-1: Barton Springs Pool Tree Presentation (738KB)
Backup - 03-1: PARD Director's Report, August 2023(5.9MB)
Backup - 04-1: Cemetery Operations Presentation(1.5MB)
Backup - 05-1: Wildhorse PUD Amendment Presentation(1.6MB)
Backup - 05-2: Wildhorse PUD Amendment Redlines(11.7MB)
Backup - 05-3: Letter from Transportation Public Works Department(5.8MB)
Backup - 05-4: Parks Board Memo Wildhorse PUD(348KB)
July 24, 2023
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Approved Minutes(226KB)
Recommendation - 20230724-03: Rowing Dock Extension(160KB)
Recommendation - 20230724-04: Land Management Plan(158KB)
Recommendation - 20230724-05: Zilker Polo Field Parking and Shuttle(410KB)
Backup - 01-1: Draft Minutes of June 26, 2023(250KB)
Backup - 02-1: PARD Director's Report, July 2023(4.8MB)
Backup - 02-1: Rowing Dock Extension Presentation(466KB)
Backup - 03-2: Draft Recommendation on Rowing Dock Contract Extension(140KB)
Backup - 04-1: Land Management Plan Presentation(6.0MB)
Backup - 05-1: Draft Recommendation on Zilker Polo Field and Shuttle(422KB)
Backup - 05-2: Council Resolution No. 20180628-72(140KB)
Backup - 05-3: Zilker Park Working Group Summary and Personal Statements(5.3MB)
Backup - 05-4: Photos of Zilker Polo Field from July 2, 2023(2.1MB)
Backup - 05-5: Photos of Zilker Polo Field from July 8, 2023(8.8MB)
Backup - 06-1: Parks Board 2023 Annual Internal Review and Report(228KB)
Backup - 10-1: Memo on the Purview of the Joint Committee(54KB)
2023 Meetings: Page 1 of 4
Page updated: 7/25/2024